Southglen Veterinary Hospital

Southglen Veterinary Hospital Welcome! Thank you for considering our hospital to care for the health of your pet! We are proud to provide pet care for your companion animals.

Our veterinarians, Dr. Litchfield, Dr. Blankvoort, Dr. Guinn and Dr. Wawryk, recognize that your pets are an important part of your family. Our team is available to answer any questions or concerns you may have about your pet's care. Whether you need assistance meeting your pet's special dietary requirements or have concerns about vaccine protocols, we are here to help.

Meet Cinders 🐈‍⬛This 15 year old gal recently had a dental with Dr. Guinn, which included the extraction of 9 very disea...

Meet Cinders 🐈‍⬛
This 15 year old gal recently had a dental with Dr. Guinn, which included the extraction of 9 very diseased teeth.

❗️Proceed with caution if swiping to the next photos ❗️
Picture two shows her canine tooth mid-extraction, and picture three is showing how red and angry her gums are, as well as a resorptive lesion (dissolving tooth) on one of her pre-molars.

This gal is feeling like a million bucks after her procedure!

We will be closing tonight at 7:00pm. If you have a medical emergency, please reach out to our friends at Bridgwater Vet...

We will be closing tonight at 7:00pm. If you have a medical emergency, please reach out to our friends at Bridgwater Veterinary Hospital at 204-452-0911.

See you this weekend for our regular business hours!

🐈‍⬛ Maeby presented with a painful swelling over the left side of her face. Dr. Blankvoort’s exam determined that the sw...

🐈‍⬛ Maeby presented with a painful swelling over the left side of her face. Dr. Blankvoort’s exam determined that the swelling was due to a tooth root abscess 🦷

Dental radiographs showed us quite a few surprises! A few of her teeth were resorbing (dissolving) below the gum line (shown in picture 2 and 3). This is a common finding in feline patients especially, but the actual cause of them is somewhat unknown.

Picture 4 is what remained of her tooth root abscess and an impressive amount of tartar on said diseased tooth.

Swipe to the very last picture to see Maeby relaxing at home 🥰

🦷 Did you know that we perform dental radiographs with every single dental procedure? Dental x-rays ensure that we have ...

🦷 Did you know that we perform dental radiographs with every single dental procedure?

Dental x-rays ensure that we have the complete picture (pun intended) so we can be certain that we’re addressing any potentially painful issues.

We are often shocked by the issues we find below the gum line, which just confirms that dental radiographs are essential for finding hidden pathology.

Meet Dezi!This guy has had quite a few dentals now! Being such a tiny, small breed boy makes him more prone to accumulat...

Meet Dezi!

This guy has had quite a few dentals now! Being such a tiny, small breed boy makes him more prone to accumulating tartar and oral bone loss.
At his most recent dental, his last remaining 5 teeth were removed due to severe periodontal disease.

Fun fact: toothless dogs and cats do really well and live very normal, happy lives! Unlike humans, they do not technically need to chew their food in order to digest properly.

🖤 Bender 🖤Bender is a 10.5 year old Labrador retriever.He comes in for monthly cartrophen injections (which help lubrica...

🖤 Bender 🖤

Bender is a 10.5 year old Labrador retriever.
He comes in for monthly cartrophen injections (which help lubricate his joints) and is on flexadin; a chewable treat-like supplement which supports joint health.
His owner brings him for regular check ups and blood work appointments so we can screen for any early signs of aging or illness.
He also suffers from allergies so he gets a monthly injection to help with pruritus as well.

Current status update from his owner:
"I never need an alarm clock because Bender knows when it's breakfast time. This is immediately followed by his morning walk, but only after showing off his pre-walk jumps. He always wears a light during his walks because: black dog problems."

🟢 Jade 🟢Jade is a 15 year old tabby.She has a heart murmur, hypertension and suffers from anxiety so she's on medication...

🟢 Jade 🟢

Jade is a 15 year old tabby.
She has a heart murmur, hypertension and suffers from anxiety so she's on medications to help with these issues.
She had a dental earlier this year and has her blood pressure monitored regularly.

Current status update from her owner:
"Jade doesn't play much anymore but she loves her snuggles! She also loves laying outside and watching the world go by."

🤎 Buster 🤎Buster is an 8 year old Rottweiler mix.This guy's mobility is no issue and we love that for him!He does howeve...

