The Taganga Project

The Taganga Project Founder: Emily Evon
Sterilization and Vaccination Project in Taganga, Santa Marta, Colombia




In the heart of the bustling streets, amidst the chaos and clamor, there exists a silent struggle of survival. Meet a devoted mother, once a stray, now a beacon of hope for her two precious babies. Every day, they wander the unforgiving streets, searching for sustenance and safety.

But there is light amidst the shadows. They find solace in a foundation that extends a helping hand, providing them with the nourishment they so desperately need. Yet, their journey to safety is far from over.

We aim to offer more than just a meal. We strive to give this resilient mother the care she deserves. With your support, we can provide essential medical attention, including sterilization to prevent further suffering.

But we cannot do it alone. Your generosity can make a world of difference. Every donation means a chance for these innocent souls to thrive, to break free from the cycle of hardship.

Join us in our mission to give them a chance at a better life. Together, we can rewrite their story, one of resilience, compassion, and unwavering hope.

P.S.: you can see the orange colored dog mommy that we took in a few weeks ago in this video as well. We are taking care of her and she’s doing much better thanks to your help ❤️ thank you for supporting this project that is so dear to me, my foundation and everyone that is helping us ❤️❤️ I couldn’t have saved so many innocent lives without you ☺️❤️


AGATA Por siempre

Baby cat Felix has finally found his forever home – a heartfelt thanks to for the adoption! Great news: Lady, one of our thin dogs, received a huge bag of food and the necessary medicine through a generous donation. Furthermore, 12 little cats were able to travel to Bogota, where they will be welcomed by a significant foundation collaborating with us. These adorable furballs now have the chance for adoption, and their suffering has come to an end. Our commitment doesn't end here – our supplies of medicine and food are low, and we urgently need new transport boxes. We need to raise a total of $300 to cover these costs. Recently, we lost a little kitten due to a severe illness, which deeply saddens us. However, with your help, I am confident that together we can reduce such tragic cases to zero. Your contribution makes a significant difference!

Make a Colombian child happy this Christmas ❤️❤️ we live in such wealth and do not even appreciate it. On the other side...

Make a Colombian child happy this Christmas ❤️❤️ we live in such wealth and do not even appreciate it. On the other side of the world people struggle to survive yet show such incredible strength! Let’s show them that we humans care and stand together in times of need. Let’s spread love as far as Colombia ☺️ I’m counting on you!! 😘😘 through our website AGATA Por siempre you’ll be directed to our PayPal for donations ❤️❤️


We worry a lot about our little friend here. He was one of the stray cats we feed on daily basis. We haven’t seen him for a few days until he came back to us in this horrible state. We don’t know what happened to him but he’s currently at the hospital to be treated. The medical bill is getting long and we need your help to treat this poor fella. If he survives we will find him his new forever home so his suffering can finally come to an end. Together we can make a huge difference in the lives of the weaker once. Every donation counts ❤️

Remember our last post? Because of YOUR HELP these cats found a new forever home. It’s very hard for us to get pictures ...

Remember our last post? Because of YOUR HELP these cats found a new forever home. It’s very hard for us to get pictures when they’re adopted. This time we got one. What a change! This is the reason we’re giving our all for our fury friends. It’s true that we can’t safe all, but every life matters, no matter how little. THANK YOU SO MUCH TO ALL OF YOH THAT SUPPORT MY FOUNDATION AND DONATED. I honestly love you guys for that ❤️❤️ Muchas gracias, y’all are the best 😻😻😻😻 AGATA Por siempre

Go check out our new goFundme campaign for my foundation AGATA Por siempre 😍😍😍😍

Go check out our new goFundme campaign for my foundation AGATA Por siempre 😍😍😍😍

Dear friends, Three years ago, while staying longer than planned in Colo… Daniel Schmidt needs your support for Foundation of animal welfare organisation

🐱❤️ Dringender Hilferuf für unsere süßen Kätzchen! 🐾Liebe Freunde und Follower,heute möchte ich euch von einer herzzerre...

🐱❤️ Dringender Hilferuf für unsere süßen Kätzchen! 🐾

Liebe Freunde und Follower,

heute möchte ich euch von einer herzzerreißenden Geschichte erzählen. Vor Kurzem wurden 12 winzige Kätzchen zusammen mit ihrer tapferen Mutter an einem Flussufer ausgesetzt. Gott sei Dank wurden sie von unserer Tierschutzorganisation gerettet und finden nun bei uns vorübergehend Schutz.

