Clases de Griego.

Clases de Griego. Hablante nativo del griego realiza clases particulares y grupales.


Got it, Alexander! Here's a more concise version that’s LinkedIn-ready with some more relatable hashtags:


**Title: Lead by Example Before You Lead by Voice: Lessons from Coach Mike Brown**

Hey, LinkedIn Fam! 👋

Coach Mike Brown of the Sacramento Kings nailed it: *“Before you lead vocally, you have to be able to lead by example.”* 🙌🏀

# # Walk the Talk 🏃‍♂️➡️🗣️
Being vocal gets attention, but *actions* earn respect. 💯 How can you expect your team to hustle if you’re not putting in the work? Show up early, push through challenges, and keep a positive vibe even when the going gets rough. That’s how you earn trust.

# # Why Actions Speak Louder than Words 🔊
1. **Trust Building** 🤝: When your team sees you working hard, it builds trust. You’re not just giving orders—you’re out there, getting it done too.

2. **Setting the Standard** 🎯: Leaders who lead by example set the bar. It’s like saying, “This is how we do things here.” Your actions define the workplace culture.

3. **Inspiring through Consistency** 🔥: True leaders bring their A-game *consistently*. It’s not a one-time effort; it’s about showing up every day.

# # The Takeaway 🤔
Leadership isn’t just about having the loudest voice—it’s about having the biggest impact. 🌟 Focus on leading by example, and you’ll find your voice carries more weight.


Let me know that you think!


**Título: Liderar con el Ejemplo Antes de Liderar con la Voz: Lecciones del Coach Mike Brown**

¡Hola, familia de Facebook! 👋

Cuando hablamos de liderazgo, hay una regla de oro que el Coach Mike Brown de los Sacramento Kings destacó: *"Antes de liderar con la voz, tienes que poder liderar con el ejemplo."* 🙌🏀 Vamos a desglosar lo que esto significa y cómo se aplica tanto en la cancha como en la oficina.

# # Predicar con el Ejemplo 🏃‍♂️➡️🗣️
Hablar en voz alta puede captar la atención de tu equipo, pero son las *acciones* las que ganan su respeto. 💯 Piénsalo: ¿cómo puedes esperar que tu equipo se esfuerce si tú no estás dispuesto a dar el máximo? Se trata de ser esa persona que llega temprano, que se enfrenta a lo difícil, y que mantiene una actitud positiva incluso cuando la cosa se pone dura. Eso es lo que hace que la gente se fije en ti y quiera seguirte.

# # Por Qué las Acciones Hablan Más que las Palabras 🔊
1. **Construir Confianza** 🤝: Cuando tu equipo ve que trabajas tan duro (o incluso más) que ellos, se crea confianza. Saben que los apoyas porque no solo das órdenes, sino que estás ahí, haciendo el trabajo también.

2. **Establecer el Estándar** 🎯: Los líderes que lideran con el ejemplo establecen la vara de lo que se espera. Es como decirle a tu equipo, "Así es como hacemos las cosas aquí." Tus acciones definen la cultura y el ambiente de tu lugar de trabajo.

3. **Inspirar a través de la Consistencia** 🔥: Los verdaderos líderes traen su mejor versión *constantemente*. No se trata de un esfuerzo de una sola vez; se trata de aparecer con la misma energía día tras día. Esta consistencia inspira a otros a seguir el ejemplo y a elevar su propio nivel.

# # Encontrar tu Voz Una Vez que Has Marcado el Ritmo 🎤
Una vez que has demostrado que puedes actuar, entonces es el momento de *hablar*. 🗣️ Ya sea para alentar a tus compañeros, ofrecer consejos o hacer que rindan cuentas, tus palabras tendrán mucho más peso cuando ellos hayan visto que lideras con el ejemplo primero.

# # El Libro de Estrategias de Liderazgo del Coach Mike Brown 📓
1. **Empieza con Pequeñas Victorias** 🏅: Concéntrate en dominar lo básico, al igual que un jugador necesita afinar sus fundamentos antes de lanzar triples. Cuando demuestras que puedes manejar lo simple, construyes credibilidad.

2. **Sé un Ejemplo en Tiempos Difíciles** ⏳: Es fácil liderar cuando todo va bien, pero la verdadera prueba es cuando la presión aumenta. Da un paso adelante y mantén la calma bajo presión—eso es cuando tu equipo más te necesita.

