SOS Animals Switzerland

SOS Animals Switzerland Working with SOS Animals Spain, our aim is to find homes throughout Switzerland for Spanish strays & to make animal abuse and neglect a thing of the past.

Our vision is to find foster and forever homes for the many homeless dogs in Spain. Many of these dogs are dumped, often neglected or abused & it is only the lucky ones who make it to SOS Spain, a shelter set up in 1997 to help the plight of these dogs. Others end up in killing stations, whilst many more suffer horrible abuse for no reason whatsoever. Sadly, this is common place throughout much

of southern Spain. Having homed two Spanish shelter dogs ourselves, we wanted to become more actively involved in changing the lives of these dogs, all desperate for love & security & a home to call their own. We aim to find homes in Switzerland for these dogs, changing one life at a time.


Time to make an appearance on our page Gorgeous young Tarzan
Coming up for adoption very soon


She sat at the back and they said she was
She led from the front and they hated her
They asked her advice and then questioned her guidance
They branded her loud then were shocked by her silence

When she shared no ambition, they said it was
So she told them her dreams and they said she was mad
They told her they’d listen then covered their
And gave her a hug whilst they laughed at her

And she listened to all of it thinking she
Be the girl they told her to be best as she
But one day she asked what was best for
Instead of trying to please everyone

So she walked to the forest and stood with the
She heard the wind whisper and dance with the leaves
And she spoke to the willow, the elm and the
And she told them what she’d been told time after time

She told them she felt she was never enough
She was either too little or far, far too much
Too loud or too quiet, too fierce or too weak
Too wise or too foolish, too bold or too meek

Then she found a small clearing surrounded by
And she stopped and she heard what the trees said to her
And she sat there for hours not wanting to
For the forest said nothing, it just let her



The beautiful picture is by Siski Kalla from our children’s book of this poem

And the poem itself is also in the collection Talking to the Wild

I have been asked if I could share in the hope of finding a loving and responsible home Chinook puppy, Eiger. He is 15 w...

I have been asked if I could share in the hope of finding a loving and responsible home Chinook puppy, Eiger. He is 15 weeks old and currently living with his mum, Nana, in a loving family environment. If you would like further details and are serious about offering Eiger his forever home, please send me a private message and I can put you in touch with the lady concerned.


Introducing little Lena ❤️
Here she is at bedtime tonight with her warm coat and toys.
Poor little thing came out of an overfull inland kill station on Thursday. She was in imminent danger. It will be a while before she’s up for adoption but hopefully we’ll find her a happy ending.


Saturday night out for little Podenco Max. It was only in to town to the supermarket food shopping with the volunteers but he enjoyed it.
Max gets his big departure day to Sweden at the end of December😁


Our baby Shepherds have finally come out from precautionary quarantine today.
Introducing Nils and his little brother Otto ❤️


Today we brought in two tiny baby Podenco brothers who were recently found alone in the campo.
Super cute is an understatement❤️


Todays lucky travellers on their way to new lives in Sweden very early this morning are Fenix and Moa. Fenix has been living in a lovely foster home so it was a sad goodbye and Moa is one of our shelter pups who has no idea how wonderful life is about to be living in a real home.
Thankyou to volunteer Emma for flying the dogs and also for all your hard work at the shelter.


Saturday again. The end of a busy week.
Podenco Mary said goodbye to friends and a kennel mate this week. Next week it’s more goodbyes yet she still waits patiently.
It’s got to be her turn soon but meanwhile she’s ok and seems to enjoy her life.


Puppy Moa and our special little Faith at the vets this morning.
Moa was getting her final checks before she travels to her new home next week. Little Faith was getting a check up and more blood tests but she’s gained weight and is continuing to improve.


An overdue big thanks to Annette Cairns for her continued support and Samson sends you a big thank you for buying him his expensive food. Also thank you to Cathy Beslin for your kind donation to help us keep our residents safe from the dreaded parasites.
We really appreciate any support we get. Thank you.


Runo and puppy Aero enjoying quality time with volunteer Sofie❤️
Puppy Aero has a family waiting and Runo hopefully won’t have to wait too long.


Vainilla and Miel❤️ Such a bonded pair and soon they get their big departure day. We have found them a family who is happy to adopt them both so they get to stay together.


With this hot weather it's so nice we still have water in the river to cool down. We wish you all a very happy weekend!


Candy was brought to the refuge shortly after it opened in 2011 as a 3 month old pup that had been wandering the streets in our village.
Unfortunately, back then we had hardly any contacts to help with rehoming, so moving on pups that weren't small and cute was very difficult. Candy was a very loveable pup, but very energetic and within days of being here showed us how clever she was at escaping. A podenco and a natural born escape artist who became very talented at spotting any opportunity to gain freedom! She easily scaled a 2 metre fence, could dig for England and could turn the smallest hole in to something she could get out of. Eventually, we managed to make her pen totally escape proof and she could no longer take herself off when she felt like it, but because of this behaviour, the perfect home for her never appeared😢. Candy could not be homed anywhere that if (when) she got out, she would come in to contact with traffic. It would have been a death warrant for her. We always hoped that she would receive a home offer where there was plenty of outside space in the campo/countryside, but sadly it never materialised 😭.
So, now at 10.5 years old, Candy is still here. A couple of years ago Candy had an accident after escaping and so then became a house dog whilst recouperating. She has remained a house dog ever since, but is a total free spirit🦋. In the winter she is more than happy to come in and sleep on the sofa, but prefers to be outside or in the garage if it's not cold or wet. Even at 10.5 years old, she still jumps the fence when she wants to go and roam outside. Although she loves her independence and freedom, she DOES always come back. She interacts well with all the other dogs here and will happily walk with any of the other dogs that are being taken out on the lead. She loves human contact and a bit of a fuss. She travels well and actually loves to accompany on car journeys. She definitely considers herself one of the family and has an amazing character.
🙏🙏PLEASE, PLEASE can anyone offer this lovely girl a home for her remaining years???
Candy is fully passported and neutered and ready for her forever family. She will give you so much pleasure, she really is so loving and loyal 🐕❤️ There has to be somebody out there for her . . . . .
Candy is currently in Pedrera, Sevilla (Andalusia, Spain), but can travel 🚗

PLEASE, PLEASE share her story🙏🐾💔


Dexter. Looking gorgeous this afternoon after his goodbye SOS bath.
This lovely young dog was literally on death row earlier this year and early tomorrow he flies to his new life ❤️


Dexter with volunteer Pauline in the airport early this morning. It was all a bit scary for him and his eyes were like saucers trying to take everything in.
Lovely dog hopefully on his way to a wonderful new life in the south of Sweden.


Chemin De Prodelein 6
Le Châble


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