Happy Hounds

Happy Hounds Happy Hounds offers private dog training for a stress-free learning environment.

Freue mich dabei zu sein!  🐾

Freue mich dabei zu sein! 🐾

Walking with a stroller can add a lot of stress to both you and your dog. For our dogs, it means they have less freedom ...

Walking with a stroller can add a lot of stress to both you and your dog. For our dogs, it means they have less freedom of movement (depending on where you live and how stroller friendly it is), and that their walk is often interrupted or even cut short by the baby's needs. Practicing walks with a stroller before baby arrives, as well as giving your dog as much freedom as possible with and without the stroller helps to manage everyone's expectations and alleviate stress once the baby arrives.

Stay tuned for more tips on life with dogs and babies! 🐶👶🏻


Easter is almost here which means lots of tasty treats for us humans. Please be wary with sweets and dogs as many sweets...

Easter is almost here which means lots of tasty treats for us humans. Please be wary with sweets and dogs as many sweets contain xylitol or birch sugar which is extremely toxic to dogs even in small quantities. Be sure to keep sweets out of reach of dogs and to not let children eat sweets around dogs since they may easily drop them.

Wishing everyone a wonderful Easter! 🐣🐶

Schokohasen, Nougateier, Osterkuchen: Süße Versuchungen gehören zum Osterfest wie Sonne zum Sommer. Für die meisten von uns jedenfalls. Wäre da nur nicht der viele Zucker. Aber hey, es gibt eine Alternative: Birkenzucker. Süß und kalorienreduziert. Da darf es dann auch ein Osterei mehr sein. Sind Hunde im Haus, ist Xylit allerdings keine Alternative. Der Zuckerersatzstoff, inzwischen in vielen Nahrungsmitteln erhalten, ist für Hunde schwer gesundheitsschädlich bis tödlich. Alles, was ihr über Xylit wissen müsst, wenn ihr Hunde habt, lest ihr in unserem Artikel dazu: https://atn-akademie.com/magazin/birkenzucker-xylit-gift-fuer-hunde/

Are you a new dog guardian or looking to adopt one? Or did you just move here from another country with your dog? The NH...

Are you a new dog guardian or looking to adopt one? Or did you just move here from another country with your dog? The NHB Theory Course is your opportunity to learn more about dog ownership in general, and in Switzerland specifically. If you are a new owner in Luzern as of January 1, 2023, then the NHB Practical Exam is a requirement and the theory course is a great introduction. Send us a message or email us at [email protected] for more information!

New Year celebrations can be a stressful time for many dogs and other animals. Be sure to take precautions to keep your ...

New Year celebrations can be a stressful time for many dogs and other animals. Be sure to take precautions to keep your dog safe!

Wishing everyone a safe and happy 2024!

Jahreswechsel mit Hund – 5 Last Minute Tipps

Der Jahreswechsel steht an und viele Hundebesitzer bangen jetzt schon, wie sie das am besten hinkriegen. Ihr auch? Wir haben ein paar Last Minute Tipps für Euch zusammengestellt. Hier ein Link zu ausführlicheren Artikeln zu diesem Thema in unserem Online Magazin. Auch zu Pferd und Katze. https://atn-akademie.com/?s=Silvester

1. Sichert Eure Hunde “doppelt”: Diese wichtige Maßnahme kann lebensrettend sein. Jedes Jahr laufen jede Menge Hunde kopflos und panisch weg. Zieht Eurem Hund ein Brustgeschirr an (am besten ein Sicherheitsgeschirr) und legt zusätzlich ein Halsband an! Dieses verbindet Ihr mit dem Geschirr. Nun wird der Hund mit zwei Leinen geführt. Eine davon habt ihr ganz normal in der Hand. Die andere Leine befestigt ihr an Eurem Körper (Bauchgurt).

2. Angst wird durch Zuwendung nicht verstärkt! Steht Euren Hunden bei, seid bei Ihnen und bietet ihnen Körperkontakt an, wenn sie dies mögen. Sprecht ruhig mit ihnen, oder versucht, ihnen ihre Lieblingsbeschäftigung anzubieten.