3. **Deja que tus Acciones Hablen Primero** 👊: Antes de motivar a tu equipo con un discurso, asegúrate de que tus propios esfuerzos están enviando el mensaje correcto. Así, cuando hables, ellos sabrán que tus palabras están respaldadas por acciones.

# # Entonces, ¿Cuál es la Lección? 🤔
El liderazgo no se trata solo de tener la voz más fuerte en la sala—se trata de tener el mayor impacto. 🌟 Toma una página del libro del Coach Mike Brown y concéntrate en liderar con el ejemplo. Cuando lo hagas, verás que tu voz, naturalmente, tendrá mucho más poder e influencia.

¡Salgamos y seamos el tipo de líderes que no solo *dicen* las cosas, sino que también las *demuestran*! 💪


¡Espero que este boletín te dé ese empujón extra para liderar desde el frente! Deja un comentario si tienes alguna idea o historia sobre liderar con el ejemplo.👇

¡Nos vemos en el próximo! 🚀


**Title: Leading by Example Before You Lead by Voice: Lessons from Coach Mike Brown**

Hey, LinkedIn Fam! 👋

When it comes to leadership, there’s a golden rule that Coach Mike Brown from the Sacramento Kings nailed: *“Before you lead vocally, you have to be able to lead by example.”* 🙌🏀 Let’s break down what this means and how it applies to both the court *and* the boardroom.

# # Walk the Talk 🏃‍♂️➡️🗣️
Being vocal can get the attention of your team, but *actions* are what earn their respect. 💯 Think about it: how can you expect your team to hustle if you’re not willing to put in the effort yourself? It’s about being that person who shows up early, grinds through the tough stuff, and keeps a positive attitude even when the going gets rough. That’s what makes people take notice and want to follow you.

# # Why Actions Speak Louder than Words 🔊
1. **Trust Building** 🤝: When your team sees you working just as hard (if not harder) than them, it builds trust. They know you’ve got their back because you’re not just giving orders—you’re out there, getting it done too.

2. **Setting the Standard** 🎯: Leaders who lead by example set the bar for what’s expected. It’s like telling your team, “This is how we roll around here.” Your actions define the culture and vibe of your workplace.

3. **Inspiring through Consistency** 🔥: True leaders bring their A-game *consistently*. It’s not about a one-time effort; it’s about showing up with that same energy day in and day out. This consistency inspires others to follow suit and raise their own game.

# # Finding Your Voice Once You’ve Set the Pace 🎤
Once you’ve established that you can walk the walk, then it’s time to *talk the talk*. 🗣️ Whether it’s encouraging your teammates, offering advice, or holding them accountable, your words will carry a lot more weight when they’ve seen you lead by example first.

# # Coach Mike Brown’s Playbook for Leaders 📓
1. **Start with Small Wins** 🏅: Focus on nailing the basics, just like a player needs to get their fundamentals right before hitting those three-pointers. When you show that you can handle the small stuff, it builds credibility.

2. **Be a Role Model in Tough Times** ⏳: It’s easy to lead when things are smooth, but the real test is when the pressure’s on. Step up and stay calm under pressure—that’s when your team needs you the most.

3. **Let Your Actions Do the Talking First** 👊: Before you rally the troops with a speech, make sure your own efforts are sending the right message. This way, when you do speak, they’ll know your words are backed by action.

# # So, What’s the Takeaway? 🤔
Leadership isn’t just about having the loudest voice in the room—it’s about having the biggest impact. 🌟 Take a page out of Coach Mike Brown’s book and focus on leading by example. When you do, you’ll find that your voice naturally carries a lot more power and influence.

Let’s get out there and be the kind of leaders that don’t just *say* it—but *show* it too! 💪


Hope this newsletter gives you that extra boost to lead from the front! Drop a comment below if you’ve got any thoughts or stories about leadership by example.👇

Catch you in the next one! 🚀


Bucephalus was a renowned horse associated with Alexander the Great. Here’s a comprehensive overview of his life:

# # # Early Life and Birth

- **Birth and Origin**: Bucephalus was born around 355-353 BC. He was a Macedonian horse, likely of the Thessalian breed, which was known for its strength and endurance. His exact birthplace is not precisely documented, but he was reputedly from the region of Thessaly in northern Greece, which was famous for its horses.

- **Name and Appearance**: His name, Bucephalus, is derived from the Greek words "bous" (ox) and "kephale" (head), referring to his distinctive large head, which was said to resemble an ox's. He was a large, powerful horse with a notable appearance.

