IAVH - International Association for Veterinary Homeopathy

IAVH - International Association for Veterinary Homeopathy President: Don Hamilton, USA

Board: Vize-Presiden: Ilze Petersone, Latvia; General Secretary: Beatrice Milleder, Germany; Vize General Secretary: Banu Kantarcioglou, Turkey; Treasurer: Mirjam Blatnik, Slowenia

Let's introduce our next speaker for the International Veterinary Homeopathy Congress in April (25th/26th) 2025 in Nuren...

Let's introduce our next speaker for the International Veterinary Homeopathy Congress in April (25th/26th) 2025 in Nurenberg/Germany.
Dr. Banu Kantarcıoğlu was born in Istanbul in 1975. She completed her college in 1993, the Veterinary Faculty of the Istanbul University in 1998, and her Ph.D. in Veterinary Microbiology at the same university in 2005. The Ph.D. thesis was presented at the International Union of Microbiological Societies (IUMS). During these periods, she worked as a volunteer in the Immunology and Serology Laboratory and the Bacteriology Laboratory of Çapa Medical Faculty, Istanbul University. She practiced and worked in various small animal clinics in the Little Neston region and the University of Liverpool, the Department of Veterinary Clinical Science and Animal Husbandry and Small Animal Hospital and Philip Leverhulme Equine Hospital of the University of Liverpool in England. After graduation, she quit the animal hospital she was working in 2005 and opened her own clinic. She met Homeopathy during those days. She participated in education, seminars and congresses about the subject both local and abroad. She completed Classical Homeopathy education at the Homeopathy Association in Turkey.
She is the owner of the first and only Holistic Veterinary Clinic in Turkey since 2017 and Holistic Veterinary Academy since 2020. She is a guest speaker in many international congresses all over the world and gives lectures in her country, guest lecturer in GADVASU (Guru Angad Dev Veterinary And Animal Sciences University) INDIA, and Guest faculty member in LCH ( London College of Homeopathy) UK.
She is a member of the Homeopathy Association of Turkey, KHVHD (The Small Animal Veterinary Surgeons Association). She is still consulting in her clinic, while continuing her role as the
Representative of Turkey and Education subcommittee in IAVH where she is the vice General Secretary, Education working group LMHI (LIGA MEDICORUM HOMOEOPATHICA INTERNATIONALIS) and Education subcommittee in ECH (European Committee of Homeopathy).
She will talk about Nosodes and a Cancer case.
Faculty of Homeopathy

The next speaker I want to introduce is Dr. med. vet Spela Suhac from Slovenia. She will talk about Mindful listening as...

The next speaker I want to introduce is Dr. med. vet Spela Suhac from Slovenia.
She will talk about
Mindful listening as an everyday remedy and useful tool in homeopathy.

Mindfulness is a sustained nonreactive attention to one's ongoing mental contents and processes, which is accompanied by acceptance openness and curiosity. When we listen
mindfully, we pay attention to the owner’s voice and even body language. Listening this way help's us grasp both, what the client/patient is saying and how they are feeling and even what
gestures do they make, when they are talking. Samuel Hahnemann mentioned the importance
of such listening in his Organon (§ 83 and § 84).

Come to Nuremberg (Nürnberg, Germany) and listen to our fantastic speakers!


The Homeopathic Medical Society of the State of New York is hosting a new webinar...
Homeopathy for Pets
Presented by Dr. Christina Chambreau, DVM

Christina is an accomplished homeopathic veterinarian, author, and educator

Date and Time:
Saturday, February 8th, 2025
12-4 p.m. (Eastern)

Learn more: and register to attend: https://homeopathy-ny.org/2024veterinaryconference/

Out next speaker doesn't really need an introduction. Peter Gregory, DVM, from GB is a long time Veterinary homeopath, t...

Out next speaker doesn't really need an introduction. Peter Gregory, DVM, from GB is a long time Veterinary homeopath, teacher, examiner, former IAVH president, renowed author - and also a thoroughly nice person.
He says: "Sometimes we prescribe what we feel is a well indicated remedy and it fails to have the effect we expected. We take the case again and nothing seems to have changed. What can we do? Maybe we are missing something in the case. Our predecessors had this experience, too, and they developed strategies to help, using nosodes: Boericke described it as ‘when well chosen remedies fail to act’ This presentation will be based around this phrase, describing how nososdes can come to
the rescue."