3. Kauen und Schlecken beruhigt: einfach ausprobieren, kann eine gute Unterstützung sein.

4. Die Knallerei mit anderen Geräuschen übertönen: Zum Beispiel mit Musik, dem Fernseher etc.. Lasst nach Möglichkeit die Rollläden herunter, um Licht- und Schreckreize draußen auszusperren.

5. Flüchten an ruhige Orte: Es gibt ganze Gemeinden, die böllerfrei bleiben müssen. Nationalparks oder historische Städte mit viel Fachwerk sind hier eine gute Adresse. Ansonsten bleibt eine lange Fahrt auf der Autobahn mit dem Hund. Das entspannt die meisten Hunde, die Autofahren gewöhnt sind. Für sie ist das Auto ein sicherer Ort und die Böllerei bliebt weitestgehend draußen.

Habt einen guten und möglichst stressfreien Rutsch ins Jahr 2024!

Starting April 1st, there is a general leash law in and near wooded areas (within 50m) in canton Luzern. Check your loca...

Starting April 1st, there is a general leash law in and near wooded areas (within 50m) in canton Luzern. Check your local cantonal website for more information about seasonal leash laws. Thanks for keeping the wildlife safe!
Ab dem 1. April gilt im Kanton Luzern eine allgemeine Leinenpflicht im Wald und am Waldrand (näher als 50m). Weitere Informationen zu saisonalen Leinenpflichten finden Sie auf Ihrer kantonalen Website. Danke, dass Sie die Wildtiere schützen!

More dogs are reported missing on New Year's than any other day of the year, and even more dogs experience extreme stres...

More dogs are reported missing on New Year's than any other day of the year, and even more dogs experience extreme stress from fireworks. Even if your dog doesn't seem to be scared of fireworks and loud noises, please take precautions and don't assume that they will be ok. All it takes is one firework to go off too close, or at the wrong time for them to panic. And please remember that you cannot reinforce fear through comforting or pleasant means. Ignoring them or punishing them for their behavior when scared can however, exacerbate the issue!

Wishing you all a safe and Happy New Year!

Imagine this scenario…It is the second week of school and your teacher announces that you will be taking the final exam ...

Imagine this scenario…It is the second week of school and your teacher announces that you will be taking the final exam because he wants to "see if you can do it". You take the exam and try your best. Since you only had one week of school, you are simply missing key concepts and you fail. As a result, you feel disheartened and dread the class for the rest of the semester.

Now imagine this…You are teaching your dog to stay. So far, you have trained in a calm environment and have been able to successfully walk two steps backwards, away from your dog. Now, you decide to "test" your dog, so you turn your back completely and walk 10 steps away. Your dog follows you and you chastise them for not staying put. The next time you practice, your dog seems less motivated than usual.

These two scenarios are extremely similar. "Testing" your dog by taking too many steps all at once is simply unrealistic. It is expecting too much of them, when they lack the knowledge to perform at that level. Just like humans, taking a test and failing can be really frustrating for dogs - especially when failure includes punishment!

Today is international dog day! I've been so lucky to have had so many wonderful and weird dogs throughout my life!🐾🐾🐾  ...

Today is international dog day! I've been so lucky to have had so many wonderful and weird dogs throughout my life!

Does your dog pull on the leash? That's no big deal! Dogs pull for a variety of reasons and while there are certainly ti...

Does your dog pull on the leash? That's no big deal! Dogs pull for a variety of reasons and while there are certainly times when we can and should ask them to slow down, there are other times where it's normal and totally up to you! Before asking your dog to do something different, always ask yourself why they shouldn't do it first!

Happy Hounds shared a post on Instagram: "Dogs pull on the leash for lots of different reasons. While it can certainly be uncomfortable to have a dog pull all the time, there are situations where I don't mind at all and I don't ask Zuko to slow down. The important thing is that he can walk on a loos...

Today is Zuko's 3rd Gotcha Day! Words cannot describe how much I love this little dog and how much I've learned from him...

Today is Zuko's 3rd Gotcha Day! Words cannot describe how much I love this little dog and how much I've learned from him in the past 3 years 🥰

Adolescence can be a very challenging time for many dog owners. It's important to meet this stage with lots of patience ...

