Tina Dyck - RTR

Tina Dyck - RTR tina dyck


Mein Angebot bei Trainingsverbot!

Solange man die eigenen Pferde noch reiten darf, möchte ich Euch folgendes anbieten:
- sendet mir Videos von Eurem Training und wir analysieren sie gemeinsam, um Korrekturen und Übungen für die weitere Entwicklung zu finden.
- auch können wir eine live Verbindung zum trainieren einrichten.
- schreibt mir, wenn ihr in Springen oder Dressur an etwas bestimmtem arbeiten möchtet: ich sende Euch sehr gerne Übungen / Trainingsabläufe / Aufbau
- meldet Euch, wenn ihr egal welche Fragen über Fütterung, Verhalten oder anderem habt

-> gratis! Ich möchte auf diesem Wege den Personen helfen, die gerade ohne Trainer gestrandet sind.

Haltet ABSTAND! schützt Euch und andere!
Ich wünsche viel Kraft, Geduld und ganz viel positiven Zusammenhalt.
Gemeinsam schaffen wir das!


The Trainer You Hate

The trainer you hate, love, respect, shout at, swear at, feel offended by and argue with is the trainer that will never stop pushing you to reach your highest goals.

The relationship between a trainer and their student is an interesting one, which has many facets. It is only natural that such a significant amount of time spent with someone; sharing highs and lows, frustrations and joy, will fuel a relationship that is, let’s face it, very personal. It is important for both - trainer and student - not to confuse this relationship. During training, you are not best friends; you are student and teacher.

Tina’s rules

rule #1: never become “best friend” with your clients.
You will lose a healthy and professional distance, which is essential for remaining an analytic and honest approach. Becoming emotionally involved is dangerous and by doing so you are not only risking your friendship, but also your client. Very unprofessional.

Rule #2: trainers emotions and problems are of no interest!
Obviously you as a trainer are only human and have emotions, challenges and fears too, but this is of NO interest within the strictures of a professional partnership. Your client is paying for a service; not a friend to gossip with or feel sorry for! This is where the fine line must be drawn. Often and understandably a close friendship can develop between trainer and student. It is important, if you want to benefit from the professional side of the relationship, to understand that it would be counterproductive for you – as a client – to be emotionally offended if, for example, after a social event together your trainer switches back into professional mode in a training session the very next morning. You should be grateful for such a clear, structured and focused mind at your disposal!

rule #3: A good trainer will reflect both your skills and weaknesses.
A trainer should be honest. As a student of said trainer, it is important to realize that you have entered into a contract of sorts. You are paying this person to give you advice to the best of their ability – not to tell you how wonderful you are. It is your responsibility, as a student, to take this advice on board and not be offended when you hear something that you may not like. Your trainer does not set out to be cruel, or unkind, but a good trainer will highlight areas that need attention. That is what you are paying them for! You always have a choice whether to take advice on board or not. Don’t get upset. Think and reflect… If you disagree with their approach then fair enough. Move on. Find a trainer that fits you better… but it is important that you are doing this in an analytic approach – not emotionally judged – from a place of honesty with yourself.

rule #4: A good trainer will build your confidence.
By professionally structuring your sessions and being aware of your personal motivations and goals, your trainer will develop in you a trust for and in your work and routine. Seemingly countless repetitions of movements will establish yours and your horse’s technical and physical competence in every detail of those movements. This will enable both you and your horse to complete them easily, even under pressure. Confidence only is the result of feeling in control.

rule #5: A good trainer will always give his / her honest opinion – without judging!
As part of this aforementioned ‘agreement’ between you and your trainer, you must be prepared to swallow your pride and ask any and all questions that you feel necessary. No matter how silly you believe a question to be, never hesitate to ask your trainer. Your trainer is there to analyze your situation, doubts, fears and insecurities with you. Not to answer questions FOR you but WITH you. Your part of this deal is to be open to the answers of the questions that you have asked.

rule #6: A good trainer will push you to your limits.
A good trainer will, as would be expected, test you mentally and physically but will also push you to explore your creativity, flexibility, knowledge and your sensitivity towards your horse. Your trainer will encourage self-analysis and self-discipline all the time expanding your comfort-zone; often without you even realizing it. But – in order to bring you forward – there might be situations of physical pain, exhaustion, when you won’t feel confident enough – you hesitate, question, feel insecure – and your trainer will guide you through your struggle until you grew stronger out of it.