# # # Relationship with Alexander the Great

- **Acquisition**: Alexander the Great acquired Bucephalus at a young age. According to legend, Bucephalus was initially difficult to manage, and he was sold to Alexander’s father, King Philip II of Macedon. The young Alexander, however, was able to tame him and show his remarkable skill as a horseman. This event is often cited as a sign of Alexander’s future greatness.

- **Role**: Bucephalus was Alexander’s primary mount throughout many of his military campaigns. He carried Alexander across three continents and played a crucial role in battles, including the Battle of Granicus, the Battle of Issus, and the Battle of Gaugamela.

# # # Achievements and Legacy

- **Battles and Campaigns**: Bucephalus was involved in significant military campaigns, demonstrating remarkable stamina and endurance. His presence was a symbol of Alexander's power and success. The horse’s performance in battles and various terrains highlighted his extraordinary abilities.

- **Death**: Bucephalus died in 326 BC, reportedly due to old age or injuries. He was around 30 years old, which was exceptional for a horse of that era. The exact circumstances of his death are not well-documented, but his demise was a significant event for Alexander.

- **Tribute**: In honor of Bucephalus, Alexander founded the city of **Bucephalia** near the site of the Battle of the Hydaspes. This city was named in tribute to the horse who had been a loyal and important companion throughout Alexander’s conquests.

- **Legacy**: Bucephalus is remembered as one of history’s most famous horses due to his legendary status and the deep bond he shared with Alexander the Great. His story has been immortalized through historical accounts, highlighting his importance in Alexander's campaigns and the respect he commanded.

# # # Summary

- **Born**: Around 355-353 BC, in Thessaly, Greece.
- **Gender**: Male.
- **Died**: 326 BC, likely due to old age or injuries.
- **Legacy**: Bucephalus is celebrated for his role in Alexander the Great’s conquests, his exceptional abilities as a war horse, and the tribute of the city named in his honor.


I'm glad you liked the answers! Here's the text along with some relevant hashtags for your Facebook post:


**Projection in Psychology**

In psychology, projection is a defense mechanism in which an individual unconsciously attributes their own unwanted thoughts, feelings, or motives to another person. This often occurs when these thoughts or feelings are too uncomfortable or threatening for the individual to acknowledge within themselves. By projecting them onto others, the person avoids facing their own internal conflicts.

For example, if someone is feeling angry but finds it unacceptable to acknowledge this anger within themselves, they might accuse others of being angry or hostile toward them. Projection can often lead to misunderstandings and conflict in relationships, as the individual is not recognizing or taking responsibility for their own emotions or behavior.

Projection is considered one of several defense mechanisms, which are psychological strategies used by individuals to protect themselves from anxiety or distress.

**Other Defense Mechanisms**

Defense mechanisms are psychological strategies that individuals unconsciously use to protect themselves from anxiety, distress, or uncomfortable emotions. Sigmund Freud and his daughter Anna Freud developed the concept of defense mechanisms, and they identified several types. Here are some common defense mechanisms:

1. **Repression**: The unconscious blocking of unacceptable thoughts, feelings, or impulses.
- Example: A person who experienced a traumatic event as a child might not remember the event because it is too distressing to acknowledge.

2. **Denial**: Refusing to accept reality or facts, thereby avoiding dealing with painful feelings.
- Example: A person who has been diagnosed with a serious illness might refuse to accept the diagnosis and act as if nothing is wrong.

3. **Regression**: Reverting to behaviors from an earlier stage of development when faced with stress.
- Example: An adult may start sucking their thumb or throwing temper tantrums when they are under a lot of stress.

4. **Displacement**: Redirecting emotions or impulses from the original source to a safer or more acceptable substitute.
- Example: A person who is angry at their boss might go home and take out their anger on their family or pets.

5. **Rationalization**: Justifying or explaining away unacceptable behaviors or feelings in a logical manner, avoiding the true reasons for the behavior.
- Example: Someone who fails a test might blame the difficulty of the questions rather than their lack of preparation.

6. **Sublimation**: Channeling unacceptable impulses or emotions into socially acceptable activities.
- Example: A person with aggressive tendencies might take up a sport like boxing to channel their aggression in a constructive way.

7. **Reaction Formation**: Acting in a way that is opposite to one's unacceptable desires or feelings.
- Example: A person who is unconsciously attracted to someone might behave in an overly critical or hostile manner toward that person.

