Ping An A Fu

Ping An A Fu Our PayPal Account:
[email protected] The daily foods for all animal cost RMB9,000 (it's RMB55 per month for each).

The institute has adopted the stray animals over 5000 now. The funds is raised by Ms Ha and donated by the individual volunteers.

Ping An A Fu
Address: Wu Gang Zhen , An Hui Sheng Chu Zhou Shi Quan Jiao Xian



Recent climate around the world is showing strange trends. This is scary to Ms. Ha. She remembers the near death experience at the base in year 2008. The base shelter was in the mountain that was covered by snow storms. Vehicles are not able to move. Food is not delivered and electricity was also out of power. Care takers and the rescued fur children were facing starving or freezing endings. At the time, all strong volunteers who have snow experience were gathered. They moved materials into the mountain in face of snowing weathers. Luckily, the weather turned better and helped us to go through this danger.

抢在冬至之前,哈大姐要把毛孩子的炕做好,这个冬天会很长,寒冷极端天气下什么都有机会发生,背靠大山可以柴火暖坑,树枝,枯木、木屑等就可以了,还不怕停电也能节约电费换取食粮更好。Before the harsh snow comes in, Ms. Ha needs to get all beds fixed and ready for the fur children. This winter will be long and extreme weather will bring all risks. At worst cases, we will use dry woods from the mountains to make fire. This will save some electricity costs. All pennies saved can bring extra food, a little is better than nothing.


This year, economy is not good. This causes a very difficult time of donations. For 5000 rescues, donations are key to their survival. We pray for them to go through this winter with warmth and food. In one month, Chinese new year is here. This is a very difficult time due to all factories closed and no food is available. So the preparation for food storage is now. Please continue to support Ping An A Fu rescue center. A food storage is the key to a safe winter. Thank you so much!

The paypal account is : [email protected]

The account name is in Chinese, 陈南燕




As days get colder and colder, Ping An A Fu small children are active. Though they have received the first vaccination, they are too young to be put in dog houses outside. They can get sick or bullied. So they now stay in a warm room and be safe with the care taker. Once they receive all the vaccinations and are neutered, they can move into dog houses.


These little ones eat and play. They never rest other than sleeping. They had been dumped as a whole brood, and many had no moms around. Some were in the streets alone. They were sick or injured at the time of rescues. It feels good to see them happy and active. All the hardworking is worthy.


Ms. Ha is waken up daily by barking and followed by calls of the care takers reporting low food or no food left. But knowing all of the challenges, she would still have chosen to walk on this road of rescuing.

23年 8400个日和夜,平安阿福依旧在践行这份信念和承诺!

It has been 23 years with 8400 days and nights. Ping An A Fu still keeps the promise and belief for the animal rescue and welfare.


New year is approaching, all factories will close. We can’t even borrow food and food making raw materials. These rescues need help from friends to survive another year especially during this difficult time. Please reach out to them . Please support and also share the information of these rescues. Thank you so so much!!

The paypal account is : [email protected]

The account name is in Chinese, 陈南燕


12月6日《大雪》,是中国传统冬季的第三個節氣,代表着氣溫比小雪時再進一步下降。December 6th is the third season in Chinese lunar calendar. It means temperature will drop again after this date.

善良厂家捐了一库房东西,有衣服、枕头套子等,这边看看那边摸摸质料暖和舒服,感谢厂家雪中送炭。义工跟工作人员看到可开心了,满脑子想着怎么用呢,枕头套子率先被饲养员抢去套草垫子。This kind factory just donated a roomful of winter stuff including clothing, pillows and quilt covers. Just by touching the material, you can tell the softness and warmth in the clothings. Thanks so much to this factory of kindness towards animals. Volunteers and care takers are so happy. They are thinking of different ways to use the donations for the rescues. A care taker uses the pillows to put the hays inside. Hay bedding is what we can afford for winter for larger size rescues.