Rule #7: Above all, your trainer should be your security.
Not someone that you are afraid of disappointing, but someone who will be there to guide you and support you through your mistakes and your triumphs, and help you learn and grow as a rider. Ultimately, it is your responsibility to be honest with both yourself and your trainer if you wish to move forward as an equestrian. However, this means taking advice onboard. If you repeatedly ask for advice but repeatedly ignore it, every trainer can be forgiven for questioning whether to continue the partnership!

Rule #8: Your trainer should share your emotions with you, but not their own.
No matter whether joy, sadness, disappointment or anger, your trainer will understand that you are an emotional being and will empathise but must remain professional. You should be given room for your emotions, to a point. A great trainer will often give you the space to vent and yell at them! However, a great trainer will also not take this personally and will guide you in moving past this intense emotion and on to a place where you can move forward. It is important to note that, if your trainer takes an outburst personally, starts gossiping about competitors, trainers, judges, or is letting you into THEIR emotional state, it is time to question whether you want to continue to work with such unprofessionalism.

Rule #9: Your trainer may never be satisfied.
There is ALWAYS room for improvement. Your trainer will not only try and constantly and consistently improve you and your horse; they may also repeatedly question nutrition, supplements, training schedules, focus and much more. Always looking for the smallest opportunity to improve performance is their job. This energy is your drive – be grateful for such a high level of dedication.

Rule #10: be humble and grateful – always!
When you have found the right trainer for you, the relationship should be a great support to you. They will LEAD you if you trust in their decisions. They are the professional and should know when to push you and when to hold back. Your goals will become their goals. They will act like a team manager, advising on farriers, dentists, body workers, vets, even grooms and drivers in order to create the best team around you and your horse to aid you on your route to success. No equestrian is successful alone. Be grateful and show humility towards every member of your equestrian team! You won’t make it without them.

Rule #11: be brave and kind – towards anything and anyone.
Sometimes your trainer has to be brave. In accepting the role of ‘manager’, a trainer’s responsibility becomes ever greater and a willingness to change their mind for the sake of the horse or rider is essential. It is sometimes necessary, if the results of their decisions are not showing the expected success, for the trainer to adapt quickly and restructure the team. This takes strength of character, awareness and flexibility, and the ability to admit mistakes. This takes a strong character and the ability to stand up for one’s own opinions without disrespecting other people. The good trainer is a diplomat to a point and a decisive, confident decision-maker beyond that.

Rule #12: Never justify – except in front of yourself!
In a mirroring of this, you yourself do not have to justify anything to anyone, Especially not to the ‘experts’ sitting outside of the arena. The ringside critics, if you will. You know exactly whom we are talking about here: those with the judgment and the criticism but not actually achieving themselves! No one knows all the setbacks, pain and strength it has taken, to bring you where you are right now! Be authentic to you and your choices and remember: this is YOUR life, YOUR set of choices and YOUR way!!

All-over goal:
The Trainer–Student relationship is a reciprocal one, which can be based in friendship and yet remain highly professional. Overall the Trainer-Student relationship is best when grounded in trust, honesty, self-determination and common goals.

You may hate me – but I will not rest until you have reached YOUR goals!

♥️a match made in heaven ♥️It's something so special to see a rider and a horse develop into a true partnership. It take...

♥️a match made in heaven ♥️

It's something so special to see a rider and a horse develop into a true partnership. It takes time, patience, strength to grow, self-discipline and the will to continuously stand up again.

The past weekend proofed everything right for Valentina and her very special Siena:
- Saturday 🥇 winning M-dressage for Valentina's very first time
- Sunday 🥈 silver medal in the OKV- Dressage final on the 3rd level.

