Poštovani prijatelji, vlasnici, ljubitelji i odgajivači rase Doberman,
Velika nam je čast i zadovoljstvo da vas ove godine pozovemo na jedan neuobičajeni Doberman Event za koji nam je inspiracija bila ideja legendarnog odgajivača koji je ceo svoj život do poslednjeg dana, do poslednjeg daha posvetio DOBERMANU.
Ideja je nastala jedne letnje večeri u Motta Viscontiju u čuvenoj odgajivačnici “DI CAMPOVALANO”gde je Gabrielle Prosperi u jednom momentu predložio zašto ne napravimo jednom godišnje izložbu gde ćemo pozvati odgajivače koji nisu sudije da ocenjuju pse, da bi vlasnici pasa dobili mišljenje onih koji odgajaju pse, koji zauzimaju istaknuto mesto u show ringovima, odgoju i srcima ljubitelja rase, a sami nisu sudije. Prošle godine Prosperi nas je napustio, a mi smo ovde da ovu ideju sprovedemo u delo.
Poštovani prijatelji rase Doberman pozivamo vas da 30.06.2019 na DOBERMANN BREEDERS DAY EVENT da svi zajedno podelimo sreću i radost koju nam pružaju naši dobermani, da ljubav prema rasi pobedi želje, ambicije i predrasude. Da svi dovedemo i prikažemo našu rasu u punom sjaju.
U tvoju čast Prosperi.
U čast Dobermana.
Dear friends, owners, fans and breeders of Doberman,
It is with great honor and pleasure that we invite You this year to an out of the ordinary Doberman Event inspired by an idea that a legendary breeder, who had dedicated his whole life to Doberman, proposed.
The idea came into existence one summer evening in the town of Motta Visconti in the world famous kennel "DI CAMPOVALANO" where Gabrielle Prosperi proposed that there should be an annual dog show where breeders, who are not judges, would appraise the dogs, so the owners could get the opinion of those who breed dogs, who have an esteemed place in the show rings and in the hearts of fans of the breed, but who are not themselves judges. Prosperi passed away last year but we are here to bring his idea to fruition.
Respected friends of the Doberman breed, we invite you on the 30th of June to the DOBERMANN BREEDERS DAY EVENT where we can all share the joy and happiness our Doberman incite in us. Let us all show off our breed in all its glory.
In honor of Prosperi.
In honor of Doberman.