据说今年天气特別冷,草垫子价格便宜保温也好就是消耗大,狗子爬拉几下就散了,虽然散了还能用,但要花费不少时间清洗重组,现在套子套着,不仅手感舒服,还能延长草垫寿命能省不少钱呢,其他物资都被大姐妥善安排。According to weather channel, this winter will be really cold. Hay beds are cheap and keep good insulation. But many hay beds are needed. Dogs can scratch the hays out but the hays are still useful. Without a pillow, hays will need to be washed and put together again. With the pillow, the beds feel better to the skin and last longer so it saves cost too. Ms. Ha will put other donations to urgent usages too.

基地窗戶用大帆布挡风,门帘垫子暖灯壁炉全用上了,还有不少孩子不适应生病了要隔离喝药,幸好发现早並不严重。Windows in the base shelters are blocked with large thick cloth, door curtains and warming lights are in use now too. Many rescues are showing discomfort and signs of sickness. Luckily they are found in time and medicines are given before it gets worse.

还有不足两个月就到农历新年,囤粮囤过冬物资迫在眉睫,请朋友们继续支持并转发平安阿福。万分感谢!In less than 2 month, Chinese new year will be here. Food storage is urgent and priority. Friends, please continue to support Ping An A Fu. Thank you so much!

The paypal account is : [email protected]

The account name is in Chinese, 陈南燕




Count down time starts now. There are 60 days before the Chinese New year comes. This is the biggest challenge to Ms. Ha. There is no happiness at this point as other people have in China because the storage of food is out and thousands of rescues are waiting to be fed.

实在沒法筹得足够年关粮食供应商过年停工期间的粮食, 迫不得已只能抵押部分用地使用权来换粮渡过年关,以三个月为限还款。

哈大姐说抵的是身外物,换来的是生命得以机会维系的生机勃勃!因为从一月份开始,各大粮食厂家也好,普通 商家也好,都慢慢地开始做最后的出货。有钱才有粮,毛孩子不能饿肚子。

It is crucial to store food because all suppliers will stop providing food during new year time for couple weeks. Ms. Ha does not have money to buy food materials. She had to borrow money and use property usage ownership as a deposit until the money is paid back in three months period. Ms. Ha said the rescues' lives are the priorities and all resources are to serve the purpose of saving the rescues. Starting January, all food companies including retails and manufactures are going to sell out the inventories. Without money, the fur children will starve.

年底提前至少20天屯粮都是平安家的一件天大的事,平安阿福五千多孩子,要维持真的很困难,只能厚着脸皮再向福宝们求助! SOS.

Ping An A Fu needs to store enough food at least for twenty days. This is a huge task with 5000 rescues. We had to ask you again dear friends to reach out to Ping An A Fu's fur children. SOS.


Hope every animal loving friend can see, support and share because we including every rescue here really need your help urgently. Each trust and support is reflected on the fur children. Thank you so much!

The paypal account is : [email protected]

The account name is in Chinese, 陈南燕



Ping An A Fu has five shelters with 5000 fur children. The amount of food is huge. The dog and cat food storage is out. Ms. Ha is looking at the new clinic that is still need to be completed, and 5000 mouths that need to be fed.

The end of year is here again. Food storage is the biggest challenge. Ms. Ha went to the town to get more corn powder, vegetables and eggs. These raw materials will be used to make dog food. Two steamers never stop working. Shanghu road has a kitchen that can make steam food for Gaojing base shelter, Yonghong shelter and Shanghu shelter where 2000 children live. Baota shelter has 500 children. The care taker there makes rice food for the children. The dog making machine provides food for 2500 children in Fuxin shelter. Care takers work from 5 am until lunch to make enough food for only one to two days. The cost for material of food is rising too.