🤎 Buster 🤎

Buster is an 8 year old Rottweiler mix.
This guy's mobility is no issue and we love that for him!
He does however have hypothyroidism and allergies so he frequents the vet quite often for routine check ups and blood work. (Which is great for him because he gets all the snuggles and treats but not so great for his owners' wallets).

Current status update from his owner:
"Buster loves butter and he will try anything to get it. Just the other day it was on the counter and he snuck a chunk of it the second our backs were turned!"

🐱 Dee Dee & Louie 🐱Both of these boys are 15 year old domestic shorthairs.Dee Dee has kidney disease and tends to get a ...

🐱 Dee Dee & Louie 🐱

Both of these boys are 15 year old domestic shorthairs.
Dee Dee has kidney disease and tends to get a little dehydrated with intermittent constipation. The owner provides SQ fluids (fluid administration under the skin) to help keep him hydrated and gives him a daily supplement to help regulate his bowel movements.
He's also on a senior diet which helps support his kidneys and provides senior focused nutrients while minimizing the nutrients that he no longer abundantly requires.
Both boys also receive monthly Solensia injections (which targets feline arthritis pain) and take oral pain relief on the days that they seem extra stiff.

Current status update from their owner:
"Dee Dee (né: doctor Science) is currently out of the office. Snacks may be delivered to the nearest sun beam."

🧚‍♀️ Tinkerbell 🧚‍♀️Tinkerbell is a 14.5 year old Pug mix.She comes in for monthly Librela & cartrophen injections to he...

🧚‍♀️ Tinkerbell 🧚‍♀️

Tinkerbell is a 14.5 year old Pug mix.
She comes in for monthly Librela & cartrophen injections to help keep her comfortable and mobile.
Librela specifically targets pain associated with canine arthritis and we love nothing more than all the success stories we hear from clients!
Cartrophen promotes the growth of synovial fluid which lubricates their joints and prevents stiffness.

Current status update from her owner:
"Once the weather gets cold, Tinkerbell loves to cocoon herself in blankets and make me guess which pile she's under... Though sometimes she gives herself away with her snoring."

🐻 Baloo 🐻Baloo is an 11 year old domestic longhair.He comes in for annual dentals as he's FIV positive which can signifi...

🐻 Baloo 🐻

Baloo is an 11 year old domestic longhair.
He comes in for annual dentals as he's FIV positive which can significantly affect feline dental health. He always has pre-anesthetic blood work beforehand to ensure proper organ function. Baloo is in very good health despite his immunodeficiency!

Current status update from his owner:
"Baloo just had his dental so I'm looking forward to his fresh breath... For a couple of months. Then I'll start thinking about the next one!"

🐶 Scamp 🐶Scamp is a 9 year old Shepherd mix.He's on daily oral supplements to help support his joints as he ages. He onl...

🐶 Scamp 🐶

Scamp is a 9 year old Shepherd mix.
He's on daily oral supplements to help support his joints as he ages. He only takes prescription medications if he forgets his age and runs a little too hard.
His owner trims his nails regularly as well - trimming seniors' nails can help their mobility significantly. If their nails are too long or overgrown, it can ultimately change the way they walk and will negatively impact their comfort overall.

Current status update from his owner:
"Scamp is still limber enough to jump up onto the counter! In fact, he recently got into our metamucil gummies... This resulted in a trip to Southglen vet to see his aunties."

🌹Rose🌹 Rose is a 13.5 year old domestic shorthair.She gets monthly Solensia injections which help specifically target pa...


Rose is a 13.5 year old domestic shorthair.
She gets monthly Solensia injections which help specifically target pain associated with feline arthritis.
She also comes in for annual dental cleanings where we monitor her blood work & blood pressure for any age related changes.

Current status update from her owner:
"Rose loves cuddling, chasing sun beams, exploring the yard on her leash and spending time at the lake."

🍋 Our first senior patient in the spotlight is Lemon 🍋 Lemon is a 14.5 year old retriever mix.She gets monthly Librela i...

🍋 Our first senior patient in the spotlight is Lemon 🍋

Lemon is a 14.5 year old retriever mix.
She gets monthly Librela injections to help specifically target pain associated with canine arthritis.
She also takes a couple prescription pain relief medications to help keep her comfortable. In order to be on these medications long term, we do have to ensure proper organ function so Lemon also comes in for blood work every few months.

Current status update from her owner:
"She still gets into trouble regularly. She actually just stole a mini box of candy out of the pantry while I was watching."

