
i-dog.ch http://www.i-dog.ch
Hundeausbildung, Tierpsychologische Beratung (Hunde + Katzen), Tellington-TTouch-Practionner


My brilliant sister, Robyn Hood, is a fabulous teacher who encourages students to try and see situations from our animal's perspective.

The foundation of our approach to working with animals is deeply rooted in empathy. While the conventional focus often revolves around "training" animals for specific behaviors, we emphasize the importance of fostering an environment conducive to genuine learning. While training is vital for establishing safety and basic rules, ensuring that an animal feels secure in its body and interactions with us is paramount for long-term, meaningful learning.

Traditional methods of training often rely on the handler's high level of skill and precise timing. We've witnessed skilled professionals making interactions with animals appear effortless, yet replicating the same outcomes proves challenging for others. This begs the question: What has the animal truly learned? True learning occurs when the animal feels safe enough for information absorption to occur unhindered. A proficient trainer may utilize instinct and timing effectively, but it doesn't guarantee that the animal comprehended or internalized the instruction.

When observing someone working with an animal, it's enlightening to consider what you would be learning if you were the animal. Try muting the sound in a video, focusing on the non-verbal cues and reactions. The Tellington TTouch Method underscores a departure from training specific behaviors to empowering animals to become better learners. By enhancing an animal's sense of safety, confidence, and well-being – physically, mentally, and emotionally – we pave the way for lasting success.

Rather than viewing animals merely as subjects of training, our philosophy encourages a holistic approach that acknowledges their ability to learn, adapt, and thrive when provided with a supportive environment. By prioritizing an animal's emotional and physical well-being, we believe in creating a foundation that not only fosters obedience but also promotes genuine understanding and connection between humans and animals.



On Sunday, January 28, at 11:00 a.m. PT join Tellington TTouch Instructor Robyn Hood as she presents Helping Harness Shy & Touch-Sensitive Dogs with the Tellington TTouch. This is open to everyone and will be available in the TTouch Community library afterwards.

Does your furry friend freeze at the sight of a harness or bolt away when it's time to put it on? Is your dog a bit concerned about grooming or tends to get overly excited with physical contact?

In this informative webinar, Robyn will guide you through various techniques designed to assist both puppies and adult dogs that exhibit negative reactions to harnesses, grooming, or general contact.

Discover the power of breaking things down into manageable steps and introducing novelty to make the process enjoyable for your canine companion.

Many dogs have successfully transitioned to being comfortable wearing a harness and have become calmer and more receptive to various forms of contact.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to build a stronger bond with your pet and make everyday activities a positive experience. Register now and unleash the potential for a happier, more confident dog! Free to register.

To register for the talk visit:


If you cannot make it live, you can catch the replay in the community library.

To access the Tellington TTouch Community Library and join the community visit www.ttou.ch


L'importance d'un bon harnais ! 🐶

Sur la 1ère image, on peut constater que l'omoplate et l'épaule sont gênées par le positionnement du harnais. Dès que le chien va vouloir mettre ses membres antérieurs en extension, ceux vont en être empêchés par le harnais (de manière libre). Sur le long terme, ce genre de changement de la biomécanique imposé va créer des tensions et pathologies au niveau musculaire et squelettique.

Sur la deuxième photo, on voit que l'épaule et l'omoplate sont libres de bouger et de se mettre en extension !

Faites attention avec les harnais. Ils peuvent faire plus de mal qu'on ne le croit.
L'idéal est de bien dresser votre chien, pour qu'il ne tire pas, réponde aux ordres et qu'il n'ait donc pas besoin d'être tenu/tiré ni par un harnais, ni par un collier. ☯


Dans un souci de transparence afin que chaque duo chien/détenteur-trice puisse se préparer au mieux et à leur rythme pour l’évaluation de conductibilité pratique, la section protection des animaux du SAAV a réalisé les documents suivants :

- Un plan d’aménagement du terrain pour les différents postes. Ce document permet aux éducateurs et aux éducatrices canines de préparer le terrain pour les évaluations.
- Une grille d’évaluation où est expliqué chacun des postes et les attentes de l’éducateur-trice canin-e envers le duo chien/détenteur-trice.
- Une vidéo qui présente les 18 postes de l’évaluation pratique de conductibilité avec les moments de détente.

Venez les découvrir sur le site internet suivant :


Wenn ein geniales Schnüffelseil-Spiel und ein ordentliches Pensum Kniebeugen zusammen kommen: dann könnte es sich um einen Squat-Trail handeln.





079 440 01 63



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