8. **Projection**: Attributing one's own unacceptable thoughts or feelings to others.
- Example: A person who is feeling guilty about cheating on a partner might accuse the partner of being unfaithful.

9. **Intellectualization**: Using reason and logic to avoid uncomfortable or distressing emotions.
- Example: Someone who is diagnosed with a serious illness might focus solely on learning everything about the disease, avoiding the emotional impact of the diagnosis.

10. **Identification**: Adopting the characteristics or behaviors of another person or group, often to cope with feelings of inadequacy or fear.
- Example: A child who feels powerless may begin to adopt the behaviors or mannerisms of a more powerful figure, like a parent or superhero.

11. **Undoing**: Attempting to reverse or undo a thought, feeling, or behavior that one finds unacceptable by engaging in behavior that is contrary to the original thought or behavior.
- Example: A person who feels guilty about cheating on a partner might buy them an expensive gift as a way to "undo" the wrongdoing.

12. **Compensation**: Overachieving in one area to make up for perceived deficiencies in another.
- Example: A person who feels insecure about their social skills might focus intensely on excelling in academics or sports.

These mechanisms operate unconsciously, often allowing individuals to function without being overwhelmed by negative emotions. However, overreliance on defense mechanisms can interfere with emotional growth and healthy coping strategies.





The sciences that deal with the brain and languages include:

1. **Neurolinguistics**: Studies the neural mechanisms in the brain that control the comprehension, production, and acquisition of language.
2. **Psycholinguistics**: Examines how language is processed in the mind, including language acquisition, comprehension, and production.
3. **Cognitive Neuroscience**: Investigates how brain functions are related to cognitive processes, including language.
4. **Speech-Language Pathology**: Focuses on diagnosing and treating speech, language, and communication disorders.
5. **Linguistics**: Studies the structure, meaning, and context of language itself, often intersecting with cognitive and neurological perspectives.


Ο Bruce Lee ήταν πράγματι ένας εξαιρετικός αθλητής γνωστός για την απίστευτη δύναμη, ταχύτητα, ευκινησία και την ικανότητά του στις πολεμικές τέχνες, παρά το γεγονός ότι δεν ήταν επαγγελματίας αθλητής με την παραδοσιακή έννοια. Οι σωματικές του ικανότητες και οι μέθοδοι εκπαίδευσής του έχουν εμπνεύσει αμέτρητα άτομα σε διάφορους τομείς αθλητισμού και φυσικής κατάστασης. Εδώ είναι ένα αναθεωρημένο σύνολο hashtag για να αντικατοπτρίσει την εξαιρετική αθλητικότητά του:

Hashtags: #ΑθλητικήΕπιστήμη #ΦυσιολογίαΆσκησης #Βιομηχανική #Φυσιολογία #Διατροφή #Γενετική #Ψυχολογία #ΑθλητικήΕπιδόση #ΠολεμικέςΤέχνες #ΦυσικήΚατάσταση #Δύναμη #Ταχύτητα #Ευκινησία #Έμπνευση

Translation 2
English: Absolutely, Bruce Lee's physical conditioning and prowess were evident to anyone who saw him, whether he was shirtless or demonstrating his martial arts skills on screen or in real life. His chiseled physique and dynamic movements showcased his exceptional athleticism and dedication to fitness. Here's a revised set of hashtags to highlight his remarkable physicality:

Greek: Απόλυτα, η φυσική κατάσταση και η δεξιοτεχνία του Bruce Lee ήταν εμφανείς σε όποιον τον έβλεπε, είτε ήταν χωρίς μπλούζα είτε έδειχνε τις ικανότητές του στις πολεμικές τέχνες στην οθόνη ή στην πραγματική ζωή. Το γυμνασμένο σώμα του και οι δυναμικές κινήσεις του ανέδειξαν την εξαιρετική αθλητικότητά του και την αφοσίωση του στη φυσική κατάσταση. Εδώ είναι ένα αναθεωρημένο σύνολο hashtag για να τονιστεί η αξιοσημείωτη φυσικότητά του:

Hashtags: #ΠολεμικέςΤέχνες #ΕικονικόΦυσικήςΚατάστασης #ΑθλητικήΙκανότητα #Έμπνευση #Θρυλικός #ΦυσικήΚατάσταση #ΔυναμικέςΚινήσεις #ΑκραίοςΑθλητής

If you need any additional translations or modifications, please let me know!


