Lewis & Clark Collar Co.

Lewis & Clark Collar Co. Dog collars & leashes for good dogs and their humans.

Hopefully our Manitoba winter doesn’t last too much longer, but may as well get all the beautiful snowy photos in while ...

Hopefully our Manitoba winter doesn’t last too much longer, but may as well get all the beautiful snowy photos in while we can, right? ❄️

This Purple Florals and Golden Laurels has been a best-seller every winter and is still available in my shop. I know there’s a huge sect purple lovers out there 💜

Buster hit the foster-pup jackpot and is spending some time with the wonderful   Her stories warm my little heart as thi...

Buster hit the foster-pup jackpot and is spending some time with the wonderful Her stories warm my little heart as this big boy comes out of his shell. He recently discovered couches and has been practicing his zoomies. Is your couch looking a little bare these days? Maybe a Buster sized spot? 😏

Show Buster some love so we can get him out of foster and into forever!

Photo credit to
Collar by 🙋‍♀️: Lewis & Clark Pass, 1.5” martingale with antique brass hardware

Hello! 👋 Well, after a major surgery and two plague-like illnesses later…I’m back! While it felt strange to be closed fo...

Hello! 👋

Well, after a major surgery and two plague-like illnesses later…I’m back! While it felt strange to be closed for this long, I’m hoping to be back and better than ever.

Some good updates:
🎀 Pebbles most recent bile acid check (3 months post surgery) showed totally normal bile acid levels, suggesting that the surgery was a success! She’s still on her fancy prescription food and the drama factor has increased 10-fold (she now howl yawns). Shown in photo two.
😇 Percy remains an absolute angel. Shown in photo three.
🛍️ I’m hoping to do some more markets and pop ups this year - no announcements yet, but stay tuned!
🌼 I am already working on the Spring collection, because winter seems long already.
🆕 I haven’t forgot about harnesses and harnesses WILL be launched this year! I will be looking for input in the next couple months (after the new Spring prints are released 😏) to figure out which prints should be celebrated on the harnesses.

To thank each of you fine folks for sticking around through this extended absence, please use coupon code WELCOMEBACK to save 15% site wide until January 19.

What else should I be doing in 2025?

Pebbles is 3 weeks post-op today and she is doing great! She absolutely loves her prescription food, has a ton of energy...

Pebbles is 3 weeks post-op today and she is doing great! She absolutely loves her prescription food, has a ton of energy, super playful with Percy again, and seems like she is re-living her puppyhood all over again (complete with biting everything and generally being very rambunctious).

We go for repeat tests at 6 and 12 weeks post-op, but so far everything is looking good!

AND, after nearly a month of continuous battling, I successfully won the appeal against pet insurance. If you’ve won a pet insurance appeal, you know this is no small feat! We are so thankful to for getting her to the vet so quickly, to for their excellent care and endless patience with my thousands of questions, and to , our home clinic, for their attentive follow-up and care. Without this surgery, Pebbles would have had a short and medically complicated life. I know I have another special little pup on my hands after honing that craft with years of caring for Clarky. I guess I just can’t stay away!

Thanks to everyone who has checked in on us and offered words of encouragement and support. 🖤🖤🖤

👀 The Mystery Sale is back! 👀 Everyone’s favourite sale is back! While supplies last (really, there are limited quantiti...

👀 The Mystery Sale is back! 👀

Everyone’s favourite sale is back! While supplies last (really, there are limited quantities) take a chance on a mystery collar or leash at steep discounts! Collars are $19 (1”) or $23 (1.5”) and leashes are $22 (5’) or $27 (6’).

I’ve also included my winter and Christmas inventory in the sale, given that I won’t be at any markets this season. The winter items have separate listings, so you can choose winter or Christmas mystery items, or mystery items from my general collections.

The conditions and fine print:
- please don’t request specific prints. It’s a mystery sale and there’s no mystery in that 😘
- for non-Winter/Christmas mystery items, you can specify the gender of your dog to inform print selection. Print selection is at my discretion.
- due to the volume of sales and the steep discount being offered, I will not be reviewing your past purchases. There is a chance that you may receive a print that you’ve purchased in the past. Think of this as the universe telling you to gift it to a dog loving friend, or to an animal welfare agency of your choice (they ALL need our help these days, and just picture a shelter dog doing a new collar dance 🥹)

All items are new, and ready-to-ship. Please allow about 1 week for me to get your orders packaged from this sale. I’m currently sewing orders placed during the last couple days of September, so those will be in the mail in the next couple days, too.

