HorsevetMaia Sàrl

HorsevetMaia Sàrl Outstanding care through innovation, teamwork and service.
« Your equine is our priority”

Congratulations 🤩

Congratulations 🤩


📢 In weniger als einem Monat startet unsere jährliche Kampagne "Impfen für Afrika" - und das bereits zum 19. Mal!

Vom 3. bis 8. Juni 2024 sammeln Schweizer Tierärztinnen und -ärzte die Einnahmen aus den bei ihnen durchgeführten Impfungen und spenden sie an VSF-Suisse. Damit unterstützen sie unsere lebenswichtigen Projekte in West- und Ostafrika. 🌍

😁 Ein riesiges Dankeschön an die schon angemeldeten Tierarztpraxen in diesem Jahr:
Adrovet SA, Amivet, AniCura Tierklinik Thun, ANIMAL Kleintierpraxis, Bessy's Kleintierklinik AG, Cabinet Vétérinaire Au Cœur de Rolle Suisse, Cabinet vétérinaire Argos, Cabinet vétérinaire AuFuret Echichens Suisse, Cabinet vétérinaire Christine Daves SA, Cabinet Vétérinaire de La Blécherette, Cabinet Vétérinaire MarVet, Centro Veterinario 3 Valli Sagl, Clinique Vétélys : Centre Vétérinaire 24/7 Genève, Gross- und Kleintierpraxis Emmevet AG, Groupe vétérinaire des Ducats, Haustierärztin Silvia Puhl, HorsevetMaia Sàrl, Kleintier und Vogelpraxis, Kleintierpraxis Burlet, Kleintierpraxis Dr. Romana Jäggi, Kleintierpraxis im Moos, Kleintierpraxis Kreis 2, Kleintierpraxis Pabst und Theis GmbH, Kleintierpraxis Schwarzenburg, Kleintierpraxis Seegarten, Kleintierpraxis Spiez, Kleintierpraxis Steinhausen, Kleintierpraxis Susi & Strolch, Krebs Vétérinaires SA, MeikoVet Kleintierpraxis Lenzburg, Schönau-Vets AG, Staviavet Sàrl, Sumiswald Tierärzte, Tezet Tiermedizinisches Zentrum AG, Tierarzt Heimenschwand AG, Tierarztpraxis am Bahnhof AG, Tierarztpraxis am Kanal, Tierarztpraxis Bärn West GmbH, Tierarztpraxis DUOVet AG, Tierarztpraxis Goms, Tierarztpraxis Gretzenbach AG, Tierarztpraxis Kiesen AG, Tierarztpraxis Küsnacht, Tierarztpraxis Landerer, Tierarztpraxis Rohner AG, Tierarztpraxis Seez AG, Tierarztpraxis Simmevet AG, Tierarztpraxis Theus, Tierarztpraxis Thierstein, Tierarztpraxis Thöny AG, Tierarztpraxis Wetli, Tierklinik Aarau West - mit Kompetenz und Herz, Tierklinik Appenzell Dr med vet FVH Tobias Fritsche, Tierklinik Au AG, Curavet AG, Tierklinik Interlaken AG, Tierklinik Masans, Tiermed AG, Tierpraxis mondo a, Tierpraxis Spiegelberg AG, Trivet GmbH, VETcetera AG, Vétérinaire à domicile und Vétérinaire Vétoboutic.

Auch dank der Grosszügigkeit der Schweizer Tierärzteschaft konnte VSF-Suisse im letzten Jahr 378'342 Menschen unterstützen, 8'337'850 Tiere behandeln und impfen, 131'793 Viehzüchter:innen mit tierärztlichen Dienstleistungen versorgen und 10'398 Personen ausbilden.👏

Helfen auch Sie mit und melden Sie Ihre Praxis noch heute an!👇


Fall is officially in full swing! Now is the time to crack down on housing, nutrition, and preventative health strategies suitable for the arrival of winter.

The graphic below lists some essential items on the horse owner's fall to-do checklist, but there is much more that needs to be done—like having your horse rugs repaired and waterproofed; securing and storing hay properly; assessing your shelters for safety and soundness; etc.)

Your equine veterinarian is one of your greatest allies this season: be sure to give them a call soon to discuss vaccination and deworming protocols appropriate for your horse’s situation; use this opportunity to chat about recommended changes in nutrition and exercise program as well!


COOL SCIENCE (pun intended)!