请大家帮一帮困境中的毛孩子,天冷了,不能饿肚子,天冷了,太多的事需要去完善,谢谢大家!Friends, please help these fur children in difficulties. It is getting cold. With many things to fix and improve, these rescues need food. Thank you so much!!
The paypal account is : [email protected]
The account name is in Chinese, 陈南燕


踏入冬季,早晚温差大,壮实孩子还好,但老年及病弱孩子就要多加注意,营养餐、暖灯小窝被子早早备好。The winter is coming to Ping An A Fu family of shelters. Strong rescues are doing ok but seniors and weak ones need better nutrition, and warm beddings. Early preparation is very important.
Fall time, we see an increased appetite in the rescues. they all try to become rounder for the coming winter.
Ms. Ha has been so busy building the new shelter with old materials, fences, windows and frames. Every saving is critical for Ping An A Fu. The receiving center in Nanjing is not available anymore. Extra room for patients are still needed so Dr. Sun can give surgeries and provide treatments. Dr. Sun is very experienced and normal sickness can be treated with no issues. But complicated surgeries still need appropriate equipment. So these surgeries will have to wait or referred to animal hospitals with a high fee.

5000 fur children need a large food storage in the winter. And the winter coal and warming lights are extra expense. Medical cost is also a headache. Each step is so difficult for Ping An A Fu. Friends please continue to support and share. Thank you so much!
The paypal account is : [email protected]
The account name is in Chinese, 陈南燕


这也是协会存在的意义。该来的总要来,该受的总要承担,这是阿福的使命!On Friday, clinic will move to the new place that is not completed of interior painting yet. This receiving center is in Nanjing. People who rescue animals bring the rescues to Ping An A Fu. Without Ping An A Fu, these abandoned, abused and stray animals will have no where to go. And this is the mission of Ping An A Fu for past 23 years.
23年的艰辛,一天又一天,大家都陪伴在平安周围保护者它们,我们一路走来,遇到的坎坷,遇到的困难都在坚定着我们保护毛孩子的心,请大家帮助协会,毛孩子的家!In the 23 years' day to day challenges, we have been protecting the rescues with the help of loving friends. In face of difficulties, our heart to save and protect the rescues are always strong. Friends, please help the clinic and receiving center. This is the first home of all rescues!
The paypal account is : [email protected]
The account name is in Chinese, 陈南燕


冬天到了,早晚的温差让毛孩子们特别的不适应,一些体弱孩子已经受不了开始发病,赶紧隔离医治,以免传染。‍这也是平安阿福给孩子宽敞空间主因,毛孩子们充分的生活舒适度,生活区密度高易生病也容易打架。Winter arrived. The fur children in Ping An A Fu are not comfortable with the temperature drops in the early morning and night. Some weak ones are showing signs of sickness. They are being treated in quarantine section to prevent spreading. Ping An A Fu focuses on activity spaces for the children to help with a easier group living condition. This is important to prevent sickness and fights.
哈大姐说,它们进了这个圈,基本就是十年了,这里是它们的家。为平安阿福孩子生活的标准,要有屋子,院子,有床有被子还要有太阳和避雨的棚子。每一个猫房狗舍都统一安排。Ms. Ha said these fur children are living in the yards about ten years. They see this as their home. The basic needs are met here: house, yard, beddings and covers for rain and sun.
这个家太大了,大到论数量相当于五个小学校和一个幼儿园,还是全托班的时候,哈大姐就带着她的孩子们,走过春秋冬夏,吃喝拉撒睡,有病还得治病。有的瘫痪了,还要亲自喂水喂食换尿垫这一来二十三年,来来回回送走了数不清的毛孩子,迎来了一批批新生命。‍可平安依旧是平安,想着给它们一个家,有被子,有暖灯吃饱喝足的过每天。But Ping An A Fu family is too large in size. The number of children is equivalent to five elementary school and a kindergarten. Ms. Ha led these children through four seasons year after year. Some need treatments, some are disabled and some need feeding of food and changing of soiled beddings. Over twenty years, Ms. Ha welcomed new lives and at the same time, said goodbyes too. Ping An A Fu is still here caring for everyone with a warm home with meals.
寒冬已经来到,物资奇缺,五个基地目前只筹集了过冬物资不到百分百之二十,时间紧,任务重,一旦雨雪极端天气,那么将不堪设想Cold winter is here. Materials are extremely short. Five base shelters only have less than 20% material than needed. Time is so fast and burden is so heavy. Once the rain and snow come in sever weather, it is unimaginable.
请大家帮帮忙,一个草垫,一床被子,都是对它们的关爱!Friends, please help with haybeds, food donations. Any type of help is a love support. Thank you so much!
The paypal account is : [email protected]
The account name is in Chinese, 陈南燕