Scroll through the photos here to see the mystery listings and plan your attack! Sale goes live at noon today (Mon., Oct 14). Sizes, gender preferences, and overall quantities will sell out, so act fast or miss out until our next mystery sale 🕵️

Hi Friends 👋 I’ve got good news & bad news. Bad news: In keeping with the general vibe of my 2024 (💩), I will be out of ...

Hi Friends 👋 I’ve got good news & bad news.

Bad news: In keeping with the general vibe of my 2024 (💩), I will be out of commission due to some upcoming health stuff beginning in early November and throughout the month of December. This means there won’t be a Christmas collection, I won’t be at any markets or pop-ups, and any Christmas and seasonal items will need to be ordered early…as in, within the next couple weeks.

The good news (actually 3 pieces of good news):
1) The TUNDRA collections of seasons past are already live on the website for your winter & Christmas outfit needs.

2) Another mystery sale will be happening, beginning at noon CST on October 14. You will be able to purchase winter and seasonal mystery items, OR general (non-winter/Christmas) items at steep discounts. Obviously, being closed as a small business during the busiest season of the year is not ideal…so we are doing what we can to keep things afloat!

3) Harnesses ARE coming. Those have had to take a backseat for the time being, but I will be introducing harnesses for small through medium pups in early 2025, with plans for big-pup harnesses coming later in 2025 (two totally different harness designs).

Pending my own recovery, I hope to reopen in early 2025. Right now, I am anticipating closing my shop on Saturday, October 26 - 2 weeks from today. My hope is that 2025 brings good health for my dogs and I, and that I can continue to introduce new products and new designs to the beloved Lewis & Clark brand. ♥️

When your outfit for Monday is on point! 💁‍♀️Waffles added the Mountain Dusk collar to her collection, and may we say, t...

When your outfit for Monday is on point! 💁‍♀️

Waffles added the Mountain Dusk collar to her collection, and may we say, that the colours are absolutely beautiful on her? I love when you folks take better photos than me and will never turn those down. Check out to see what print Louis chose 😘

✨ Pebs Update ✨ Thank you to everyone who has checked in on us. Pebs underwent her corrective liver shunt surgery this w...

✨ Pebs Update ✨

Thank you to everyone who has checked in on us. Pebs underwent her corrective liver shunt surgery this week. This is a massive surgery for any dog, particularly one as tiny and young as Pebs.

The actual surgery went well, and after an overnight stay she was discharged home. While I thought this would be the easier part (why did I think that? 🙃), it’s been very stressful monitoring her post-op. Even with a relatively smooth surgery, there are significant risks post-op, some that can occur quickly and would require emergent veterinary care. Add to that the fact that she has been quite uncomfortable and - at times - in significant pain. Due to her liver function, we have to be very careful (still) with what medications she can have, and her body may not process the same medication, at the same dose, in the same way every time. Further, though I describe this as a corrective surgery, we won’t know if it’s been effective for 6-12 weeks as she will have more tests at that time to reassess her liver function. And, PS, still appealing with pet insurance.

So for now, we are trying to watch and supervise Pebs as much as we can. Percy has been great but doesn’t always read the room 🫠 With a couple sleepless nights under my belt, there are bound to be a couple more.

But, this girl is a fighter. We knew that, and she’s proved it time and time again. At only 6 months old (estimated) she has already been through so much. She punches above her 4.5lb weight class, and her feisty and resilient spirit are so evident. I’m so proud of my little Pebs, and I’m so hopeful that things will improve for her (and us) from here on out.

Many thanks to the wonderful teams at , , and Great Plains Surgery for their care and expertise.

A wee Pebbles update as we can use all the good thoughts we can get. Last Thursday, Pebs was rushed to the emergency vet...

A wee Pebbles update as we can use all the good thoughts we can get.

