ECROA - European Camel Ranch Owners Association

ECROA - European Camel Ranch Owners Association European Camel Ranch Owner Association is a non-profit association based in Switzerland. It was founded on October 26th of 2019 in Rumlang, Switzerland.

It’s a part of the International Camel Organisation ICO.


De afgelopen weken zijn er 4 kalfjes geboren op de kamelenmelkerij.

Vlak voor de kerst zette kameel Roos meisje Lauren op de wereld. Moeder Mathilde beviel van kalfje Pedro, een hengstje. Moeder Tess is dezelfde dag ook van een hengstje bevallen.

Afgelopen maandag met Drie Koningen beviel Lizzy van een kalfje. Zij heeft de naam Kim gekregen.

Het kalfje van Tess heeft nog geen naam. Weet jij een leuke naam voor het kalfje van Tess? Geef hier de naam door:


Pro fanoušky velblouda Šajtana:
Letos na jaře Šajtan oslaví své 20té narozeniny.
Co kdybychom mu uspořádali pořádnou oslavu?
Celý život dělá radost dětem i dospělým, povozil mezi hrby stovky dětí, rozzářil tváře mnoha lidem, pojďme mu jeho laskavost a trpělivost oplatit a oslavit jeho život... Pište návrhy...


Vážení, Jetřich se vás ptá, zda si myslíte, že mu je v zimě zima? Pojďme s ním zahájit debatu....

Edit: velbloud má úžasnou hustou a dlouhou srst na zimu. Ta ho izoluje proti chladu a zároveň zamezuje ztrátu tepla z těla. Takže velbloudovi u nás v zimě zima NENÍ 🥶🤧🙂🥵


Hoe intressant kan een plantje zijn... Vegas snapt het ook niet 🐫

Documentary ARTE: Camels of EuropeIn 2024, a captivating European documentary highlights the growing importance of drome...

Documentary ARTE: Camels of Europe

In 2024, a captivating European documentary highlights the growing importance of dromedaries in Europe, as part of the International Year of Camelids declared by the United Nations. This documentary explores three distinct skills, each illustrating the cultural, social, and economic richness associated with these majestic animals.

The documentary "Camels of Europe" showcases the diversity of skills related to dromedaries in Europe, illustrating how these animals, long associated with the deserts of the Middle East, are finding their place in our contemporary societies. Thanks to initiatives from Olivier Philipponneau, Julien Job, and Kamel Ben Salem, dromedaries are being rediscovered not only as working animals but also as carriers of culture, history, and well-being. Enjoy watching!

Camels have been part of daily life in the Middle East and North Africa for thousands of years. To honour these beautiful animals, the United Nations has dec...


Do you remember this wonderful camel festival ECROA? It was on August 28 and 29, 2021 at Kamelfarm "Benskamelfarm" in Obertlatt, Switzerland 🇨🇭 🐪


Toute l'équipe de la ferme exotique vous souhaite encore une fois une merveilleuse année et vous dit à très bientôt pour la saison 2025 ❄️

European Camel Ranch Owners AssociationWhy Join ECROA?Membership Benefits:Access to a network of professionals and exper...

European Camel Ranch Owners Association
Why Join ECROA?

Membership Benefits:
Access to a network of professionals and experts.
Opportunities for training and sharing best practices.
Participation in exclusive events and competitions.
Membership Fees:

European Camel Ranch Owners Association
Why Join ECROA?

Membership Benefits:
Access to a network of professionals and experts.
Opportunities for training and sharing best practices.
Participation in exclusive events and competitions.
Membership Fees:
€20 for scientists, amateur jockeys, and associations
€50 for businesses
€100 for federations




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European Camel Association

goes to European Camel Ranch Owners Association

European Camel Association is now a part of ECROA and won’t no longer exist as the same. I’m happy that the Organisators of this Side, decided to give us the opportunity to use this well known site. ECROA will be the highest Organisation for Camels in Europa. It’s a non-profit association based in Switzerland. It was founded on October 26th of 2019 in Rumlang Zurich, Switzerland and included 8 member states at the beginning. It’s a part of “ICO” which is the International Camel Organisation based in Saudi-Arabia.

Maybe you finde out, that a lot of the goals are same ore close to the old one. So fore you it wont chance a lot and you will still become any News all around Camels.

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