因为早前来了实验犬以及一批被当作血包用的血狗,这些可爱又可怜的狗宝,哈大姐实在不忍心全都收下来,所以又加建了一个山湖路基地,平安阿福的第五个基地。Ping An A Fu received 50 dogs from a lab and a ...

因为早前来了实验犬以及一批被当作血包用的血狗,这些可爱又可怜的狗宝,哈大姐实在不忍心全都收下来,所以又加建了一个山湖路基地,平安阿福的第五个基地。Ping An A Fu received 50 dogs from a lab and a batch of dogs who were used to draw blood. These poor dogs were very sweet and Ms Ha didn’t have the heart to reject them. But Ping an a fu has limited space. So Ms Ha found another small location for the now 5th shelter location.
这样它们就可以自由自在的享受生活,自由自在的呼吸空气,每个新的区域的开设,需要耗费不少人力物力。可对于那些前半生过得颠沛流离,命都随时会丢掉的毛孩子来说,有个奔跑的安全的温暖的家,就是幸福降临了。In this place the rescues can be free and breath fresh air. The new location cost labor and many helpful hands. But it’s worth the burden because the rescues have a warm home now.

11月了,五千孩子的平安家即将迎来救助第22个年头的冬天。毛孩子们要过冬了,这个冬天会有很多不确定的天气因素,至少要准备四个月的供暖,一直到明年二月,过万张草垫,五十个炉子,每个月至少十吨燃煤,四个月四十吨,暖灯泡一百多个,还有这怕人的电费,仅这几项已经天文数字,即便是这样,日子也要一天天过,冬天难熬也要熬。November is here and Ping an a fu is going into the 22nd winter of rescue work. Many unstable elements exist in winter time. At least the fur children need heat for four months until end of February. Over ten thousand hay pads, fifty stoves, ten tons of coal per month and over 100 light bulbs. Electric invoice is high with a number that is shocking. But winter can’t be stopped and we must do all we can to survive it.
可能有的朋友不理解为什么买草垫,草垫虽然不如棉被温暖舒服,但棉被容易沾水,不容易打理,基地在乡下山里,特别湿冷,而且小调皮们怕不是一夜时间就尿湿了拉屎弄脏了,草垫容易清洗也很快晾干。所以那么多年来哈大姐,最终决定选用价格便宜的草垫,对毛孩子来说也是舒适安全。Some friends ask why we need hay pads. Cotton is soft but gets wet and dirty easily and hard to clean. Hay pads are easy to wash and faster to dry too. Dogs can soil the beds over night so using a bedding that is durable is the option. It also cost less.
天冷置物资时间到了,请朋友们继续支持平安阿福。万分感谢!now is the time to get winter preparation done. Friends please support Ping an a fu at this challenge time.
The paypal account is : [email protected]
The account name is in Chinese, 陈南燕
̇malsofi̇nstagram ❤️