An old myth wants us to believe that horses should be walked until they cool completely after exercise, even in the summer. However, a study from 2020 looked at five different ways to cool a horse after exercise: walking, walking with fans, walking with intermittent cold water application, walking with intermittent cold water application and scraping, and stationary with continuous tap water application. As it turns out, the method that resulted in the quickest return to normal body temperature was stationary with continuous tap water application (2 minutes), while walking alone took the longest time for recovery (25 minutes).

Bottom line: enjoy your rides in the sun this summer but remain vigilant for signs of heat stress in your horse. If they look tired, it’s time for a drink, a cool bath, and a break in the shade.

Brough to you by the AAEP Horse Owner Education Committee

Intensive Veterinary Wildlife Course in South AfricaAcademic and practical training in wildlife veterinary management. D...

Intensive Veterinary Wildlife Course in South Africa

Academic and practical training in wildlife veterinary management. Designed for veterinarians, vet students, nurses and wildlife conservation students.

The course will be held at Tendeni Private Lodge in the Big 5 Dinokeng Game Reserve, in an malaria free area on the province of Gauteng.
Participants will have the opportunity to take part in safaris, conservation programs and other activities, and will be staying in 3 stars accommodations with meals and drinks included.

For all informations, please, contact:
[email protected] or

Notre cabinet s’engage !L’engagement et la solidarité sont importants pour nous. C’est pourquoi nous participons cette a...

Notre cabinet s’engage !

L’engagement et la solidarité sont importants pour nous. C’est pourquoi nous participons cette année encore (et ce pour la XXe fois !) à la campagne « Vacciner pour l’Afrique » de l’organisation à but non lucratif Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Suisse. Comme vous le savez peut-être déjà en raison de nos précédentes participations, VSF travaille pour la santé animale en Afrique depuis plus de 30 ans selon la devise « animaux sains – humains en bonne santé » et aide ainsi les personnes touchées par les famines ou les catastrophes naturelles à vivre ou même à survivre.

Dans le cadre de la campagne « Vacciner pour l’Afrique », nous soutenons VSF en leur faisant don d’une partie ou de la totalité des revenus des vaccins effectués en une semaine. Les recettes sont utilisées pour promouvoir la durabilité des activités de VSF en Afrique. Cela comprend par exemple une formation à la santé animale pour les habitants de villages éloignés, dont les animaux ne pourraient autrement pas bénéficier de soins vétérinaires, une formation aux mesures de survie pour les personnes touchées par des catastrophes ou encore, une formation pour les partenaires locaux afin qu’ils disposent de toutes les connaissances et informations nécessaires ; ceci afin de continuer leur actionlorsque VSF n’est plus sur place. Ainsi, VSF se porte garant de la suite prometteuse des actions mises en place sur le terrain et apporte une aide à la population sur le long terme.

Plus de 120 employé-e-s de VSF-Suisse travaillent quotidiennement pour les personnes les plus démunies d’Afrique et soignent leurs animaux, distribuent de la nourriture et des aliments pour animaux, réparent des points d’eau et aident les groupes de population menacés à se constituer des moyens de subsistance durables par leurs propres moyens. Avec notre participation aux vaccinations pour l’Afrique, nous soutenons ces activités. Des brochures contenant des informations sur la campagne et le travail important de VSF sont disponibles à l’accueil – n’hésitez pas à en emporter une avec vous !

La campagne de vaccination se déroulera du 12 au 17 juin 2023.

Si vous venez faire vacciner votre animal pendant cette période, soutenez cette importante campagne et contribuez à fournir des soins vétérinaires aux animaux et ainsi, aider les gens à avoir une vie meilleure !

VIRBAC Suisse SA soutient VSF dans cette campagne en couvrant tous les coûts de la campagne. Parce que chaque vaccination compte !

Congratulations 🤩👏👏

Congratulations 🤩👏👏



’Tis bug season! Besides being very irritating, it's important to remember that some of these insects can spread infection and disease to your horse (and, in some cases, to you as well). Therefore, a smart strategy is to control the problem before it gets out of hand and minimize populations from the beginning.

The attached infographic contains some suggestions to get you started. Please keep in mind that there are many variations of these suggested programs that will still meet the same goals and follow the same principles.

If you’re interested in reading more about external parasites and vector control, comprehensive guidelines are available on our website at As always, reach out to your veterinarian for recommendations suitable for your horse’s specific situation!