Last Thursday, Pebs was rushed to the emergency vet (while we were on vacation) due to weakness and a decrease in her level of consciousness. It was discovered that she had broken a tooth which had become infected, and in running further tests her liver enzymes were sky high. She was immediately placed on IV fluids and antibiotics and was in pretty critical condition.

Fast forward: a congenital liver defect has been discovered. This is likely a result of significant inbreeding (she was rescued from a mass seizure of 68+ dogs). Specifically, Pebs has an extrahepatic liver shunt which means her liver isn’t adequately processing nutrients or filtering out toxins. So, not only does the food she eat not get well-absorbed, it also means that the toxins that the liver helps to eliminate are left free floating and affect her brain (and thus her behaviour). This is a very serious condition which is best addressed by major surgery.

I can’t count how many contacts we’ve had with our vet, the emergency vet, pet insurance etc. We are hopeful that she will receive corrective surgery within the next week. Until then, she basically requires constant supervision, a specialized diet, and several medications. The surgery itself is associated with significant risks and given her less than 5lb weight will be a delicate operation (literally).

This is an immensely stressful time for our little fam, and for Ms. Percy who has been a very patient and gracious pup towards Pebbles. Pebs is not herself right now which is perhaps the most difficult part of all.

On a slightly funny note, her new food is described as “thin slices in gravy” which means it’s extra messy so her face is extra dirty. The tooth can’t be addressed until after the liver surgery so she’s not keen on having her face handled. So, my little raggamuffin is living life with a dirty face, but if it means she’s eating the food that she needs to be eating then we’ll take it.

OH and I’m still recovering from my latest battle with COVID.

Somehow, I’ve still been sewing and several orders are just waiting to be packed up. Sewing is a good distraction when I have the time and energy to do it, and none of the above are inexpensive medical pursuits (you probably got that vibe).

All this to say, little Pebs and our family can use all the support and encouragement we can get. Comments, messages, post-sharing, product post sharing, orders…I see them all and I appreciate them all. 🖤🖤

We are dealing with some really scary stuff with Pebbles. She is in very serious condition and requires at least one sig...

We are dealing with some really scary stuff with Pebbles. She is in very serious condition and requires at least one significant surgery. She was discharged from hospital but her condition is fragile and she may require re-admission at anytime.

As it turns out, I am concurrently recovering from acute COVID, which you may recall I have a rather illustrious history with. I am no longer contagious but am still recovering.

I am still planning to go ahead with the launch today. I am asking for your patience and grace as I work to fill the orders as efficiently as I can, given the unpredictable trajectories of my recovery and Pebbles’ condition. I am still going to maintain my standard 3-week turnaround time and if at anytime that window needs to be extended I will communicate that to the affected orders. Similarly, I may cap orders today or close my shop temporarily in the coming days/weeks.

This is the part where my identity as a business owner gets super intertwined with my own life, as the reality is that I am a solely 1-person operation. I don’t have any assistants or seamstresses. Thank you for everyone who has reached out to ask about Pebbles and to check in. I have read all of your messages and I appreciate them.

This is an older photo of Pebs to remind me that she is a spunky, tough little fighter of a thing 🖤

🏔️ Mountain Dusk 🌅 This collar captures the beauty of nature with its striking landscape design of silhouetted trees and...

🏔️ Mountain Dusk 🌅

This collar captures the beauty of nature with its striking landscape design of silhouetted trees and purple mountain skies. The perfect pairing with the Lewis & Clark Pass print 🥹

Shown in 1.5” width with silver hardware and 1” with rose gold hardware.

This is the final print of our new collection, which launches on Saturday, Sept. 21 at 5PM CST. Set those alarms and plan out that cart! 🏃🏻‍♀️

🐿️ Squirrel Nemesis 🐿️ Squirrels are one of my most-often requested prints…so behold, the Squirrel Nemeses themselves! B...

🐿️ Squirrel Nemesis 🐿️

Squirrels are one of my most-often requested prints…so behold, the Squirrel Nemeses themselves! Bounding squirrels are JUST out of reach of their captor, bounding across a teal brocade backdrop.

If squirrels are forever out of reach for you pup, bestow them with the gift of the Squirrel Nemesis collar.

Shown here in the 1.5” width with gold hardware.

PS: Lewis was a big squirrel hunter but absolutely hopeless at it. He had a collar tag that read “Squirrel Patrol” which he ultimately lost, likely chasing squirrels. This one’s for you, buddy!

