Kleintierpraxis Kreis 2

Kleintierpraxis Kreis 2 Ihre sympathische Kleintierpraxis in Zürich Kreis 2 - we care for you and your pet !

Eigene Parkplätze für Kunden vorhanden, VBZ Linien 66 / 72 Stop Thujastrasse direkt vor der Praxis

OPENiNG HOURS CHRiSTMAS 🎄 - our clinic will be open throughout the festive season with these exceptions…  🌟Tuesday the 2...

OPENiNG HOURS CHRiSTMAS 🎄 - our clinic will be open throughout the festive season with these exceptions…
🌟Tuesday the 24th/31 st of December early closing at 12 am.
🌟 Wednesday the 25th of December & 1 st of January
🌟 Thursday the 26th of December & 2nd of January

We wish you a peaceful festive season, merry Christmas and a joyful New Year with family and pets.

We thank you for entrusting us with the medical care of your pets throughout the year and look forward to seeing you in 2025 !

The team of Kleintierpraxis Kreis 2 ❤️

CHRiSTMAS SEASON - it is that time of year again... 🎄our Christmas decoration is ready and the lights may shine for you ...

CHRiSTMAS SEASON - it is that time of year again... 🎄our Christmas decoration is ready and the lights may shine for you and enlighten our hearts and soul… we wish you a happy, healthy and joyful festive season! As known from the last two years, we are creating a story advent calendar for our interested social media community. The 24 short stories shall give you an insight in our daily veterinary service for our dear patients and introduce our clinic and staff.
Check the daily story or see “Xmas 2024” Story-Collection to view all of them... thank you for your interest and feedback, enjoy a relaxed and joyful pre-Christmas time with your family and pets...your team of Kleintierpraxis Kreis 2

ANESTHESiA - Anesthesia is a reversible deep-sleep-like state in which consciousness is switched off and the sensation o...

ANESTHESiA - Anesthesia is a reversible deep-sleep-like state in which consciousness is switched off and the sensation of pain is suppressed. The vital vital functions, respiration and circulation are preserved. In almost all surgical procedures, anaesthesia is indispensable to protect the animal from pain. This state is maintained throughout the procedure by the administration of anesthetics and painkillers. In addition, your animal cannot be awakened even by strong stimuli, for example by a surgical skin incision. An anesthesiologist eg specialised vettech VASTA monitors and controls the body functions and narcotic status of your animal throughout the operation. The most important vital functions are continuously monitored and logged in order to ensure the highest possible safety for your animal. In addition, the veterinarian can intervene directly and thus, for example, administer regulatory medications to your pet during anesthesia.

After the injection of a painkiller and sedative, the animal anaesthetic is usually initiated with a fast-acting anaesthetic medication intravenously and then the animals gets intubated with a breathing tube to secure the respiratory tract.
Pets are thoroughly monitored after anesthesia in our station room until they are sufficiently awake and all body functions are stable. Your pet will receive infusion and painkillers after anaesthesia and will be kept warm. Not to forget TLC and the best part of being brought home to recover with your family… we wish good recovery to all our patients, do not hesitate to contact your vet clinic before anesthesia to be informed about the procedures, techniques and risks of the surgery to be performed - in our case it was a cystotomie to remove a star-shaped and painful Urolith (bladder stone).

NEW TEAM MEMBERS - we are pleased to welcome these three precious new team additions 😻 . To the left MAGALi CURTY, vette...

NEW TEAM MEMBERS - we are pleased to welcome these three precious new team additions 😻 . To the left MAGALi CURTY, vettech with several years of work experience including human dental assistant and currently attending massage training classes for humans next to working as a vettech. In the middle OTiLiJA WANGER, she started her apprenticeship to become a certified vettech in August in our clinic, she is our second apprentice next to Aliya Keiser who started her third and last year of apprenticeship. To the right NiNA PLUMP, a certified and very experienced vettech who specialised as a veterinary anaesthesiologist VASTA and is also an apprentice trainer … we are very proud and happy to welcome you three to our team 🙏. Our practice and daily veterinary service for our clients and their dear pets will be strengthened, optimized and supported thanks to the efforts of our empathic team… We care for you & your pets, heartfelt your team of

PAPiLLOMAS  - viral Papillomatosis is most common in young dogs and appear suddenly, with rapid growth and spread around...