Adolescence can be a very challenging time for many dog owners. It's important to meet this stage with lots of patience - your dog is going through many changes and doing the best they can!

I never leave the house without my treat pouch! Treats (and any other rewards) create positive associations with the beh...

I never leave the house without my treat pouch! Treats (and any other rewards) create positive associations with the behaviors we want our dogs to perform. And, since food is a fundamental need for all living creatures, it is a great reinforcer!

These are only a few enrichment options, but the ideas are endless! What are other ways you provide enrichment for your ...

These are only a few enrichment options, but the ideas are endless! What are other ways you provide enrichment for your dog?


There is no doubt that retractable leashes are extremely popular and even convenient for dog owners in some cases. After...

There is no doubt that retractable leashes are extremely popular and even convenient for dog owners in some cases. After all, you can have a leash of virtually any length on hand when using a retractable leash, and not to mention that the grip is more comfortable in our hands. Regardless of convenience, there are serious risks that come from using retractable leashes:

1. Risk of Injury: It is very difficult to interpret and predict the movement of dogs on a retractable leash, especially if the dog is easily distracted or has poor recall. Retractable leashes are often extremely thin and not visible to others in poor light. This poor visibility in combination with unpredictable movements from the dog can lead to people, bikes and other dogs becoming entangled and injured.

2. Detrimental to a dog's leash skills: One way that dog's learn to walk on a leash is by rewarding a slack leash. Since a retractable leash never goes slack, the dog never learns to not pull. On the contrary, when the dog pulls, the leash is also pulled forward, allowing the dog to move. In this way, the dog is actually rewarded for pulling, even when the leash is taught.

3. Lack of communication: One of the perceived benefits of the retractable leash is the ability to control the length of the leash with just the push of a button. However, this can be extremely confusing for the dog on the other end of the leash. One minute they have a full 5 meters to explore, and the next, they only have 1 meter.

4. Hard stop at the end of the line: Since the line itself is housed within the hand grip, the handler has no way of knowing when the dog will reach the end of the line. This often results in a very sudden stop, and with no flexibility like you would get with a regular leash. This can not only be jarring for both dog and human, but can also lead to injury.

Instead of a retractable leash, there are other options to give your dog both freedom but also safety. There are plenty of nylon, biothane or leather leashes that come in different lengths. With these options, you have more control over the radius of movement your dog has and can clearly communicate this, or any changes in the radius with them. Leashes from these materials are also clearly visible to others, which can be extremely useful when interacting with other dogs or people.

And finally, whether you use a retractable leash or a long leash made of another material, it is extremely important that this be connected to a harness, and never on a collar! Long leashes of any kind must only be used under constant supervision of the handler and if caught or tangled in other surfaces, can lead to strangulation if connected by collar.

What kind of leash do you like to use? 🐾🐾

Roll-Leinen geben dem Hund Bewegungsspielraum, ohne Bandsalat zu produzieren. Trotzdem lehnen Trainer sie ab. Hier sind die Gründe.


Do you find sometimes that your dog isn't interested in treats outside? Getting creative with how you give treats can make them infinitely more enticing for dogs. Throwing and scattering treats allows dogs not just to get the food, but also to catch, chase and sniff in the process - all very natural and rewarding behaviors. Using the environment also encourages dogs to engage with their surroundings and helps to promote curiosity.

What are some creative ways you like to reward your dog? 🐾🐾

Muzzles often have a bad reputation or are assumed to only be for "aggressive" dogs. But this simply isn't true! There a...

Muzzles often have a bad reputation or are assumed to only be for "aggressive" dogs. But this simply isn't true! There are many valid reasons for muzzle training, and aggressive behaviors is only one of them!

: “Muzzles aren't just for dogs who show aggressive behaviors. There are a variety of types of muzzles…”

Family dogs are exposed to many stressors every day. After all, we control almost every single aspect of their lives and...