Happy New Year everyone!

Happy New Year everyone!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Merry Christmas everyone!

In 2025 the IAVH Congress will take place in Nurenberg, Germany (Nürnberg) within the GGTM Congress, April 25th to 27th....

In 2025 the IAVH Congress will take place in Nurenberg, Germany (Nürnberg) within the GGTM Congress, April 25th to 27th.
The general theme will be: Nosodes, Tautodes and Remedies of everyday practice - and we will have speakers from allover the world.

We will start today to introduce our speakers.

First is María Carolina González Gómez, DVM, from Argentina.
Carolina is a member of our board and an experienced veterinary homeopath and teacher in her country. She is also an international speaker and her contributions are always well received.
She will eview several clinical cases related to separation
conflicts and other types of conflicts. These cases
demonstrate how emotional conflicts trigger specific biological processes, helping
us to understand disease not as a mistake but as a coherent and meaningful
response by the organism to an unresolved conflict.
For the final selection of the remedy, in some cases it is very helpful to identify
the specific conflict, as this can make it easier to find the Simillimum.

Education in Homeopathy for VetsYou are a veterinarian and interrested in Homeopathy, this is what you need: At the begi...

Education in Homeopathy for Vets

You are a veterinarian and interrested in Homeopathy, this is what you need:
At the beginning 2025 starts my next complete education in classical and modern Veterinary Homeopathy.
I am Dr. Stefan Kohlrausch, DVM (Dr.med.vet., Dipl.Ing.agr., BmIavh, WBE Homeopathy TÄ, ZB Homeopathy TÄ), born in Germany but now living and practicing in Spain.
My professional life is dedicated to treating all types of animals for the past 33 years with Homeopathy and I am an international teacher and examiner for the IAVH (iavh.org) since 2005. The 3 year education will lead to the IAVH Certificate and will be held online every 2 weeks one evening and the practical education will be twice a year for some days at the beautiful village La Herradura in Andalucia, Spain by the Mediterranean Sea.
For more information: [email protected].

As part of the Congress the IAVH will have its Homeopathy event (1 1/2 days) with speakers from all over the world. Live...

As part of the Congress the IAVH will have its Homeopathy event (1 1/2 days) with speakers from all over the world. Live, online and with simultaneous translation (English-German and vica-versa).
You will hear everything about Nosodes, Tautodes and everyday remedies!
Come join us in Nürnberg!

✨SAVE THE DATE✨ Nächstes Jahr feiert der Internationale Kongress für Ganzheitliche Tiermedizin vom 25. - 27. April 2025 sein 25-jähriges Jubiläum in Nürnberg🥳 Markiert den Termin in euren Kalendern und seid dabei❗️Von manuellen Therapien über internationale Referierende bis hin zu hybriden Seminaren haben wir alles dabei👩‍⚕️👨‍⚕️🐕🐈. Wir freuen uns auf euch!😊

Taking the case in veterinary homeopathy can be very calming for your patients :)Wishing you all a relaxing sunny Sunday...

Taking the case in veterinary homeopathy can be very calming for your patients :)
Wishing you all a relaxing sunny Sunday.

The homeopathic working group of the GGTM (German holitic Veterinarians) met for the weekend in Uberlingen near Lake Con...

The homeopathic working group of the GGTM (German holitic Veterinarians) met for the weekend in Uberlingen near Lake Constance at the home of homeopathic vet, Annelore Seyfried, and spent a productive weekend, talking about homeopathic solutions for behavioural problems of cats. Thank you everyone for coming.


Landoldstrasse 20


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Our Story

Vorstand Präsidentin: Ilze Petersone; Generalsekretär: David Bettio; Vize-Generalsekräterin: Cinzia Ciamatori; Schatzmeister: Mirjam; Vize-Präsidentin: Minako Kurado