This came up in memories this morning and it is too good not to share again. RDR
Please take some time to read this Speech from Joe Fargis as he accepted the USEF Lifetime Achievement Award. He gets it! Thank you Dee Cameron for sending this to me. Feel free to share it around. RR
"The horse has come to us by chance, not by choice. Of all the animals that have naturally come from the wild, there are very few that have shown any disposition to tolerate man and live with him on the terms we impose. In the mental make-up of the horse there is a quality of submission that has benefited man to no end. The horse will carry out duties without reward. He is a giving creature who asks for nothing. Horses have served as man's partner throughout the history of civilization, through the centuries without complaint they have served in war, commerce, agriculture and entertainment. They have born men and munitions into battle, pulled wagons and carriages, plowed fields, provided endless sport; polo, racing, dressage, fox hunting, three-day eventing, show jumping, reining... just to name but a few. Horses are embedded in our culture and our memories. The horse has an athleticism, grace and power. Beyond the horses physical attributes and his contributions to human well-being I am astounded, above all else, by his inner self, his spirit and his sweet and generous nature. The horse's adaptability and willingness to serve us has earned them a special place in our hearts. He is not a conquest of man. It is his nature to accept 'what is' with nobility. I think horses have helped give all of us in this room a wonderful life. Thanks to them I have received great personal satisfaction and felt closer to nature. Countless people experience the fulfillment of spending their days around horses. This is one of the best way to use one's time on earth. We are together tonight because of our bond with horses, let us protect and guard these wonderful creatures to the best of our ability."
--Joe Fargis, 1/19/13 Acceptance speech from USEF Lifetime Achievement Award.