✨Shannon✨1. What's your favorite vet med related myth to bust?"My dog is limping... He's not in pain though!" If an anim...


1. What's your favorite vet med related myth to bust?

"My dog is limping... He's not in pain though!" If an animal is limping, it's for a reason - they're in pain. Same as humans! Vocalizing isn't the only sign of pain. Animals can be quite stoic.

2. What's your favorite breed and why?

Golden Retriever - I’ve never had one but always wanted one. They are almost always happy, sweet, loyal and well behaved.
Or a corgi crossed with anything - those short stubby legs!!!

3. Name one of the best pet names you've heard:

An old neighbor had a beagle named Jon and when he got mad at him he would yell “Jonathon!”

4. Name a fun fact about yourself:

I have a few tattoos but one of my favorites is of my old dog Jersey’s nose print with a little lemon beside it. I referred to her as my “lemon” dog multiple times throughout her life because she was like an old car with many issues. She’s been gone since 2021 but her nose (and lemon) will be with me forever.

5. What's your favorite part about being an RVT?

Being able to witness firsthand the impact of the Human Animal Bond.

✨Abby✨1. What's your favorite vet med related myth to bust?"My dog is wagging its tail/my cat is purring so they're fine...


1. What's your favorite vet med related myth to bust?

"My dog is wagging its tail/my cat is purring so they're fine!" Though we usually associate a cat purring and a dog wagging their tail with a happy animal, these can also occasionally be indicators of stress. Posture, ear position, eye position and body language all help clue us in to how they're feeling.

2. What's your favorite breed and why?

I'm definitely a cat lady (even though I do still love dogs), so my favourite cat breed is a good ol' domestic longhair, especially if it's an orange tabby. These are some of the goofiest, most affectionate cats I've ever met and as an orange cat mom, I can't imagine life without my chaotic little guy.

3. Name one of the best pet names you've heard:

I LOVE food related names for pets. Some favourites that I've heard would have to be Hashbrown, Mac & Cheese (Mac for short) and Cannoli.

4. Name a fun fact about yourself:

I have 3 cats at home and one of them is a sphynx (hairless cat)! She loves wearing sweaters and staying cozy under blanket 'caves'.

5. What's your favorite part about being an RVT?

I love being an RVT for so many reasons, but at the top of my list is being able to practice medicine that I'm proud of and feel like I'm making a difference in a pet's life and their human's. There is no better feeling to me than being able to see a sick or injured pet start to feel so much better and being a part of that journey.

✨Jessica H✨1. What's your favorite vet med related myth to bust?"I don't need deworming for my pet." All puppies and kit...

✨Jessica H✨

1. What's your favorite vet med related myth to bust?

"I don't need deworming for my pet." All puppies and kittens are born with worms and require multiple rounds of deworming. This also goes for adult dogs and cats!

2. What's your favorite breed and why?

I like cats - young cats, old cats, big cats, small cats, all breeds of cats! My favourite coloured cat is black though and this is because they are always overlooked when being adopted. They are some of the sweetest creatures and deserve all the love!

3. Name one of the best pet names you've heard:


4. Name a fun fact about yourself:

I used to wear an eye patch as a kid to try to strengthen my left eye. You could say I was a real life pirate.

5. What's your favorite part about being an RVT?

I love educating clients on topics that they were not familiar with, especially nutrition! There are no stupid questions when discussing topics with me!

✨Juliette✨1. What's your favorite vet med related myth to bust?"Veterinary staff get incentives to recommend certain pro...


1. What's your favorite vet med related myth to bust?

"Veterinary staff get incentives to recommend certain products!" We get absolutely nothing 😂
We recommend products based on what's medically necessary for the pet.

2. What's your favorite breed and why?

I love mutts because they come in all shapes and sizes!

3. Name one of the best pet names you've heard:

Any human name for a pet - like Peter.

4. Name a fun fact about yourself:

I worked as an Intelligence Operator in the Navel Reserves for 5 years.

5. What's your favorite part about being an RVT?

My favorite thing about being an RVT is pulling blood. The puppy cuddles are a bonus!


V-730 St. Anne's Road
Winnipeg, MB

Opening Hours

Monday 7:30am - 12am
Tuesday 7:30am - 12am
Wednesday 7:30am - 12am
Thursday 7:30am - 12am
Friday 7:30am - 12am
Saturday 9am - 8pm
Sunday 9am - 8pm




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