Reactive dogs often have a hard time settling in different environments. Teaching them a conditioned relaxation in any environment is critical to fostering a calm nervous system, which will help reduce the intensity and frequency of explosions.
Does your dog chase motorbikes/cars? I filmed a step by step tutorial, to address this dangerous problem. You can resolve this at the cost of a pastry 🥐 (No pain/force used)
Video Tutorial:
Smack my ass & chase me down— is one of several management techniques for breaking fixation in reactive dogs. We’re practising the mechanics of running up to each other but flipping around just before they get to interact.
All 6 dogs in this group are reactive in varying degrees! This weave looks super simple but not for dogs who bark, lunge or fixate at the sight of new dogs. This was only their 2nd class and already everyone is able to walk past one other calmly without exploding. This is supposed to look boring because dog neutrality is boring!
Incoming motorcycle? Never a problem! Everyone knows I condition the clicker as a foundational piece that can be used in so many settings.
I keep my group classes very small so that every dog gets ample space (and attention from me) to learn/practice critical life skills.
First class, we dove straight into management techniques for reactivity. Mia is learning Kong Hand, which will allow her to pass by triggers and distractions instead of fixating or barking at them.
Reactive Lolita making huge progress in Day 1 of class! This random neighborhood dog showed up, so we used him as a training prop. 😄 Lolita reacts on the first two passes, then successfully ignores on the next two without reaction.
I’m a firm believer that dogs shouldn’t be off leash unless you can exert reliable control on verbal command. I feel comfortable allowing this on my street only because I can call him into both a sharp left or right heel every time a car, motorcycle or dog appears. Anyone can achieve this, it just takes tens (or maybe hundreds) of hours of repetition.
How well can your dog Sit?
How well can your dog ‘Sit’? 🤔 That’s the highway ahead of us. Distance commands are critical if you want your dog to enjoy off leash freedom while keeping them away from danger. This allows you to reserve recall for only when it’s necessary.
Chasing motorcycles is dangerous. What if the mere presence of a motorcycle to became a cue for auto-recall WITHOUT any verbal command? See how he looks at the motorcycle and runs back to me, at which point I put him in a right heel.
How I use a simple clicker to build an insane long-distance recall. Dogs can always hear you, they're just choosing to ignore you most of the time...