
UrbanFarmers We grow where you eat. We provide solutions for fresh food production in your city, to monatize your empty rooftop. UrbanFarmers. Fresh Revolution. Revolution.

We all want fresh food. Fresher food is better food. For too long, urban agriculture has been a hobby amongst a few dedicated enthusiasts. Introducing UrbanFarmers: we provide systems and solutions that enable enterprises to grow the freshest vegetables and fish in your city reliably, and on a large scale. Rooftop farms provide a new experience by revolutionizing fresh. When food is grown directly

on your roof, just a few steps away, you will see, smell, and taste the difference. What's more, our rooftop farms enable enterprises to monetize their currently vacant real estate assets, and reduce their environmental impact. UrbanFarmers


Zwicky-Platz 3


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