Sí, el griego koiné (κοινὴ διάλεκτος, "dialecto común") era el dialecto del griego antiguo que se hablaba durante la época de Jesús. Este dialecto surgió después de las conquistas de Alejandro Magno en el siglo IV a.C., que unificaron grandes áreas bajo el dominio griego y promovieron una forma común de hablar y escribir griego. El koiné se convirtió en la lingua franca de gran parte del mundo helenístico y del Imperio Romano oriental.

Características del Griego Koiné
Simplificación Lingüística:

El griego koiné es una forma simplificada del griego clásico, con menos variación dialectal y simplificaciones en la gramática y el vocabulario.
Uso Extendido:

Se usaba ampliamente en la administración, el comercio, la literatura y la comunicación diaria. Fue el lenguaje de la mayoría de los escritos del Nuevo Testamento y otros textos religiosos, filosóficos y literarios de la época.
Literatura Religiosa:

El Nuevo Testamento fue escrito en griego koiné, lo que facilitó su difusión en todo el mundo grecorromano. Este dialecto permitió que los escritos cristianos fueran accesibles a una audiencia amplia, incluyendo tanto a judíos como a gentiles.
Importancia Histórica:

Debido a su uso extensivo en los documentos administrativos y literarios de la época, el griego koiné es crucial para el estudio de la historia y la cultura del período helenístico y romano.
Contexto Histórico
Durante la época de Jesús, el griego koiné coexistía con otros idiomas como el arameo, que era el idioma comúnmente hablado por los judíos en Palestina. Sin embargo, el griego koiné era el idioma de la administración romana y de gran parte de la comunicación escrita y formal. Esto explica por qué los autores del Nuevo Testamento eligieron escribir en griego koiné: querían que sus mensajes fueran comprendidos por una audiencia lo más amplia posible en el mundo mediterráneo.

El griego koiné era, efectivamente, el dialecto del griego antiguo que se hablaba y escribía durante la época de Jesús. Su uso extendido facilitó la difusión de la literatura religiosa y filosófica de la época, dejando un impacto duradero en la cultura y la historia del mundo occidental.


Η σοφή ελληνική γλώσσα πάλι μας λέει τι να κάνουμε στην περίοδο της νηστείας με μια απίστευτη εγγενή μνημοτεχνική..

Ν= Νερό, πολύ νερό στην περίοδο αυτή.

Η= Ήλιος
Με κάθε ευκαιρία καθόμαστε στον ήλιο για βιταμίνη D.

Σ= Συγγνώμη
Και ζητάμε και δίνουμε απλόχερα.

Τ= Τείχος στους πειρασμούς.

Ε= Ειλικρίνεια στον λόγο, καθόλου ψέμματα.

Ι= Ικεσία δηλ. αληθινή προσευχή.

Α= Αγάπη
Η κορυφαία πράξη νηστευόντων και μη νηστευόντων.


Sure, here is Acts 17:16-31 in the New International Version (NIV):

"16 While Paul was waiting for them in Athens, he was greatly distressed to see that the city was full of idols. 17 So he reasoned in the synagogue with both Jews and God-fearing Greeks, as well as in the marketplace day by day with those who happened to be there. 18 A group of Epicurean and Stoic philosophers began to debate with him. Some of them asked, 'What is this babbler trying to say?' Others remarked, 'He seems to be advocating foreign gods.' They said this because Paul was preaching the good news about Jesus and the resurrection. 19 Then they took him and brought him to a meeting of the Areopagus, where they said to him, 'May we know what this new teaching is that you are presenting? 20 You are bringing some strange ideas to our ears, and we would like to know what they mean.' 21 (All the Athenians and the foreigners who lived there spent their time doing nothing but talking about and listening to the latest ideas.)

"22 Paul then stood up in the meeting of the Areopagus and said: 'People of Athens! I see that in every way you are very religious. 23 For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: to an unknown god. So you are ignorant of the very thing you worship—and this is what I am going to proclaim to you.

"24 'The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands. 25 And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else. 26 From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. 27 God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us. 28 ‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’

"29 'Therefore since we are God’s offspring, we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone—an image made by human design and skill. 30 In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. 31 For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising him from the dead.'


Η σωτηρία προέρχεται από το Χριστό και όχι από το νόμο!

Γαλάτες 2:15-20!