Expert vets are “strongly advising” horse owners against using independent and unvalidated genetic tests for certain conditions – stating that “seemingly normal animals” have been put down as a result of their use. The British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA) cited tests for myopathies...

Félicitations 🤩

Félicitations 🤩


"This horse is 3 out of 5 lame."
You've probably heard a similar statement many times when it comes to describing lameness in horses. But do you ACTUALLY know what a person is talking about if they use this expression?

Because each horse has unique performance characteristics, evaluating lameness can be challenging; lameness may appear as a barely noticeable shortening of the stride, or the condition may be so severe that the horse will not bear weight on the affected limb. With such extremes possible, the AAEP developed a lameness grading system that is used by most veterinarians in the U.S. The AAEP lameness scales aids both communication and record-keeping and ranges from zero to five, with zero being no perceptible lameness and five being most extreme.

When lameness occurs or is suspected, you should contact your veterinarian promptly. An early examination can save you time, money and frustration by diagnosing and treating the problem immediately, possibly even preventing further damage.

Read more about lameness in horses on our website at and consult your veterinarian to learn how you can become a better observer and steward for your equine friend!


: Yes, they do! Did you know that several studies have shown that horses prefer country music over rock or jazz? The slower tempo and major key seem to result in more restful behaviors in horses and more time spent eating.

So if you’re looking to relax your equine friends with music, pay attention to what you are playing in your barn!


Read the story behind Dr. John Madigan developing the rope foal squeeze technique to address neonatal maladjustment syndrome.


If your horse has a cough that persists into exercise or is heard while your equine friend is at rest in the barn, be sure to talk to your veterinarian about evaluating your horse for respiratory disease. It could be a problem with the upper airway (the nasal passages and throat) or the lower airway (the lungs).

While waiting for your appointment, try decreasing your horse’s exposure to dust, as that is a primary trigger for lower respiratory disease such as asthma or heaves. Some simple things you can do include avoiding straw bedding; feeding hay on the ground and/or soaking it; not using a leaf blower on barn aisles; not storing hay or bedding above your horse’s stall. Last but not least : While us humans may be more comfortable with all the barn doors closed up on a cold winter day, your horses’ lungs will appreciate open doors/windows and good ventilation!

As always, if you have questions or would like to learn more about preserving your horse’s respiratory health, your equine veterinarian remains your best source of information!

Brought to you by the AAEP Horse Owner Education Committee.


Cabinet vétérinaire équine recherche assistante en médecine vétérinaire diplômée ou expérience similaire pour un poste à 50-80% ou à discuter. Entrée en fonction à convenir. Rémunération selon les recommandations de la Société des Vétérinaires Suisses et selon expérience. Descrip...



Colic is not a disease; it is merely a symptom of disease. Specifically, colic indicates a painful problem in the horse's abdomen (belly), which can be caused by a number of different conditions. Less than 10% of all colic cases are severe enough to require surgery or cause the death of the horse; nevertheless, every case of colic should be taken seriously because it can be difficult to tell the mild ones from the potentially serious ones in the early stages.

Horses show signs of abdominal pain in a wide variety of ways, and usually a horse shows only a few of the signs during an episode of colic. The rule of thumb is—the more obvious the signs of pain, the more serious the problem.

If you suspect the horse is suffering from colic, we suggest that you:
• Alert your veterinarian immediately.
• Remove all hay and grain from the horse's surroundings.
• Don't medicate without your veterinarian's approval, as pain medications can mask clinical signs;
• Walk the horse around if it's continually rolling or in danger of hurting itself—but do not tire the horse with relentless walking and don't approach the animal if it's not safe.
• Keep the horse under close observation until the signs of colic resolve or the veterinarian arrives.

The key to increasing the chances of a good outcome is to identify the problem early and get your veterinarian involved from the start. Consult your horse doctor for more information and be sure to ask them how they can be reached if your horse colics after hours!

Dear Friends, Clients and Supporters As the year draws to a close, we wanted to wish you and your family all the very be...

Dear Friends, Clients and Supporters

As the year draws to a close, we wanted to wish you and your family all the very best for the next year.

May 2023 bring hope, excitement and an abundance of joy for you all.

I look forward to seeing you soon!


Rue De La Gare 284


Montag 08:00 - 18:00
Dienstag 08:00 - 18:00
Mittwoch 08:00 - 18:00
Donnerstag 08:00 - 18:00
Freitag 08:00 - 18:00


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