PAPiLLOMAS - viral Papillomatosis is most common in young dogs and appear suddenly, with rapid growth and spread around the lips or the mouth cavity.
Occasionally, if these growths are numerous, dogs may bite them when chewing, causing the papillomas to bleed and become infected. Most cases of canine oral papillomas are self-limiting, meaning they go away on their own within 1-5 months as the affected dog’s immune system matures and mounts a response to the virus.
Pictured the same pretty young Irish
setter girl with various Papillomas on her lips, appearing suddenly and growing quite fast and therefore concerning her owner.
We could easily diagnose these papillomas and calm the owner - but please always contact a vet if new lumps, bumps or skin swellings appear on your pets. Often these need to be controlled by FNA (fine needle aspiration), that means to suck some of the cells with a fine needle from the tissue and have it sent to a special laboratory for cytology (control of the cells). Sometimes we need to perform a biopsy (excise/cut a small area of the tissue with unknown origin and send it for histology (control of tissue containing more and associated cells, leading to a more accurate diagnosis and prognosis… 👍

DANGER BAiTS  - repost ! Yesterday Friday the 23rd of August morning prepared sausage pieces with needles have been foun...

DANGER BAiTS - repost ! Yesterday Friday the 23rd of August morning prepared sausage pieces with needles have been found on Lessingstrasse, Kreis 2, Zürich - near Sihlcity!
The police is already informed as well as hopefully the dog community here! We do not know if the danger is gone and if and where some new baits might be hidden!
Please keep your dogs leashed, under control and call the police and veterinary emergency if in doubt… (make sure you practice and emergency stop signal with your dogs)🙏

APPRENTICE ANNOUNCEMENT - we welcome Otilija Wanger as a new member to our veterinary practice team! Otilija started her...

APPRENTICE ANNOUNCEMENT - we welcome Otilija Wanger as a new member to our veterinary practice team! Otilija started her apprenticeship in our clinic today. She will perform her 3 year program to become a veterinary technician (tiermedizinische Praxisassistentin) with a federal certificate of proficiency TPA EFZ (eidgenössisches Fähigkeitszeugnis). The demanding
apprenticeship consists of a two module training course in a veterinary practice with special education approval by the canton of Zürich and will be supplemented by school and specific extern course education. Dear Otilija, we wish you all the best, a successfull education time and lots of interesting and enriching experiences in our practice with pet owners and various animal patients. The team of Kleintierpraxis Kreis 2

TRAVEL SEASON - is just around the corner, there are a few things to consider when your pets accompany you!Not only the ...

TRAVEL SEASON - is just around the corner, there are a few things to consider when your pets accompany you!
Not only the entry to other countries is subject to regulations, but also the return to Switzerland. Please Inform yourself early enough about import restrictions and consider whether your pet with travel with you you or you have it cared for at home/with friends/family/petsitter…1. Important prophylactics against ectoparasites - fleas are yearround active and can transmit pathogens to your animal including tapeworms. Various ticks can be vectors and transmit diseases such as babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis and hepatozoonosis. Sand mosquitoes can transmit the dangerous leishmaniosis to your pet - in Southern and Eastern Europe mosquitoes can also spread heart dirofilariosis. Suitable prophylactics against fleas, ticks and mosquitoes and special informations are available at our practice. You should treat your animal BEFORE departure and regularly refresh the protection during the trip at the specified effect intervals.
2. Treatments against worms - dogs and cats can be infected with parasites such as tapeworms, roundworms, hookworms, lung- or heartworms, some of these are even zoonoses and endanger humans as well. Recommended are treatments with a broad spectrum against various worms and can be bought in our veterinary practice.
If you travel for more than 3-4 weeks, the treatment should be repeated every 4-weeks. The last treatment must take place within 4 weeks of return.
3. In mediterranean and south-eastern Europe, many dogs are infected by parasites such as Leishmania, Babesia and heartworms. In these areas, a transfer to-your pet can be possible. The consequences can be serious diseases with even fatal courses, sometimes symptoms occur even years later.
Please check with your trusted veterinarian before travelling - wishing you relaxed holidays with pets ⛱️☀️

HAPPY VET ViSiT - new ❤️ happy visits in our veterinary practice ! Why are positive experiences so important for your do...