平安阿福家五千多孩子,有不少是老弱病残,住上一段时间的宝宝还好,大病都治好了,落下病根的只能好好养着,每天吃喝玩睡也沒什么烦心事。新成员身上带着就要注意多了,要长时间调理的,也有要准备手术的,还有术后护理,再有的小儿老宝宝营养都要跟上。哈大姐、孙医生在营养餐非常注重调配,有好的膳食身休自然好跟上,药品费也省下不少。Ping An A Fu has over 5000 rescues and many of them are sick or handicapped or seniors. Serious sickness are treated. Some side effects of the sickness still exist so they take time or might stay with the children forever. The fur children eat and sleep and are not worried so much. New arrivals however need attention all the time. Observations will lead to more exams, even surgeries. After surgery care must be followed up. Seniors and babies also need extra nutrition. Ms. Ha and Dr. Sun pay attention on meals which are vital in recoveries. A good recovery saves money for medicines.
最新做好的营养黄金糕,主要材料有鸡蛋、肉沫还有各种新鲜食材,没有添加剂调味料,牙口不好的也能轻松嚥下,重要是这黄金糕是猫狗狐狸都能吃,用在日常加餐非常合适,今天猫狗试吃小队都吃得有滋有味。Recently, they made a nutrition cake from eggs, ground meat and other fresh materials. No added ingredients for flavors. The texture is soft so seniors can also swallow it. This cake is suited for dogs, cats and fox. It can be used as extra special meals. Today the dogs and cats tried out the new food and they loved it.
孙医生常说只要毛孩子能吃愿意吃,病就能好上一半了,做出各种好吃就是希望宝宝们都能健康快乐。Dr. Sun said if a fur child loves to eat, that means he/she is recovering at least half way. These special meals are made for the fur babies so they can become healthy and happy again.
请继续支持平安阿福,万分感谢!Please support Ping An A Fu. Thank you so much!
The paypal account is : [email protected]
The account name is in Chinese, 陈南燕



Ping An A Fu welcomed 150 new rescues. These rescues had been jailed in darkness where blood was drawn from their bodies for different purposes. Some were used to breed. Four years ago, Ms. Ha discovered about this by accident. She could only do rescue work in secret for different reasons. During past years, Ping An A Fu also went through many different situations. Ms. Ha didn't give up. Finally, she rescued all of them. These poor dogs finally came to Ping An A Fu on Oct 19. A very busy day followed the first day of arrival: Grouping based on health conditions, quarantine, and other first aid work. In the future, long term challenges will come such as treatment of sickness, health reconditioning, neuter/spay and vaccinations.

The weather is becoming colder. The donated beddings from day care are in use now. These rescues already get used to the new home on second day. The cages are open so the dogs can come out.
Ms. Ha is talking to the children. They will get used to this kind of chatting from care takers and feel relaxed.

A happy ending will come. Let us work together! Fur children too, get better soon!
Thanks to the friends who have supported Ping An A Fu, thank you so much! PAAF has near 5000 rescues and is in urgent need of help! Thanks again!
The paypal account is : [email protected]
The account name is in Chinese, 陈南燕

毛孩子不是每个都能亲亲抱抱,有些因为过去不好经历,又或是性格使然,不大喜欢亲近人类,即使每天给喂食及清理地方的工作人员也是远远的看着,沒在怕但就是不亲人,这些性格孩子都给予尊重,只要身体健康就可以了。Ping An A Fu rescues...

毛孩子不是每个都能亲亲抱抱,有些因为过去不好经历,又或是性格使然,不大喜欢亲近人类,即使每天给喂食及清理地方的工作人员也是远远的看着,沒在怕但就是不亲人,这些性格孩子都给予尊重,只要身体健康就可以了。Ping An A Fu rescues had gone through different challenges before they were saved. Not every fur child likes to be hugged or being close to humans. Many bad experiences with human or their characters are more independent. Even at the meal time, when care takers come to feed or clean the yard, these children only watch from a distance. They are not afraid anymore but they still keep a distance. We respect their choices, as long as they are in good health.
说来孩子们都十分聪明,如果是生病了或打疫苗的情況,虽然还是很不高兴,但无奈下都是愿意配合,就是要多吃点肉干补偿。These kids are very smart. They know they need to be treated when being sick or vaccination time. Not very happy, but are willing to cooperate with some meat treats as a reward.
哈大姐带着平安阿福近五千动物,三番四次迫迁,早前又是台风地震,扛着这大家子艰辛的救助路还是要走下去。秋天来了,孩子们食量大增吃好喝好预备过冬。感谢福宝们继续支持并转发,一起给毛孩子安稳的家。Ms. Ha has over near 5000 rescues and had to move several times. With earth quake and storms in previous month, this large rescue family is facing more challenges. Autumn is here. The fur children are having bigger appetites for winter preparation. Thanks to friends who have been supporting the children. Together, we give a steady home to these rescues.
The paypal account is : [email protected]
The account name is in Chinese, 陈南燕



