Took a little breather off social media after my virtual studio launch as a little gift to myself 🥰
I’m so freaking grateful to my 18 year old self who chose this path. I’m also grateful to be incredibly “busy” & have this opportunity to share & make a difference in people’s lives through the gift of yoga, knowledge & wisdom and at the same time put a roof over my head and food on my table, and support others to do the same!
I do want to share the other side to entrepreneurship, because I feel that it’s glamorized on the regggg.
I mean, I used to glamorize it. Until, I began my journey as one.
Being an entrepreneur no one really speaks about what goes into the back end of things, especially at the beginning. The countless late & sleepless nights & early mornings, no days off (at the beginning) the ups & downs, the moments where you just want to throw in the towel, or feel so overwhelmed with everything you need to do, you’re frozen( you learn how to manage this as time goes on) the self work it takes to be able to hold the responsibility (when there’s a block in your business, there’s usually a block within yourself), the times where you just would much rather lay in bed & chill then work for 15 hours, the hours spent just learning & trouble shooting & creating things that you have no certainty will flourish. It take so much trust. Trust in yourself. Trust in life, it takes resilience, a tremendous amount of courage and risk, patience... a lot a lot a lot of that & the ability to see the opportunity in everything. To see what hasn’t been manifested into reality yet. I could go on forever about this list, but you get my point.
I glamorized online yoga teachers until I became one. You might think teachers just teach yoga all the time. An online yoga teacher, is a desk job. I spend more time working at my desk then teaching yoga. (Reality)
So if you’re creating right now, or not on this exact path, don’t be fooled by shiny objects and the things that look perfect. Remember there is always a shadow side to everything. There is no perfect way. You are where you need to be, no rush, no pressure. You are enough, as you are, where you are. Keep going ❤️🪴