I couldn't be happier for and with you and can't thank you enough für putting that much trust into our work. Best of luck and lots of joy for your next competitions ♥️🍀♥️

European Championship in August 2019♥️ You can either win, or learn ♥️ What an amazing achievement this young team has a...

European Championship in August 2019
♥️ You can either win, or learn ♥️

What an amazing achievement this young team has achieved. It was a dream come true for Valentina to qualify for the European Championships with her so special "DOUGLAS DE LUXE". A highlight in her most successful season - so far.

Biggest congratulations to a 6th place in the Nation's Cup for the Swiss Team Robynne Graf, Layla Schmid and Valentina Bona with the national trainer Heidi Bemelmans and amazing individual performances. 🍾🍾🍾♥️♥️♥️

Nach einer unglaublichen Saison durfte Valentina heute Vize-Schweizer Meisterin 2019 werden. Ganz herzliche Gratulation ...

Nach einer unglaublichen Saison durfte Valentina heute Vize-Schweizer Meisterin 2019 werden. Ganz herzliche Gratulation der Siegerin Robynne Graf und der dritt platzierten Antonia Winnewisser.

Liebe Valentina: Durchhaltevermögen, Ausdauer, sehr viel Kraft und unbeirrter Glaube an den eigenen Weg haben sich ausgezahlt. Du bist ein so besonderer Mensch. Bleib wie Du bist und kämpfe weiter!
Dieser Meilenstein ist einzig dank Euch möglich:
DAGMAR und MICHAEL: von Herzen Dank für unsere ganz besondere Zusammenarbeit und Freundschaft. Es ist ein Geschenk mit Euch arbeiten zu dürfen und ich freue mich sehr auf die kommenden Herausforderungen.
DORIS und HITTA vom STALL MEHLI: für die umsorgende und liebevolle Pflege unserer Schützlinge.
KARIN: für Deine unermüdliche Fürsorge, wenn wir nicht da sind.

Wir möchten ein besonderes Dankeschön an die Organisation der SM in Basel aussprechen. Noch nie zuvor habe ich (auch international) ein Turnier erlebt, bei dem so unglaublich viel zum Wohle der Pferde und Reiter, Helfer und Pfleger gemacht wurde. Um dieser Hitzewelle stand halten zu können wurden mannesgrosse Ventilatoren in den Stallungen angebracht, extra ein Kühl-LKW mit Eis zur Verfügung gestellt, ein Duschwagen für alle installiert und vieles mehr. Sowohl die Organisation, als auch Offizielle hielten kontinuierlich Kontakt mit den Athleten und besuchten regelmäßig die Stallungen, um die Situation persönlich zu überprüfen. absolut grandios!

Doppelsieg für Valentina und Siena im Schänzli. Es ist ein Geschenk dieses Paar beim Zusammenwachsen begleiten zu dürfen...

Doppelsieg für Valentina und Siena im Schänzli.
Es ist ein Geschenk dieses Paar beim Zusammenwachsen begleiten zu dürfen.
DANKE Dagmar und Valentina für diesen ganz besonderen Weg. Ganz gleich welche Rückschläge, Höhen + Tiefen und noch begegnen werden - ich freue mich auf alles das noch kommt.
DANKE Susan - Du bist in Gedanken immer dabei.
DANKE Karin für Deine wertvolle Unterstützung.
DANKE Doris und Hitta im Stall Mehli für dieses liebevolle Heim mit perfekter Pflege unserer Vierbeiner und idealen Trainingsmöglichkeiten.
DANKE Claudia und Martin - ohne Euch wären wir jetzt nicht hier.

Dankbar für dieses Erlebnis. Ein erstes Turnier für ein sich gerade erst frisch kennengelerntes Team. Valentina durfte h...