平安阿福幕后功臣少不了孙医生,孙医生还在学生年代已认识哈大姐,毕业后就来到平安家,陪伴哈大姐应付一个又一个难关,途中放弃不少兽医院邀请,放弃高薪厚职,学生时代到现在成为爸爸级别,仍然尽心尽力为毛孩子付出。工作人员、义工在孙医生教导下都已有一定医疗知识,照顾病号都是简单事情,孙医生给平安家省下大笔医疗支出,但要救助的毛孩子实在太多,仅药物支出都是庞大开支。Ping An A Fu family of rescues can not keep going without the hardworking Dr. Sun. When Dr. Sun was a student, he knew about Ping an a fu and Mrs. Ha. Upon graduation, he came to help out with the rescues and was there at each challenge. He rejected offers from animal hospitals who offered high salaries. From the student time to a father himself, Dr. Sun has provided much needed support. He trained volunteers and care takers on taking care of sick animals. He saved expenses for the shelters. With so many rescues, medical expenses are huge.
白猫感染诺卡氏菌病,出现大量溃疡性瘘管。诺卡氏菌通过呼吸道、外伤和消化道进入动物机体,再通过淋巴和血流播散到全身,能在脾、肾、肾上腺、椎骨体和中枢神经系统引起化脓、坏死和脓肿。经治疗后已经康复,变回雪白可爱的样子。The rescue in the video was saved from a test lab. Her breast developed tumors from different medications. Doctor did surgery of spaying as well as removing the tumors. Observation is on going. The white cat was infected with digestive track disease with shrinking tracks. Bacteria infected breathing and digestive tracks and travel through the body in blood vessels. She was treated and now looks lovely with her Snow White fur.
狗子眼球摘除,现已长好,吃饭胃口特别好,再调理一阵子就可出笼子了。The dog had a surgery of eye removal and has recovered. His appetite is good. Soon he should be ready to come out of the cage.
病房内常常满员,要治疗的孩子太多了,粮食药物需求量很大,请朋友们多多支持并转发。万分感谢!The patient ward is often crowded due to too many patients. Food needs are huge too. Please support Ping an a fu, dear friends!

The paypal account is : [email protected]
The account name is in Chinese, 陈南燕


Update of the lab test dog rescues

The 96 dog rescues from the test labs are doing well. They no longer have to suffer from forced breeding and egg withdrawals. No longer are there cold test rooms. Now they enjoy a sunny bath on a good day. They run after each other in the large yards. On rainy days, they sleep together with friends. They eat and sleep and that is all they have to do now.

Ping An A Fu base shelter is working as fast as they can to build them a dog home. In a week, a new home should be ready for them. Rest of their lives must be happy and that is our mission. Let us work hard!

Ping An A Fu tries to protect each child. We are very thankful for friends who support this mission. The fur children can live a steady life because of you! 
The paypal account is : [email protected]
The account name is in Chinese, 陈南燕


On Sep 30, rescue volunteers in Xuzhou city saved 70 young puppies from dog meat dealers. These puppies were going to be used for dog sausages. After many attempts, rescuers were able to save the dogs. But they could not find a place who will receive them. They called Ping An A Fu and Ms. Ha bravely accepted them. Recently, there was the earthquake that badly damaged PAAF shelters. Due to the long national holiday, many people went back home so there was no helping hands.
Survival rate of young puppies is low. These puppies have been in trucks, and not cared in the hands of the meat dealers. Many are very weak and breathing hard. After 400 km travel on Oct 1st, these puppies arrived at PAAF. Ms. Ha and Dr. Sun are working round the clock: regrouping, preparing medicines and nutrition puppy meals. But the spread of sickness is not stopping, and 10 puppies died in two days. Doctor said that sadly, the survival rate won't be over 30 percent. We are focusing on treating each individual puppy. They are the priorities.
Each day, about 30 to 40 antibiotic liquid medicine units, are needed, besides other medical needs, disinfection solutions etc. The expense is large. The following week is very important and most critical. If the dogs get distemper, longer treatment will be waiting. Fund raising is critical so medicines can be purchased.