Diese kleinen Fellbündel sind so niedlich und voller Lebensfreude, aber sie haben einen großen Hunger. Unsere ehrenamtlichen Helfer geben ihr Bestes, um sie zu versorgen, aber die Menge an Katzen, die wir momentan betreuen, übersteigt unsere Ressourcen. Es fällt uns schwer, genug Essen für alle bereitzustellen, insbesondere für die hungrigen Kitten, die mehrmals am Tag gefüttert werden müssen.

Hier kommt ihr ins Spiel, liebe Community! Wir sind auf eure finanzielle Unterstützung angewiesen, um sicherzustellen, dass diese kleinen Fellnasen genug zu essen haben und gesund heranwachsen können. Jeder noch so kleine Beitrag macht einen Unterschied und hilft uns, ihre Versorgung sicherzustellen.

Wenn ihr helfen möchtet, könnt ihr gerne eine Spende über AGATA Por siempre tätigen. Jeder Euro zählt und bringt uns einen Schritt näher daran, diese unschuldigen Kätzchen auf ihrem Weg zu einem liebevollen Zuhause zu unterstützen.

Lasst uns gemeinsam dafür sorgen, dass diese kleinen Fellknäuel die Chance auf ein glückliches und gesundes Leben erhalten. Teilt diese Botschaft mit euren Freunden und eurer Familie, damit wir so viele Menschen wie möglich erreichen und ihnen die Bedeutung unserer Mission verdeutlichen können.

Vielen Dank für eure Unterstützung und eure Großherzigkeit. Gemeinsam können wir eine positive Veränderung bewirken!

Mit herzlichen Grüßen, Zu.

🐱❤️ ¡Llamado urgente de ayuda para nuestros adorables gatitos! 🐾

Queridos amigos y seguidores,

Hoy quiero contarles una historia desgarradora. Hace poco, 12 pequeños gatitos junto a su valiente madre fueron abandonados cerca de un río. Afortunadamente, nuestra organización de protección animal los rescató y ahora encuentran refugio con nosotros.

Estas pequeñas bolitas de pelo son tan tiernas y rebosantes de alegría, pero tienen un gran apetito. Nuestros voluntarios hacen todo lo posible por cuidarlos, pero la cantidad de gatos que estamos atendiendo actualmente supera nuestros recursos. Nos resulta difícil proporcionar suficiente comida para todos, especialmente para los cachorros hambrientos que necesitan ser alimentados varias veces al día.

Aquí es donde ustedes entran en juego, querida comunidad. Necesitamos su apoyo financiero para asegurarnos de que estos pequeños peludos tengan suficiente comida y puedan crecer sanos. Cada donación, por más pequeña que sea, marca la diferencia y nos ayuda a garantizar su cuidado.

Si desean ayudar, pueden realizar una donación a través de AGATA Por siempre. Cada euro cuenta y nos acerca un paso más a brindar apoyo a estos inocentes gatitos en su camino hacia un hogar lleno de amor.

Trabajemos juntos para asegurarnos de que estas pequeñas bolitas de pelo tengan la oportunidad de una vida feliz y saludable. Compartan este mensaje con sus amigos y familiares para poder alcanzar a tantas personas como sea posible y hacerles comprender la importancia de nuestra misión.

Muchas gracias por su apoyo y generosidad. ¡Juntos podemos lograr un cambio positivo!

Con cariño, Zu.

🐱❤️ Urgent Call for Help for our Adorable Kittens! 🐾

Dear friends and followers,

Today, I want to share a heart-wrenching story with you. Recently, 12 tiny kittens along with their brave mother were thrown next to a river. Thankfully, they were rescued by our animal welfare organization and are now finding shelter with us.

These little bundles of fur are so cute and full of life, but they have a big hunger. Our volunteers are doing their best to take care of them, but the number of cats we are currently caring for exceeds our resources. It is challenging for us to provide enough food for everyone, especially the hungry kittens who need to eat multiple times a day.

