SAVE Foundation

SAVE Foundation SAVE Foundation is a European non-governmental organisation acting for the conservation of rare live Many were discontinued, some started on a new basis (e.g.

The SAVE Foundation is an international non-governmental organisation that acts as an umbrella organisation for European associations working for the conservation of agrobiodiversity. SAVE Foundation works on three levels: basic projects – rescue projects to secure conservation on the ground; networking – of stakeholders from civil society, science and governmental bodies; model projects – impleme

nting actions to show best practice. The fall of the Iron Curtain was a turning-point for the economic structures of the Eastern European countries and, of course, in agriculture. Whilst in the West the conservation of endangered livestock breeds as genetic resources and cultural heritage was mainly undertaken by non-governmental organisations (NGOs), in Eastern Europe various state-level institutes had already carried out exemplarily work. However, after the structural changes, it was no longer possible for states to continue financing these projects. for grazing and as tourist attractions in national parks), others were aided by western NGOs. These NGOs, which had previously worked together informally, saw the need for a better, cross-border coordination of the work. This coordination needed to be institutionalised and with a broad European basis. Thus the European SAVE Network began in 1993 with the SAVE Foundation acting as an effective core (SAVE is the acronym of “Safeguard for Agricultural Varieties in Europe”)

The task of SAVE Foundation was, and remains to this day, to promote or build up national organisations at the grass-roots level. These organisations should be competent and effective in securing conservation. As long as such organisations are missing or are not able to run projects alone, SAVE Foundation should run projects itself. Because of this, many of the early projects were rescue activities, such as the live conservation of the last Polish Red Cattle (Podgorska), the rescue of the Turopolje pigs from between the war-lines in what is now Croatia, the support of the Karakachan horses in Bulgaria, the combining of the last Walachen sheep into new breeding herds etc… Alongside this, extensive, cross-border monitoring activities were carried out, as had already been achieved in the Alpine area. In order to place conservation activities on a sustainable basis it was and still is important to network and organise all the stakeholders involved. With numerous workshops in various countries it has been possible to build national and cross-border networks, which have led to long-term projects and conservation organisations. This work will carry on into the future. In the conservation work, the “3 pillar principle” is always maintained. This refers to the division of tasks between the State, the universities and civil society. All three pillars are represented and active in the SAVE networks in order to achieve a sustainable conservation effort. We are particularly proud of the Balkan Network where, alongside the concrete engagement of individuals, it also acts as a participatory contribution to understanding between peoples.

Turkish seeds in America. An important project as long as the seed rules in Turkey will not change...

Turkish seeds in America. An important project as long as the seed rules in Turkey will not change...

Mehmet Öztan’s quest to recreate the flavors of his homeland turned into a passion for saving traditional varieties of Turkish fruits and vegetables.

The latest edition of the SAVE eNews are available on:

The latest edition of the SAVE eNews are available on:

Wish you a wonderful growing season 2022 As usual, we are open for constructive criticism and stimulation from your side at any time. If you have a suggestion for an article or a special topic please contact us.


The main goal of LIFEstockProtect is to inform on livestock protection measures; the key tool for this is courses to teach people how to implement these

A fascinating European wide project on forest restoration. Forests are also important genetic resources

A fascinating European wide project on forest restoration. Forests are also important genetic resources

Imagine you were a bird flying over Europe. You would see cities and villages, rivers, agricultural landscape, and forests covering almost one-third of Europe. You will distinguish many different types of trees: dark green or more reddish, straight, and tall, wide and crooked or small and slender, w...


A Cornish farmer is among those who have worked closely with the Rare Breeds Survival Trust (RBST) and British Lop Pig Society on the ground-breaking research project

A view over the fence: Did you know, that Americas Silicon Valley once was a big fruit prodsuction area?

A view over the fence: Did you know, that Americas Silicon Valley once was a big fruit prodsuction area?

One man is responsible for roughly half of the country's stone fruit collection.

to whom it may concern

to whom it may concern

Regional Policy newsroom - information on the latest news, events, press releases, policy, funding and consultations

In Bingen, Germany a project just started to keep Galoway cattle in a vine yard to activate and fertilise the ground. A ...