HAPPY VET ViSiT - new ❤️ happy visits in our veterinary practice ! Why are positive experiences so important for your dog and cat, especially in a bit of a strange and scary place as the veterinary clinic??
We all know that the trip to the vet can be quite stressful for our pets, including the worried owners… But what if we could turn these visits into a more positive experience?
Happy visits are just that - visits to the vet that only contain positive experiences, no stressful interactions or controls for your pets… a relaxed atmosphere to check out the examination room, get some tasty treats and cuddles from our empathic team… all of this creates positive emotions and connections with the veterinary practice 😻. It’s a great way to show your dog that going to the vets doesn’t always mean something unpleasant is going to happen and that it can even be very rewarding, be fun and play time,
A positive visit to the vets can reduce anxiety and stress, not only for your pet, but for you as a concerned owner too! If your dog associates the practice with positive memories, the next visit will be much more pleasant for both of you…
Happy visits may even strengthen the bond between you and your dog.
These are just some reasons why we now offer these special „happy vet visits“ ! It’s not only a way to strengthen the connection between you and your dog, but also to ensure your dog that it is as comfortable and safe as possible in our veterinary clinic and that our staff is friendly and supportive (memorised yummy treats… lick paste and plate work wonders as well…).
Be it a booked appointment, a short positive visit in our waiting room or even a small training session in the treatment room - contact our professional staff to discuss the possibilities and find the perfect solution for your beloved furry friend..❤️ likes to thank .medicaltraining for the bright idea and text about happy vet visits… 🙏 thanks to our special and happy patient .ear_beagle.charlie

EMERGENCY COURSE / FiRST AiD FOR YOUR DOG - the first practical course for interested dog owners took place last Friday ...

EMERGENCY COURSE / FiRST AiD FOR YOUR DOG - the first practical course for interested dog owners took place last Friday by sunny spring weather under a blooming fruit tree 😻. The course covered commonly occurring injuries, acute illnesses, the contents of a first aid kit as well as emergency cases such as bleeding, intoxication choking etc…When is my dog an emergency, when to rush to the veterinary clinic, how to prepare, transport an injured dog ? …. and most important how can I react at home, how can I help??? Would you know the NORMAL range of your dogs vital parameter and where to find them anatomical? The first practical exercises consisted of finding these important parameters… we also nursed us up to bandaging limbs as well as the head. See some perfect (healthy) patients throughout the course. Thank you to the motivated audience and Carolina .ch_zuerich for the organisation of the course. thanks for the vital parameter graphics

BEZOAR - Hairballs in cats (trichobezoars) occur naturally. It is caused by clumping of hair in the cat’s stomach. When ...

BEZOAR - Hairballs in cats (trichobezoars) occur naturally. It is caused by clumping of hair in the cat’s stomach. When cats clean their fur, they regularly swallows loose hair, which can form into hairballs in the stomach.
Usually these hairballs pass through the digestive tract, cats can also regurgitate the hairballs to spit them out.
Cat hairballs occur in both short-haired and long-haired cats and mostly do not cause medical problems. However some can not be removed by vomiting and can form into bigger bezoars, even calcificate, cause weight loss, chronic nausea ad vomiting, gastritis and even lead to problematic and live threatening ileum (blocked intestines)! There is an increased risk of the formation of problematic hairballs:
• Long-haired cats
• Indoor cats
• increased hair loss, e.g.during coat change (spring, autumn)
• in case of hair loss due to illness
• increased cleaning, e.g. because of
• Itching and psychological stress (psychogenic lick alopecia)
• Intestinal diseases or administration of medications that inhibit intestinal motor function.
Our short-haired cat patient had a history of vomiting, not eating and apathy. In our x-ray check (2nd and 3rd picture) we saw the culprit causing these problems and referred her to the to have the bezoars cleared by endoscopy. The kitty patient recovered quick and nicely… always contact your vet if your cat starts vomiting regularly with no obvious cause…😻‼️prophylactic treatments include regular grooming/brushing at home to get rid of extra fur/hair, feeding several times a day, cat grass, fiber-rich cat food, special supplementary feed … do not hesitate to contact your vet for more details on bezoars. Your team (thank you LYSSBACHVET for the 4th picture of an endoscopic bezoar removal)

WE CELEBRATE 6 YEARS OF KLEiNTIERPRAXiS KREiS 2 - happy anniversary 🍀 6 years ago, on the 8th of January 2018 our veteri...

