Another failed DIY epoxy job. No worries as it was quite easy to remove the old coat and apply a fresh new Folsom flake blend. I really like the aqua blues in this blend
Here was the beginning of a very challenging job we took on a few months ago. Our customer had a floor installed by a competitor and while the floor appeared ok it was supposed to be non slippery but they were given a very smooth and super slippery floor as verified by an occupational therapist. Anyways we came and we were going to sand the existing epoxy actually light grind it but as we finished the grinding and went to hand grind some places that ground through we found the floor was not prepared properly and as you will see in the video could be peeled off with a utility knife blade. Moral of the story? Verify through references, reviews, BBB ratings or best yet ask someone you know if they have any experiences with a good installer as this is the best way of finding the right installer for you. Anyways sorry for the few curse words in the video
We were throwing down some Folsom flake last week for a customer in Halls Harbour. Wish I could have gotten a pic with the corvette on the floor. The aqua blues in this blend really stand out in the sun