In Bingen, Germany a project just started to keep Galoway cattle in a vine yard to activate and fertilise the ground. A typical approach of regenerative agriculture. But why Galoways and not local cattle??

Wenn Sie auf dem Binger Rochusberg zwischen den Weinbergen entlangschlendern, staunen Sie nicht schlecht. Denn: Mitten in der bekannten Weinlage – zwischen den Reben – grasen Galloway-Rinder. Was schottische Rinder in Bingen zu suchen haben, das verrät Ihnen der Mann, der hinter dem Pilotprojek...


If you are interested to attend the online webinar then please compile the registration form and submit, possibly before 9 November 2021


A simplistic ‘all livestock are bad’ narrative is promoted by campaigners, celebrities, philanthropists and policymakers alike. A much more sophisticated debate is needed.

yes we should transform our food system:

yes we should transform our food system:

We need to urgently transform our food system. Please join me and sign the petition calling on governments of the countries which consume the most meat per capita to tackle the climate crisis by reducing meat and dairy consumption.

This is an important event online for all Sheep keepers in mopuntainous areas of Europe:

This is an important event online for all Sheep keepers in mopuntainous areas of Europe:

Pastoralism with shepherdess, shepherd and dogs is probably one of the oldest forms of agriculture. However, it has slowly lost its importance in the

If you are interested in the EU legislation on plants and new genomic techniques have your say here:

If you are interested in the EU legislation on plants and new genomic techniques have your say here:

The European Commission is currently consulting stakeholders on its inception impact assessment and policy roadmap for a future legislation for plants produced by certain new genomic techniques. The feedback period is open until 22 october 2021. This initiative will propose a legal framework for pla...

interesting initiative...

interesting initiative...

Biodiversity for Opportunities, Livelihoods and Development is a groundbreaking 10-year project to combat climate change

A report we waited for! There are also short descriptions in several other languages on the website.

A report we waited for! There are also short descriptions in several other languages on the website.

This report warns that the dominant picture of livestock’s impacts on climate change has been distorted by faulty assumptions that focus on intensive, industrial farming in rich countries. Millions…

THis is an important petion to save the mostly feral living Bilberry goat

THis is an important petion to save the mostly feral living Bilberry goat

234 signatures are still needed! Protection Status for the Bilberry Goats

Interesting event - Have a look:

Interesting event - Have a look:

The global debate on climate change is focusing attention on reducing emissions from livestock production, particularly ruminants. As a result, advocates of a ‘protein transition’ emphasise the need for a major shift to plant-based diets. Others call for more space devoted to nature conservation...

Today is the world bee day: Did you know, that honey bees are one of the most important agricultural species? Not becaus...

Today is the world bee day: Did you know, that honey bees are one of the most important agricultural species? Not because of yummy honey - because of their pollination performance! Of course there are a lot of other pollinators around we have to be aware of - for example the 450 wild bee species in Europe.
We will and shall go on promoting open-pollinated varieties in agriculture!!

The Day aims to raise awareness on the importance of pollinators, the threats they face and their contribution to sustainable development.

This is an exciting food history database. Formed as an open science wiki-system you can participateand put in your best...

This is an exciting food history database. Formed as an open science wiki-system you can participateand put in your best reciept from before the 1940ies. Do you have one with anold variety or a rare breed? Post it!!

This week July 2020 a decades long effort of Barbara K Wheaton and a small group of developers to create a Wiki-like food history data research tool goes liv...

Tomorrow, April 30 the first international Orchard Day will be celebrated. The topic of this year is: "Orchards erverywh...

Tomorrow, April 30 the first international Orchard Day will be celebrated. The topic of this year is: "Orchards erverywhere". Download descriptions of that day in different languages under:

Es wird Zeit, das zu feiern und auch auf europäischer Ebene auszubauen. Denn dieser Erfolg soll erst der Anfang sein. Auf Initiative unserer Streuobstfreunde von der ARGE Streuobst und des Umweltdachverbands aus Österreich wurde der letzte Freitag im April zum Internationalen Tag der Streuobstwies...


SAVE Foundation, Neugasse 30
Saint Gallen


Montag 09:00 - 14:00
Dienstag 09:00 - 17:00
Mittwoch 09:00 - 14:00
Donnerstag 09:00 - 14:00



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