Dankbar für dieses Erlebnis. Ein erstes Turnier für ein sich gerade erst frisch kennengelerntes Team. Valentina durfte heute Siena zum ersten Mal starten und nach einigen Missverständnissen in der ersten Prüfung, konnten sie sich in der zweiten Prüfung komplett finden und souverän gewinnen. Auch der Gesamtsieg über beide Prüfungen ging an dieses vielversprechende Paar.
Von ganzem Herzen DANK an BARBARA für dieses so schöne Turnier in Grüningen.
DANKE an STALL MEHLI in Chur, bei denen unsere Pferde in besten Händen sind und wir ideale Trainingsbedingungen finden.
DANKE an CLAUDIA und MARTIN RASSMANN, für alle Unterstützung bei der Suche.
DANKE an KARIN für all die wertvolle Unterstützung vor Ort.
DANKE an DAGMAR und VALENTINA für Euer Vertrauen und unsere intensive Zusammenarbeit.
Und vielen mehr.
Ohne Euch wäre dieser Schritt nicht möglich und ich freue mich so sehr auf alles das noch kommt.
Ein erster Schritt ist geschafft. ❤️ Weiter so 🍀

Practice makes perfect  Strength and ridability is the key 💪❤️💪

Practice makes perfect
Strength and ridability is the key 💪❤️💪


Be the athlete you expect your horse to be!!!

If you are unfit, slow, heavy and without any energy and body tension - how in the world can your horse present itself light, energetic, athletic, elegant and focused? Impossible!

I am getting really annoyed by people constantly blaming their horses, but are completely unwilled to work on themselves. Physically and mentally.

Wrong sport for you!!! Horse riding is a mirror reflection and about selfcriticism and realising how YOU are disturbing the horse - not the other way around.

If you are unhappy about your horses attitude, behaviour, physics.... Mirror..... Think about it!!!


God that was absolutely hilarious:
that very short moment, when I actually
thought I finally knew how to ride.


Grandios! Tolles Team. Inspirierende Arbeit. Herzlichkeit und Wärme in jeder Person. Ganz viel Erfolg in 2019 💖🍀💖

Thank you all from the depth of my hear.Wishing you a very merry and joyful Christmas and the most wonderful, blessed ne...

Thank you all from the depth of my hear.
Wishing you a very merry and joyful Christmas and the most wonderful, blessed new year. x x x


The key to success in the course?


Practice lines, combinations, technique and balance for you and your horse over and over again.

The successful course only is the result of your input.


Biomechanics // walk!
Don't block the physiological free movement of your horse.
Obviously - the longer you practice and educate your horse physically and mentally - the higher quality you'll be able to show in each type of walk.


*education*. // The true meaning of it


Biomechanics part 1
Don't confuse the initial cause with secondary symptoms

People keep asking me what exactly it is I am specialized on. It is Rehabilitation in competitive sport. To show you an ...

People keep asking me what exactly it is I am specialized on. It is Rehabilitation in competitive sport. To show you an example: 5 weeks of rehabilitation including nutrition, massages, osteo- and physiotherapy, ultrasound-therapy, gentle build-up of physiological correct movement and muscle structure, balance, coordination, condition and mental resilience as well as on the ground, on the lunge or under the saddle.


What does convincement mean?

To me it means to take on responsibility for what you believe in – to never compromise your philosophy or your sense of justice for anything or anyone, without acting on the expense of others.
If a horse is behaving or acting different as expected or desired, it is important to exclude several reasons within a wide-ranging complexity.
Some prefer the use of a whip, punish brutally and interpret the horses behaviour as cheeky or naughty – without even wasting one thought on other possibilities. Mainly due to a huge lack of knowledge or experience. That is one way. Not mine.

Within my daily working routine it is essential to analyse the experience, education and development of every single horse individually. Always having specialists to clarify external elements (such as saddle, teeth, nutrition, shoeing, …) as well as internal possibilities ( like stomach or back pain, blockages, allergies,….). The more experience and knowledge, the faster answers are found. But be careful: just because there is no obvious reason to be found in the first run, it doesn’t mean, that the horse doesn’t have a reason for its behaviour.

I am working very disciplined and highly focused and I know that I do ask a lot from my clients and horses – but never ignorantly on the expense of the horse.

My CONVICTION doesn’t raise any claim in correctness – but I have to take on responsibility for what I believe is right. I can not ride a horse with f.ex. a terribly fitted saddle. No one would ever put little sharp stones in their shoes to go for a run. If my philosophy is contrary to my client’s opinion, I have to take on responsibility due to my believes and – if we are unable to come to terms in a friendly and open conversation – I will terminate the cooperation respectfully. Always supported by the sincere wish, that each one will be happy on its way.