Fall Collection goes live Sept. 21 at 5PM CST.

💀 Gothic Skulls 💀 Would it even be spooky season if there wasn’t a skull collar involved? No! Behold the newest skull co...

💀 Gothic Skulls 💀

Would it even be spooky season if there wasn’t a skull collar involved? No! Behold the newest skull collar - nearly black with skulls, moths, and daisies. And maybe moths are even spookier than skulls? 👻

Shown here in the 1.5” width with brass hardware, also available in 1” width.

I’ll put some more photos in my stories so that you can really see the detail on this one!

PS if you love skulls and this isn’t quite your vibe, check my website for the re-stocked fan favourite of the Skulls & Roses print.

👵 Granny Squares 👵 I’ve wanted to bring in a crochet print forever, and this retro granny squares print seemed like the ...

👵 Granny Squares 👵

I’ve wanted to bring in a crochet print forever, and this retro granny squares print seemed like the perfect fit for Fall. This is one that you have to touch to believe that it’s totally flat and texture-less, and I love the cozy vibes.

1.5” shown with gold hardware
1” shown with antique brass hardware

All four of the new incoming prints launch exclusively on Saturday, Sept. 21 at 5PM CST.

Are granny squares your perfect Fall fashion? Lemme know in the comments below 👵

Autumn is here, and our next collection is ready to roll! There are four new prints, and hopefully a little something fo...

Autumn is here, and our next collection is ready to roll! There are four new prints, and hopefully a little something for everyone!

✏️ Some notes and pro-tips ✏️

⏰ Set your alarms for Saturday, September 21 at 5PM (CST) - this is when the collection will go live on the website.
📏 Pro-tip: pre-measure your dog (or a current collar) for swift guess-free ordering.
🛒 Scope out the site for other Fall prints you might want to add to your collection!
🏃‍♂️ All prints are available in limited quantities. As always, if the demand is high enough, any prints that sell out may be reordered, but your best bet is to shop quickly to avoid waiting and a delay in your pup’s fall fashions.

Questions? DM me or leave your comment below. I’ll show ya the first print later today 😘

Everybody with their kiddos’ back to school photos today…the dogs want in on the action, too! Here’s Parmesan with her b...

Everybody with their kiddos’ back to school photos today…the dogs want in on the action, too! Here’s Parmesan with her best smile, and her new outfit - the Lewis & Clark Pass set. The Insta crop was not kind to this beautiful photo, see the proper version in my stories and keep those smiling puppy photos coming!

This time of year is my absolute fave, and with a new collection on the way (🤩), it’s time for an end of season sale! Ex...

This time of year is my absolute fave, and with a new collection on the way (🤩), it’s time for an end of season sale! Except scratch that, it’s a site-wide sale because that’s way more fun.

So, from now until 0800hrs CST on Tuesday, Sept. 3, save 20% site-wide using coupon code SOLONGSUMMER

Remember: I won’t be at any markets until 2025, so purchasing through my website is the way to go.

Fine print stuff: This code must be applied at checkout, and will combine with the >$125 free shipping. Due to the nature of this sale, some items may sell out and/or be oversold due to the listing structure. You will be notified ASAP if your item is out of stock and will be given a full refund (no rain cheques, sorry). Not valid on past purchases.

Shop Update☀️ This collection was one of the best-selling collections, thank you! I was particularly touched by the popu...

Shop Update☀️

This collection was one of the best-selling collections, thank you! I was particularly touched by the popularity of the Lewis & Clark Pass, and the kind messages that so many of you sent me. Lewis gives each of you a happy snort and Clark gives you a giant balance-adjusting head nudge.

I am not participating in any other markets this year. While I had hoped to, my life has had other plans and you won’t see me at any markets until 2025.

So, if you have your eye on these prints, online is the only way to get ‘em. My turnaround time is pretty quick these days (1 week or less at the moment) and buckle collars ship for $5 across Canada. The only items that are currently out of stock are the 1” width Mountain Pass collars & leashes, with a restock planned for Sept.

The Autumn collection is currently being proofed by the webbing supplier, so hopefully that’s here late Aug/early Sept!


Winnipeg, MB


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