This is where you come in, dear community! We are in need of your financial support to ensure that these little furballs have enough to eat and can grow up healthy. Every contribution, no matter how small, makes a difference and helps us secure their well-being.

If you would like to help, you can make a donation through AGATA Por siempre. Every dollar counts and brings us closer to supporting these innocent kittens on their journey to a loving home.

Let's work together to ensure that these little furballs have a chance at a happy and healthy life. Please share this message with your friends and family, so we can reach as many people as possible and make them aware of the importance of our mission.

Thank you so much for your support and generosity. Together, we can make a positive change!

Warm regards, Zu.

Trying to help a friend,We are looking to rehome a 6 year old German Rottweiler. This is Shae, she is all around an amaz...

Trying to help a friend,

We are looking to rehome a 6 year old German Rottweiler.

This is Shae, she is all around an amazing dog. Her current owner has been given Ana amazing opportunity outside of the country and unfortunately cannot take her with him. She is great with Kids, Dogs, Pretty much anyone. Shae has had very little interaction with cats so I cannot confirm she would be fit to live with them. She loves to swim, and sun bathe.

Shae is a sweetheart and we are looking for a very special family as she is a very special dog.

***Unfortunately Shae was diagnosed with epilepsy 2 years ago and has to take medication 2x a day to keep her from having seizures. This dog is not for everyone and we know this. It is very important to me and her current owner that Her new family is willing to take this condition on.***

With medication given every 12 hours her condition is stable. Though if you even miss it by 15 mins-1hr she risks having grand mal seizures.

If you are someone who could take this babe on knowing it’s a life condition please please get into contact with me.

Shae deserves the best and that is all we can ask and hope for.

We (Fundacion Agata Por Siempre) are collaborating with the Fundation Alma Perruna. Together we are going to do 400! ste...

We (Fundacion Agata Por Siempre) are collaborating with the Fundation Alma Perruna. Together we are going to do 400! sterilizations in Palmor, Colombia. Everything is organized and ready to start the 3rd of May. We need your help to spread the word. Please like, share with friends and family and repost. We need 3 Million pesos (600$) to cover the cost of transportation, food and medicine. Together we can make a big difference in the life of so many needy street cats and dogs. To win the battle of homeless stray animals the key is sterilization. ❤️

Update: We received three surviving kittens from the fire.  A cat suffers burns on her paw which you can see in the last...

Update: We received three surviving kittens from the fire. A cat suffers burns on her paw which you can see in the last picture. All the kittens need antibiotics. Together with the veterinarian we are trying to stabilize the cats so that they can travel to Bogotá where they are received by a huge foundation we work with. From there they will find their forever homes ❤️❤️❤️ please donate so we can continue helping as many souls we can 🙏

Hello friends 😊 these are two cats from my foundation   both cats need to se a veterinarian urgently. One of the cats ha...

Hello friends 😊 these are two cats from my foundation both cats need to se a veterinarian urgently. One of the cats has a wound on the neck and a mouth so swollen she cannot eat. The other cats teeth are falling out. Your donation is very much appreciated ❤️ be the change in this world 💋

Halooo! Want a jungle experience?We are currently preparing a new location to preserve the nature and animals of the San...

Halooo! Want a jungle experience?

We are currently preparing a new location to preserve the nature and animals of the Santa Marta area. Our new location is currently being prepared in Trompito just 5 minutes before the entrance of Tayrona park.

We are in need of volunteers who are interested in cultivation, and have experience in working on farms/fincas. We are able to provide 1 meal a day and a place to rest.

Please feel free to send us a message if this feels right for you!


Can you resist these beautiful eyes? 😻This Saturday is a flight for 8 of our baby cats from Santa Marta to Medellin. In this video you can see 5 out of 8 kitten that will be flying. In Medellin they will be received by a big foundation that corporates with us to find them a forever home. WE NEED YOUR HELP TO MAKE IT POSSIBLE 🙏 we are still missing funds. One cats flys for approximately 6€ (33.000 COP x 8 kitten = 264.000 COP) In total we need around 50€ to help safe these cats and offer them a new life with much care and love. Be part of the change to make this world a better place. Every action and every dime counts. ❤️

gracias a Camilo por ampliar nuestro conocimiento sobre la preservación de la naturaleza, y a la Señora Gloria por su ti...

