Potomak dokazanih i šampionskih r***ih dinastija sa obe strane. Otac Storm, majka Fedora. HD-A, ED- HD-A, ED-0. Slobodan za parenje / Available for mating.
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Potomak dokazanih i šampionskih r***ih dinastija sa obe strane. Otac Storm, majka Fedora. HD-A, ED-0, HUU: n/n, JLPP: n/n. Grom je pravi predstavnik svoje rase. Idealnih proporcija, u zlatnoj sredini FCI standarda. Uravnoteženog karaktera, sa visokim stepenom samokontrole. Slobodan za parenje / Available for mating.
Nešto malo o samoj rasi
Pre svega r***i terijeri su izuzetno psihički stabilni psi. Neverovatno su hrabri, inteligentni, nepotkupljivi i jako brzo uče sve što se od njih traži. Počevši od higijenskih navika, preko nekih stvari koji ne sme da rade, pa do komandi poslušnosti. Grom nikada, ali nikada, nije bio kažnjen za nešto. Svaki put je jedno jedino oštro i odsečno NE rešilo problem. To više nikada nije pokušao da uradi. Usvojio je da to ne sme da radi i tačka. R***i terijeri su jako privrženi porodici, naročito deci. Za njega je dete u kući br.1. Imaju zaista veliki poriv da vas usreće i da vam ispune svaki zahtev. Ako mu se jasno pokaže šta se od njega traži, naučiće to već nakon 3-4 ponavljanja. Ono što je jako zanimljivo kod ove rase, jednom naučene i usvojene komande i zahteve pamte za ceo život. Izuzetno su zaštitnički postavljeni prema članovima porodice, naročito deci. Teritorijalno su orjentisani i imaju jak nagon za čuvanjem svoje teritorije. Ovaj odbrambeno-čuvarski instinkt se posebno izražava nakon 2 godine života. Do tada će mnogi biti zbunjeni njegovom druželjubivošću i društvenošću. Ali nakon toga, postaje jako ozbiljan. Uvek je na oprezu. Čak i prema ljudima koje je video mnogo p**a pre toga. Ako nisu deo porodice, uvek ih posmatra i procenjuje. Nikada ne treba puštati da goste da sami ulaze u dvorište ili stan. Obavezno je da neko od ukućana bude prisutan. I kada on vidi da su vlasnik i gost prijatelji, da su se pozdravili, nema problema. Ono što je važno da se napomene, iako imaju takav zaštitnički karakter, poslednje što će uraditi je da napadne. Prvo će da ustane i da stane ispred potencijalnog napadača. Svestan je svoje snage i nada se da je to dovoljno. Ukoliko proceni da pretnja nije prošla, zalajaće 1 ili 2 p**a. Neće da laje besomučno kao neki drugi psi. U 99% slučajeva, ovo je već svakome dovoljno jasno da ne treba dalje da ga izaziva. Ali ako se i na ovo napadač ogluši, onda je već u problemu. Sigurno je da sledi akcija. Ali opet kontrolisana. Prvo će ga oboriti na zemlju (za razliku od drugih pasa, r***i terijer prevashodno ima skok sa šapama napred tako da je gotovo nemoguće ostati na nogama) uz apsolutnu kontrolu. I dalje neće početi da grize i da kida. Kao što rekoh, to je stvarno poslednje što će da uradi i to samo onda kada proceni da se napadač nije predao i da se drugačije neće zaustaviti. To počinje sa kontrolnim ugrizom, gde on samo zagrize i drži. Nije kao pit bulovi da klima glavom, kida i cepa. Ako je napadač toliko lud da se ne predaje i ne popušta, kreću munje i gromovi. A tome onda zaista niko ne želi da prisustvuje.
Ono što je još jako važno da se napomene, r***i terijeri uopšte nisu lajavi i glasni. Naročito u kući. Jako retko laju unutra, i kada se to desi, budite sigurni da se napolju nešto događa što nije normalno iako možda vi to ne primećujete (najčešće je to neka svađa ili vikanje). Kada su u kući ili stanu, nisu aktivni i ne traže puno mesta. Često se nazivaju veliki psi za male stanove. I zaista je tako. On će uvek zauzeti takvu poziciju da može da posmatra ukućane sa jedne strane, a ulaz sa druge. Praktično uvek pokriva taj bezbednosni aspekt. Kada izađete na kratko, odete do WC i sl. on će vas čekati ispred vrata i obradovaće vam se kao da vas nije video čitav dan. Sa druge strane, nikada neće doći da vas gnjavi ili da skače na vas, na krevet, na vrata i ostalo. Znam da ovo zvuči neverovatno, ali je zaista tako. I kada želi da se igra sa vama, doneće vam lopticu ili igračku, spustiće je pored vas i tu će da legne. Ako ustanete da se igrate super, ako ne on će vas čekati. Neće vas gnjaviti sa tim. Ali zato kada krenete da se igrate, imaćete psa koji je neumoran u trčanju, skakanju, aportiranju... igraće se sve dok vi želite da se igrate. Onog trenutka kada prekinete i kažete dosta, on se isključuje kao nekakvim prekidačem, i vraća se u onaj “kućni mod”. Znam da zvuči neverovatno ali je zaista tako.