Family dogs are exposed to many stressors every day. After all, we control almost every single aspect of their lives and expect them to accept things without hesitation. Of course, we cannot prevent every stressful situation (just as we cannot prevent ourselves from becoming stressed), but we can learn to recognize stress in dogs and help them to manage situations when possible, and to not create stressful situations when it's not necessary. There are unfortunately many viral videos and pictures of dogs "smiling" or being "funny" (particularly when their owners or children get close to their faces or manhandle them in other ways), and in reality the owners are directly causing stress. It can ultimately be dangerous if a stressed dog is misinterpreted, as this can lead to biting or chronic stress in the dog which is just as detrimental to their physical and mental health as it is in humans. Observe your dog's body language and if you're unsure if they enjoy something, remove them from the situation or stimulus and notice if and how their demeanor changes. And in the case of petting and handling your dog, let them take breaks or say no altogether. Respecting their boundaries will really help improve their trust in you!


The heel position should really only be used when there is a safety concern and I want my dog to walk next to me. For example, I only use heel when crossing a busy road, passing a lot of pedestrians, on public transportation, at the vet’s office or any other location where there are a lot of distractions and potential safety issues. Keep in mind that heel takes a tremendous amount of impulse control from your dog so don’t ask them to do it unless necessary and give them plenty of opportunities to sniff, explore and discover their environment. After all, a walk is your dog’s chance to interact with and make sense of their surroundings!

Want to learn more? Let me know what skills you want to teach your dog next! Happy training!


Zuko is showing off his fancy footwork as he learns to heel. Stay tuned for the final step dropping tomorrow!


Part 3 of learning to heel is out now! 🐕


Part 2 of learning to heel! If you're following along, let me know how it's going in the comments! 🐕🐾


Train with me this week as I break down "heel" into small steps and add onto it each day. Be sure to follow so you don't miss a step!

Operant conditioning was proposed by psychologist B.F. Skinner in 1938 and suggests that the consequences of a behavior ...

Operant conditioning was proposed by psychologist B.F. Skinner in 1938 and suggests that the consequences of a behavior directly influence the intensity or likelihood of the behavior being repeated. When dog training, it's important to understand which quadrant you are working with, so you can better control the outcome (whether the behavior will or will not be repeated).

Have you ever heard the myth that you can't teach an old dog new tricks? Well it's simply not true! Seniors love learnin...

Have you ever heard the myth that you can't teach an old dog new tricks? Well it's simply not true! Seniors love learning just as much as young dogs and while you may need to simplify some exercises for them, teaching them new skills promotes both mental and physical fitness. 🐕💪

Janapriyan Levine • Your Love Makes Me Feel Like I'm Flying

Interesting read about the importance of a well fitting harness and collar. Remember that some harnesses are made for a ...

Interesting read about the importance of a well fitting harness and collar. Remember that some harnesses are made for a specific purpose and be mindful of your dog's body type when choosing a harness or collar.

Whether you choose a harness or collar, it's important to teach your dog to walk on a loose leash to prevent injury. Stay tuned for tips on leash walking!

Hundegeschirr oder Halsband – was ist besser? Lesen Sie, worauf es ankommt, damit keines von beiden einen Schaden anrichtet.

It's almost officially summer which means temperatures are rising. Please do not leave your dog in a car unattended even...

It's almost officially summer which means temperatures are rising. Please do not leave your dog in a car unattended even for a short time, as the temperatures become dangerous very quickly!

I personally prefer to use a clicker for Zuko since I can react quickly and the signal is always exactly the same. Which...

I personally prefer to use a clicker for Zuko since I can react quickly and the signal is always exactly the same. Which do you prefer?
Ich bevorzuge den Clicker für Zuko, weil ich schneller reagieren kann und das Signal immer genau gleich ist. Welche verwendest du am liebsten?

‼️With temperatures rising, please keep an eye on your dogs around non-flowing freshwater. Blue-green algae is toxic and...

With temperatures rising, please keep an eye on your dogs around non-flowing freshwater. Blue-green algae is toxic and fatal if ingested! Do NOT let your dog drink from ponds and lakes and do not allow them to play in the water as they can ingest it accidentally. If you suspect your dog has swallowed any water contact your local emergency vet right away.




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