gracias a Camilo por ampliar nuestro conocimiento sobre la preservación de la naturaleza, y a la Señora Gloria por su tiempo


Reporte de avances 2023 fundación ágata por siempre

Compra de 122 kilos de comida seca para gatos
Compra de 15 kilos comida comida húmeda para gatitos
Compra de 108 kilos comida para perros
Compra de 3 guacales medianos con los requerimientos de la aerolínea
3 gatos machos castrados
32 gaticos en adopción en Bogotá con rescatistas y fundaciones aliadas
2 adopciones directas (incluido Boby)

Tenemos 11 gatitos adultos esperando hogar
2 aéreas de alimentación (abandonan gatos y perros)
11 bebés esperando poder ir a Bogotá o Medellín en busca de un grandioso hogar
5 perros en busca de padrinos para su alimentación

Metas a corto plazo

Nos faltan 23 kilos de comida de gatitos para finalizar éste mes
Nos faltan 12 kilos de comida para perritos
Recaudar 285.000 de lo que costó éste vuelo que se fue el 08.02.2023
Comprar 3 guacales, para así completar los 6 de un vuelo y no tener que alquilar
Esterilización urgente para 4 gatitas y castración para 1 perro Progress Report 2023 Agata Por Siempre Foundation

Purchase of 122 kilos of dry food for cats.
Purchase of 15 kilos of wet cat food for kittens
Purchase of 108 kilos of dog food
Purchase of 3 medium sized crates with airline requirements
3 neutered male cats
32 kittens for adoption in Bogota with rescuers and allied foundations
2 direct adoptions (including Boby)

We have 11 adult kittens waiting for homes
2 feeding areas (abandoned cats and dogs)
11 babies waiting to go to Bogota or Medellin in search of a great home
5 dogs looking for sponsors to feed them

Short term goals

We are missing 23 kilos of kitten food to finish this month.
We are missing 12 kilos of food for puppies
To collect 285.000 of the cost of this flight that left on 08.02.2023
To buy 3 crates, in order to complete the 6 for one flight and not have to rent.
Urgent sterilisation for 4 kittens and neutering for 1 dog.


The 26th some of our babies could travel to Bogota. Received by a big Fundation they will soon find their forever home 😍😍 thank you for your donations and support ❤️❤️ follow us on Instagram: agataporsiempre


These cats recovered from the streets and will fly soon to Bogotá where our partner foundation will receive them. From there they will be adopted and contracts for the safety of our baby cats will be signed. We need 50€ to complete the traveling expenses. Go check out our Instagram Agata Por Siempre and help us with a donation ☺️☺️


Agata Por Siempre to eat 🥰🥰 we sterilized him recently. He recovered very well and is available for adoption 😍😍 🇨🇴

HUGE thanks to Brineada and her children for taking snoopy in for the period of time he need to heal and get his papers ...

HUGE thanks to Brineada and her children for taking snoopy in for the period of time he need to heal and get his papers to be adopted to Switzerland!!!! Another success story 💘💘💘

Thank you Cecelia for trusting us with snoopy and his care. Here is Cecilia’s story:During a city tour of Santa Marta, a...

Thank you Cecelia for trusting us with snoopy and his care.

Here is Cecilia’s story:
During a city tour of Santa Marta, a seriously injured dog came up to me on three legs. He looked at me and put his head in my hands. I started crying and wanted to help him. My travel group made me aware that I could not help every dog. So we walked on and back to the hotel. I couldn't sleep well that night, I kept thinking about that dog. I woke up at five in the morning and decided to go find the dog. I went straight and found him on the same street. He lay on the ground and slept. I wrapped him in a bath towel and walked to the nearest taxi. I told him to take me to an animal hospital. When I got there I asked the vets to treat the dog no matter the cost. X-rays showed a fracture in the hip and a fracture in the right front leg. Snoopy stayed in the animal hospital for a week and is only allowed to recover with a loving family thanks to The Taganga Project. He will stay in Colombia until he can travel to Switzerland with all the papers and vaccinations.

We need to be thankful and grateful for everyone like Cecilia out there. Together we can give dogs like Snoopy a chance.


Emily Schvon shared a post on Instagram: "Woke up from a nightmare, I’ll always be fighting with you in my heart.". Follow their account to see 125 posts.


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