Again: I am not judging over right and wrong. Every person has to follow its conviction and has to take on responsibility for ones decisions.
I am only able to follow my philosophy – with transparency and honesty. If you don’t want to hear my opinion – don’t ask.

Fort he core of my heart I would like to thank all my wonderful clients, whom I am allowed to work with. We share the same philosophy and take on the same responsibility towards horses and people. I am blessed on a daily basis.

Was ist Überzeugung?

Für mich bedeutet es Verantwortung zu übernehmen, die eigene Philosophie und Sinn für das Richtige für nichts und niemand zu komprimitieren, ohne auf Kosten anderer zu handeln.

Wenn sich ein Pferd anders als gewohnt oder erwünscht verhält, gilt es vielschichtig und breitgefächert Gründe auszuschließen.
Manche greifen auch zur Gerte, bestrafen gnadenlos und deuten Verhalten als frech oder ungezogen - ohne sich auch nur einen Gedanken zu machen. Meist auf Grund mangelnden Wissens oder Erfahrung. Das ist natürlich ein Weg. Wertfrei.

Nicht meiner.
In meiner Arbeit ist es wichtig den Ausbildungs-, Erfahrungs- und Entwicklungsstand eines jeden Tieres individuell zu analysieren. Für den psychischen und physischen Ist-Zustand sowohl externe Elemente (Sattel, Zähne, Futter, Schmied, Futter, etc) wie auch interne Möglichkeiten (Schmerzen im Bauch, Rücken, Blockaden, Unverträglichkeiten, etc) von einem Spezialisten abklären zu lassen.
Je mehr Erfahrung und Wissen, desto schneller finden sich Antworten. Aber vorsicht: nur weil man auf Anhieb nichts findet, heisst es noch lange nicht, dass ein Pferd nicht doch einen Grund für sein Verhalten hat.

Ich arbeite konsequent, intensiv und diszipliniert und weiss, dass ich von Pferd und Reiter viel verlange - aber niemals ignorant auf Kosten des Pferdes.

Meine ÜBERZEUGUNG erhebt keinen Anspruch auf Richtigkeit, doch muss ich vor mir die Verantwortung übernehmen. Ich kann ein Pferd mit z. B. unpassendem Sattel nicht trainieren. Keiner würde sich absichtlich kleine scharfe Steine in die Schuhe legen, um dann joggen zu gehen.

Wenn meine Philosophie zum Wohle des Tieres zu konträr zur Philosophie des Besitzers steht, so muss ich auch hier auf Grund meiner Überzeugung Verantwortung übernehmen und - sollte man in offenen und freundlichen Gesprächen auf keinen gemeinsamen Nenner kommen - die Zusammenarbeit respektvoll beenden. Immer mit dem aufrichtigen Wunsch, dass jeder auf seinem Weg glücklich wird.

Nochmals: ich werte nicht richtig oder falsch. Jeder muss seiner Überzeugung folgen und auf diesem Wege Verantwortung für die eigenen Entscheidungen tragen.
Ich aber kann nur diesen einen Weg gehen. Dazu gehört auch Ehrlichkeit und Transparenz. Wenn man meine Meinung nicht möchte - nicht danach fragen.

Danke aus tiefstem Herzen, dass ich mit so wundervollen Kunden arbeiten darf, die die gleiche Überzeugung teilen und somit auch die selbe Verantwortung gegenüber der Pferde übernehmen. Es ist ein tägliches Geschenk.


An excellent rider is educating the horse, so it understands the owners aids.
An excellent trainer is explaining to the owner how his horse understands his aids.
It is all about your client and it's horses needs - not about you at all.
Your responsebility as a trainer is to give these two a level of harmony and understanding in work and training.

