Ausbildungszentrum für Mensch und Pferd von Andrea & Markus Eschbach

Ausbildungszentrum für Mensch und Pferd von Andrea & Markus Eschbach Andrea & Markus Eschbach Horsemanship, Ausbildungszentrum für Natural Horsemanship und gebisslosem feinen Reiten. Ferienanlage mit Bed and Breakfast.

Treffpunkt für Jung und Alt


Dieses Wochenende war ich in der Region Aachen in der Pferdewelt Venwegen. Ich liebe die Vielseitigkeitskurse! Halsringreiten, longieren üben, Dualaktivierung, Kappzaumarbeit, Freiarbeit im Round Pen, gebisslos reiten, Führtraining, Beziehungstraining... es ist immer etwas Spannendes und Schönes für die Pferde dabei.
Ihr ward eine tolle Gruppe und ich freue mich schon auf das Wiedersehen 2025!


Am 14. und 15. September ist Markus in Stolberg bei Aachen zu Gast. Im zweitägigen Individualkurs in der Pferdewelt Venwegen kannst Du Dir Deine Kursthemen selber wünschen: Verfeinerung beim Reiten, Halsringreiten, Freiarbeit, Longentraining, Führtraining, Dualaktivierung, Muskelaufbautraining (Equikinetic), Verbesserung Deiner Kommunikation mit Deinem Pferd etc.

Infos und Anmeldemöglichkeit findest Du auf unserer Homepage!

Immer wieder interessant unser Lehrfilm über die Pferdekommunikation im Round Pen. Dazu bieten wir fast wöchentlich Kurs...

Immer wieder interessant unser Lehrfilm über die Pferdekommunikation im Round Pen. Dazu bieten wir fast wöchentlich Kurse bei uns in Koblenz oder auswärts auch bei Dir an:

Das größte Horsemanship Center nahe der Deutschen Grenze (Waldshut) ♛ Top Trainer aus Europa ★ Gast & Leihpferde ★ Fernkurse ★ Jugend Camps ★ Zuschauer Tickets ★ Bücher


Unsere Termine im August:

𝟕. - 𝟖. 𝐀𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭
Bodenarbeit mit dem Leitseil

𝟏𝟎. - 𝟏𝟏. 𝐀𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭
Tellington TTEAM Grundkurs

𝟏𝟐. 𝐀𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭
Schnupperkurs "Horsemanship Bodenarbeit"

𝟏𝟓. - 𝟏𝟔. 𝐀𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭
Dualaktivierung® und Führtraining in Besenbüren

𝟑𝟏. 𝐀𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭 - 𝟏. 𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫
Pferdekommunikation im Roundpenin Kroatien

Robert Cook The Bitless Bridle by Dr. Cook schrieb uns: Dear Andrea and Markus, I have been meaning to write to you ever...

Robert Cook The Bitless Bridle by Dr. Cook schrieb uns:

Dear Andrea and Markus,

I have been meaning to write to you ever since the beginning of the year, to tell you how much I like your book. I have read it with care and am most impressed with the information you have provided and the manner in which it is presented. I wish there had been a book like this available to me and my instructors 65 years ago.

I congratulate you most sincerely on the careful work that you have done to produce such a high quality product. The text is excellent and generously supported with high quality illustrations and captions. Throughout the book, I found myself highlighting points that I so thoroughly agreed with, others that I especially enjoyed reading and made me place check marks of approval in the margin. I am especially impressed with the diplomacy you have employed to get your points across without upsetting riders. I should take a leaf out of your tactful ways - I fear that many times I make my readers angry and turn them away. Your publishers have done you proud.

We will be proud to include your book in our website products and give it a place on our booth at trade shows. When this is all set-up and we have an inventory, we will add an introductory comment to our page.

Markus, I shall be happy to give you all the support I can for your campaign.