WE CELEBRATE 6 YEARS OF KLEiNTIERPRAXiS KREiS 2 - happy anniversary 🍀 6 years ago, on the 8th of January 2018 our veterinary practice opened its doors for pets and their owners... we have encountered many happy and interesting but also sad and emotional pet moments…We would not want to miss them since they were all were responsible and helped us grow into the competent, caring and empathic team we are now. We hope to be able to provide our personalised veterinary service for you and your pets for many more exciting and fulfilling years in veterinary medicine to come.... Thank you all for the trust, loyalty and support in any kind of way shown to us! Our team appreciates it very much…♥️🙏 Some interesting facts about our clinic : we reached the number of 10 employees, around 3000 patients of which 55% are cats 🐈‍⬛, 40% are dogs 🐕 and 5% rodents and other small animals, the „Top 5 names“ of our pet patients are 1. LUNA, 2. MiA, 3. NALA, 4. SiMBA … we love our profession and like to care for you and your pets, your team of ❤️

THANK YOU - we look back to another successful year with lots of human and animal contact, we got to know a lot of new g...

THANK YOU - we look back to another successful year with lots of human and animal contact, we got to know a lot of new georgeous, funny, lively, cute, cuter, sceptic, grumpy, fluffy, cheeky and just plain wonderful patients! Thank you to everyone who enters our practice with a smile, kind words and a regard for the warm welcome.
Thank you for your understanding of the “struggle” to do several things at once in a veterinary clinic and be there for everyone sometimes all at the same time.
Thank you for laughing and sometimes crying together with us.
Thank you for caring for pets or any kind of animals, for supporting rescue and animal rights.
Thank you to help us perform and provide veterinary services for you and your pet.
Thank you for every nice and kind social contact, through phone calls, mails, social media, post mail or personal visits.
Thank you for your trust and acknowledgment of our empathetic and professional team.
Thank you for choosing our vet clinic for your pets and entrusting us with their medical care and prophylactic… there are so many more reasons to be thankful for… We wish you with family and pets all the best and a happy new year 🍀.
We are looking forward seeing you 2024 , your team of Kleintierpraxis Kreis 2 ♥️


Mutschellenstrasse 77


Montag 08:00 - 12:00
13:30 - 18:00
Dienstag 08:00 - 12:00
13:30 - 18:00
Mittwoch 08:00 - 12:00
13:30 - 18:00
Donnerstag 08:00 - 12:00
13:30 - 18:00
Freitag 08:00 - 12:00
13:30 - 17:00
Samstag 08:00 - 12:00


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Unsere Geschichte

Die Kleintierpraxis Kreis 2 wurde im Januar 2018 nach der Übernahme der Praxis von Herrn Dr.med.vet. Ueli Coradi gegründet und die Praxisräumlichkeiten nach kurzer Modernisierung für Sie und Ihre Tiere eröffnet. Alle Mitarbeiterinnen der Tierarztpraxis Kreis 2 in der Enge Zürich/Wollishofen teilen die Freude an einem medizinischen Beruf zum Wohle der Tiere. Wichtig sind uns ein freundlicher, kompetenter und einfühlsamer Umgang mit Mensch und Tier - gemeinsam mit Ihnen möchten wir dafür sorgen, dass Ihre Haustiere gesund, zufrieden und lange in der Gemeinschaft Ihrer Familie leben können. Im Vordergrund steht für uns die persönliche Verbundenheit mit unseren Patienten und Ihnen, deren Besitzern. Lassen Sie uns Ihre Ansprechpartner für die Gesundheit und Vorsorge Ihrer Tiere sein. Wir freuen uns, Sie und Ihre Tiere persönlich kennenzulernen und Ihre Erwartungen in veterinärmedizinischer als auch menschlicher Hinsicht zu erfüllen. Herzlichst, Ihr Team der Kleintierpraxis Kreis 2