If you can ride the horse, but your client (the owner) can not, well, then either you are an egoistic rider, not caring for your owners limitations. Or you simply are lacking knowledge as a rider to educate the horse to understand it's owner, or you are unable to explain the horses needs to the owner so the he /she understands how that horse wants / needs to be ridden.
(excluding total beginners - obviously)


Don't ride for today - ride for tomorrow.
It's not important to proof anything today - only work towards being better the next day. Do not ride the lectures your horse is offering - if you only show off with your horses strength: sad! If you try to support your horses weaknesses and ride towards daily improvement within the little details: you then not only will be able to ride the spectacular lectures, but also will keep it's mind and body sound.

For today: love and enjoy every single moment working your partner. It is a privilege.
For tomorrow: try to ride and finish today's work so you and your horse will be better tomorrow.


I was asked this very difficult question: When is a rider too heavy for a horse?
To me this question is not to be answered with a number. I see active weight and passive weight.

Thinking of a strong, tall, athletic man with well trained muscles - he can easily reach 90 - 100kg without being "overweight". On the other hand can an unfit tiny person with almost 60 kg be cathegorized as "overweight" - it all depends on the relation between fat and muscles.

I prefer the 'heavier', but thoroughly trained person, since he /she can control, balance and work with every single gram bodyweight. This person does have the strength to be gentle on the horses back and make him/herself light. That to me is active weight.
A lighter but very unfit person can not control or use his / her weight as well and its passive weight might hurt and disturb a horses back or balance way more.

So - I believe, that there is not only the weight on the scale, that is indicating a riders suitability. Much more important to me is whether or not the weight can be used actively - for the sake of the horses wellbeing.

Today I received a perfectly beautiful lucky charm. It is the most personal and self-made gift and I am absolutely thril...

Today I received a perfectly beautiful lucky charm. It is the most personal and self-made gift and I am absolutely thrilled and excited. Thank you so much. It can also be clipped to a zipper, to spark up my purse or to decorate a key.

I love her work and if you are looking for a high quality, personal gift for Christmas please have a look on www.gluecksstueck.ch
You can order any individual arrangement for your personal charm, bracelet or necklace - or enjoy her self-made selection. You can also send your horses hair to be transformed into a beautiful piece of personal jewellery.

Simply beautiful.
Please share.

Von Herzen Dank - liebe Nicole - für diese ehrliche Geschichte.  Es tut so vielen Reitern einfach gut zu wissen, dass ma...

Von Herzen Dank - liebe Nicole - für diese ehrliche Geschichte. Es tut so vielen Reitern einfach gut zu wissen, dass man nicht alleine ist, wenn man wirklich hilflos und in Tränen nicht mehr weiter weiss.

Man wird belächelt, ist frustriert, schämt sich evtl. auch..... und doch: haltet durch. Geht Euren Weg!

Lektion 1: der Reiter ist immer schuld.
Lektion 2: mit Konsequenz in Losgelassenheit dorthin reiten und arbeiten, wo ich es möchte.


Rembrandt wurde im März 1977 in Hamminkeln geboren und kam dreijährig zu mir. Unter den gegebenen Umständen eigentlich viel zu früh, aber …


When life is challenging you: to keep going is what victory looks like

How to influence the horses landing "before" a jump

How to influence the horses landing "before" a jump


Life is not throwing challenges your way to destroy you. .....but to show you how strong you truly are.

So - accept the challenge and grow stronger, better and more successful than ever before. Believe in yourself, your goals and reach for the stars. You will succeed!!!

It is worth every single fight!!

Thank you George Morris:“I don’t push the horse, I don’t work – the horse works. The first thing is to get the horse in ...

Thank you George Morris:
“I don’t push the horse, I don’t work – the horse works. The first thing is to get the horse in front of my legs. Watch my hands, it’s not this zig zag garbage, that’s cheap. I hate this current riding style, bringing the head to the body. Classical riding is to bring the body to the head. This is a leg based system with motion of the horse. This is a system to teach the horse to carry himself.”



Take a look into the closely guarded yard of European champion and Olympic gold medallist, Ben Maher. Watch Ben reveal all about the challenges that every ri...


Never look down on anybody unless you are helping them up!!


Tina Dyck RTR


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