I have been thinking along the same lines myself. It is now three years since the US Equestrian Federation rejected a rule-change proposal to allow the crossunder bitless bridle. Since then, the USEF have done nothing to assure me that they are even considering this possibility, in spite of my having published two peer-reviewed articles in leading veterinary journals. The USEF Dressage Committee asked for more independent scientific research and, even though I can be accused of having a conflict of interest, I maintain that I have given this to them. The results were either independently judged (in the case of the 2008 experiment) or the specimens examined (in the case of the skull review for bit damage) are available in Natural History Museums for anyone to double check my results. Others have also written much in lay journals and we have 12 years of field-testing to support the many and varied criticisms of the bit.

Conversely, it would be reasonable to challenge the FEI and national federations to cite any scientific research showing that the bit is not inhumane, that it is not an impediment to rein-aid communication, and that it does not constitute a hazard to the safety of horse and rider. Bit usage has never been subject to review or testing, prior to my work. Its legion of side-effects have never before been documented. Until it became possible to remove a bitted bridle and, five minutes later, replace it with a bitless bridle, 95% of the bits side-effects were hidden from view.

It is not enough for the FEI to hide behind the claim that 'properly used' the bit is an acceptable device. Most riders are not master horsemen with bomb-proof independent seats. In the light of research published in the last 12 years (albeit mostly by myself) it is unacceptable on welfare grounds that the use of a crude pre-historic device should still be mandatory and that a more humane alternative should not be allowed. It is especially pernicious that the FEI maintain this stranglehold on the horse, setting an example that Pony Clubs around the world feel obliged to emulate. Young children, especially, should not be obliged to use a device that needlessly exposes them to danger.

A good case could be made for banning the bit on welfare and safety grounds but, as a strategy it would be more realistic to simply push for the FEI to allow a bitless and more humane alternative. If this was achieved, the results over time would expose the bit for what it is. More and more riders would simply prefer the bitless approach because it led to better performance and fewer accidents. Gradually, bit usage would become less frequent and the bit would eventually become obsolete. There would be no need for the FEI to ban the bit - riders would simply not choose to use it.

We need to focus on educating the younger generation. These are the folk who will change the rules in 20 years time!

Please keep me in touch with how your campaign progresses. Let me know if there is anything else I can do.

Kind regards and very best wishes for your success,


Robert Cook FRCVS, PhD
Professor of Surgery Emeritus
Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine

Chairman and CEO, BitlessBridle Inc.

Present address: 206,Birch Run Road
Chestertown, MD 21620 USA
Telephone & Fax: (443) 282 0472
Email: [email protected]

Category Bridles Read More Category Reins Read More Category Breast Collars Read More Category Bridle Accessories Read More Category Belts, Bracelets, Keyrings Read More

Heute haben wieder vier Absolventinnen von unserem Bodenarbeitslehrgang mit 11 Modulen bravourös ihr Zertifikat entgegen...

Heute haben wieder vier Absolventinnen von unserem Bodenarbeitslehrgang mit 11 Modulen bravourös ihr Zertifikat entgegen nehmen dürfen. Wir gratulieren ihnen von Herzen und wünschen ihnen viel Freude auf dem Weg mit kompetenten und pferdegerechten Trainingsmethoden.

Unser seit 14 Jahren erfolgreicher und abwechslungsreicher Lehrgang kann innerhalb von 1-3 Jahren absolviert werden:

Schau Dir unseren Artikel "Motivierende Freiarbeit" in der Natural Horse an!

Schau Dir unseren Artikel "Motivierende Freiarbeit" in der Natural Horse an!


Eichhaldenstrasse 23


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Unsere Geschichte

Kompetenzzentrum Eschbach Horsemanship AG : Ausbildungszentrum für Natural Horsemanship, gebissloses Reiten, Bodenarbeit, Dualaktivierung & Equikinetic, Longieren nach Babette Teschen, Kinder- und Jugendcamps, Ferienanlage mit Bed and Breakfast