Friends, please reach out to Ping An A Fu. More support will provide a brighter hope for the babies. Even a cup of coffee's support is a seed of life. Thank you so much!
The paypal account is : [email protected]
The account name is in Chinese, 陈南燕

台风地震过后,哈大姐工作人员为善后工作忙得頭晕转,分流災害受破坏的地方,建临时狗舍分流狗狗们,幸好沒有人员及毛孩子受伤,分流出去的狗子看到都是熟悉的小伙伴,熟悉的饲养员都不用时间来感受新分配的地方,看到天气好了个个都跑出来玩耍。After ...

台风地震过后,哈大姐工作人员为善后工作忙得頭晕转,分流災害受破坏的地方,建临时狗舍分流狗狗们,幸好沒有人员及毛孩子受伤,分流出去的狗子看到都是熟悉的小伙伴,熟悉的饲养员都不用时间来感受新分配的地方,看到天气好了个个都跑出来玩耍。After the tornado and earthquake, Ms. Ha has been so busy with all the work including cleaning up, repairs, reconstruction and regrouping of the fur children. Very fortunately, no one was hurt. The dogs who are now outside the yard and are living in a new place, feel at home because they are still with old friends and old care taker. They are getting familiar with the new location. It is a clear day, and all the children are out playing.
平安阿福五千毛孩子,十分需要朋友们帮忙,希望能多多支持并转发。万分感谢!Ping An A Fu has 5000 children, and is in need of help. Friends, please reach out to support the fur children and share too. Thank you so much!

The paypal account is : [email protected]
The account name is in Chinese, 陈南燕


On Sep 17th, a level 10 tornado swept the base shelter of Ping An A Fu. All care takers are at the sites and were ready for the scared fur children. After the tornado, we found fallen walls and many damaged spots. Our hearts broke as our eyes saw a large span of destruction around the base shelter. All the handwork we put into the shelter was affected. Yesterday night the rain poured down all night long. Nearby city experienced earth quake which also hurt the base shelter. On Sep 19th morning, care taker called Ms. Ha and reported crakes along the dog houses that can fall down if not repaired. Ms. Ha called 20 workers to do the urgent repair hoping the work can be done before the next tornado. But the damages was very sever and will take more hard work than expected. Ms. Ha asked workers to build temporary shelters for the dogs and also transfer some dogs to other shelters. Then continue the repairs of the walls and dog houses.
Please reach out to help Ping An A Fu with thousands of fur rescues. Together, we help this large shelter to survive the natural disasters. Thank you so much.
The paypal account is : [email protected]
The account name is in Chinese, 陈南燕




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Our Story

救助会目前收养流浪动物超过10000只,每日猫狗粮开销10000元人民币(平均50元/月/只),由哈文进女士个人筹资及志愿者个人捐赠维持。 Ping An A Fu rescue center has rescued/accepted stray and meat truck rescues of over 10000 now. The daily foods for all animal cost over RMB 10000 (it's RMB50 per month for each). The funds is raised by Ms Ha and donated by the individual volunteers and friends. Ping An A Fu Stone Buddha Temple Address: 359 Pu zhu zhong rd, Stone buddha Temple Farm Dog Quarantine Building. Pu Kou District, Nanjing City, Jiang Su Province🦊

江苏省 南京市 浦口区浦珠中路359号 石佛寺农场犬只留检所

电话/Tel: Phone: 17705168516