15Εμείς είμαστε εκ γενετής Ιουδαίοι κι όχι αμαρτωλοί εθνικοί. 16Ξέρουμε όμως πως ο άνθρωπος δεν μπορεί να σωθεί με την τήρηση των διατάξεων του νόμου. Αυτό γίνεται μόνο με την πίστη στον Ιησού Χριστό. Γι’ αυτό κι εμείς πιστέψαμε στον Ιησού Χριστό, για να δικαιωθούμε με την πίστη στο Χριστό κι όχι με την τήρηση του νόμου· γιατί με τα έργα του νόμου δε θα σωθεί κανένας άνθρωπος. 17Αν όμως, ζητώντας να σωθούμε από το Χριστό, βρεθήκαμε να είμαστε κι εμείς αμαρτωλοί όπως οι εθνικοί, σημαίνει τάχα πως ο Χριστός οδηγεί στην αμαρτία; Όχι βέβαια! 18Γιατί, αν ό,τι γκρέμισα το ξαναχτίζω, είναι σαν να ομολογώ πως έκανα λάθος όταν το γκρέμιζα. 19Κι αληθινά, με κριτήριο το νόμο, έχω πεθάνει για τη θρησκεία του νόμου, για να βρω τη ζωή κοντά στο Θεό. 20Έχω πεθάνει στο σταυρό μαζί με το Χριστό. Τώρα πια δε ζω εγώ, αλλά ζει στο πρόσωπό μου ο Χριστός. Κι η τωρινή σωματική μου ζωή είναι ζωή βασισμένη στην πίστη μου στον Υιό του Θεού, που με αγάπησε και πέθανε εκούσια για χάρη μου. 21Δεν μπορώ ν’ αγνοήσω αυτή τη δωρεά του Θεού. Αν όμως η σωτηρία εξασφαλίζεται με την τήρηση του νόμου, τότε ο Χριστός πέθανε χωρίς λόγο.

¡Hola! Como apasionado educador, tengo más de 15 años de experiencia enseñando inglés. Mi meta es inspirar y motivar a m...

¡Hola! Como apasionado educador, tengo más de 15 años de experiencia enseñando inglés. Mi meta es inspirar y motivar a mis alumnos con lecciones adaptadas a sus necesidades individuales. Disfruto creando sesiones dinámicas que se ajustan a cada estudiante. Puedes contactarme en WhatsApp al +56996953072, en Skype como alex.simitzis, en Instagram como simtzisbarria, a través del correo electrónico [email protected] y en LinkedIn como Alexandros Simitzis Barría. Me destaco por mi enfoque innovador en la enseñanza, brindando una experiencia educativa de alta calidad y con resultados comprobados. 🚀 🚀🎉 ¡Te invito a unirte a esta emocionante aventura educativa! 🎉 ¡Saludos cordiales!

¡Hola! Como entusiasta educador, tengo más de 15 años de experiencia impartiendo clases de inglés. Mi meta es inspirar y...

¡Hola! Como entusiasta educador, tengo más de 15 años de experiencia impartiendo clases de inglés. Mi meta es inspirar y motivar a mis alumnos con lecciones adaptadas a sus necesidades individuales. Disfruto creando sesiones dinámicas que se ajustan a cada estudiante. Puedes contactarme en WhatsApp en +56996953072, en Skype como alex.simitzis, en Instagram como simtzisbarria, por correo electrónico en [email protected] y en LinkedIn como Alexandros Simitzis Barría. Me caracterizo por mi enfoque innovador en la enseñanza, brindando una educación de alta calidad y con un historial comprobado de éxito. ¡Te invito a unirte a esta emocionante aventura educativa! ¡Saludos cordiales!

¡Hola! Como apasionado educador, tengo más de 15 años de experiencia enseñando inglés. Mi objetivo es inspirar y motivar...

¡Hola! Como apasionado educador, tengo más de 15 años de experiencia enseñando inglés. Mi objetivo es inspirar y motivar a mis alumnos con lecciones adaptadas a sus necesidades individuales. Me encanta crear sesiones dinámicas que se ajusten a cada estudiante. Puedes encontrarme en WhatsApp en +56996953072, en Skype como alex.simitzis, en Instagram con el usuario simtzisbarria, a través del correo electrónico [email protected] y en LinkedIn como Alexandros Simitzis Barría. Me distingo por mi enfoque innovador en la enseñanza, brindando una experiencia educativa de alta calidad y éxito comprobado. 🚀 🚀🎉 ¡Te invito a unirte a esta emocionante travesía educativa! 🎉 ¡Saludos cordiales!





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