Još jedna važna karakteristika je to da r***i terijeri nisu destruktivni kada ostanu sami. Iako to ne vole, nećete pronaći uništen stan ili dvorište posle višesatnog ostavljanja.
Spadaju u izuzetno zdrave i otporne pse. Kao i kod svih velikih pasa, postoji opasnost od loših kukova i laktova (displazija). Pored ovoga mogu imati i genetske probleme sa bubrezima i mokraćnim kanalima kao i sa problemima vezanim za disajne puteve, grkljan i glasnice. Srećom, sve ovo se može znati pre same kupovine šteneta. Zbog svega ovga je IZUZETNO VAŽNO da kada kupujete štene obavezno tražite da vidite nalaze i ocene kukova i laktova (HD i ED), kao i HUU i JLPP testove. Sama ocena kukova i laktova se upisuje u rodovnik na poslednjoj strani i mora biti overen od strane sertifikovanog veterinara, a sama potvrda sa snimanja mora biti overene u Kinološkom Savezu.
Descendant of proven and champion Russian dynasties on both sides. Father Storm, mother Fedora. HD-A, ED-0, HUU: n / n, JLPP: n / n. GROM is the true representative of the breed. Ideal proportions, in the golden center of the FCI standard. Balanced character, with a high level of self-control. Free for mating / Available for breeding.
Something about the breed
First of all, Russian terriers are extremely mentally stable dogs. They are incredibly brave, intelligent, unbreakable, and quickly learn everything they are asked to do. From hygienic habits, through some things they can’t do, to the command of obedience. GROM never, but never, was punished for something. Each time is only one sharply and severely NO solved the problem. He never tried to do that again. He accepted that it should not work that. Russian Terriers are strongly committed to the family, especially children. For him, the child in house is no.1. They have a really great urge to make you happy and to fulfill every requirement. If it is clear to him what is required of him, he will learn it after 3-4 repetitions. What is very interesting about this race, the one learned and adopted command and the requirements are remembered for a lifetime. They are extremely protective to family members, especially children. They are territorially oriented and have a strong urge to preserve their territory. This defensive-guardian instinct is especially expressed after 2 years of life. By that time, many will be confused by his compassion and sociality. But after that, it becomes very serious. He's always on alert. Even to the people he saw many times before. If they are not part of the family, they always observe and evaluate them. You should never let the guests enter the yard or apartment alone. It is mandatory that one of the hosts is present. And when he sees that they are the owner and guest friends, there is no problem. What is important to note, although they have such a protective character, the last thing they will do is attack. It will first rise and stand in front of a potential attacker. He is aware of his strength and hopes that this is enough. If she assesses that the threat has not passed, she will bark 1 or 2 times. She will not bark like any other dog. In 99% of cases, this is already clear to everyone that it should not be mess with him. But even that if attacker do not shrink back, then he is in a real trouble. Dog will take an action. But again controlled. First, he will knock it down on the ground (unlike other dogs, the Russian Terrier has a predominantly jump with his paws so it is almost impossible to stay on feet) with absolute control. He will not start. As I said, it is really the last thing he will do, and only when he assesses that the attacker has not surrendered and will not stop otherwise. It starts with a control bite, where he just bites and holds. It's not like pit bulls to bite and shake. If the attacker is so crazy that he does not surrender and does not relax, lightning and thunderstorms start moving. And then nobody really wants to be there.
What is still very important to say, the Russian Terriers are not “barky” and loud. Especially in the house. They are very rarely running inside, and when this happens, be sure that something is going on outside is not normal, although you may not notice it. When they are in the house or apartment, they are not active and do not require much space. Often they are called “big dogs for small apartments”. And it really is. He will always take his position that he can observe the family on one side and the entrance to the other. Practically it always covers this security aspect. When you go out in short, go to the toilet, and so on. he will wait for you in front of the door and you will be treated like he has not seen you all day. On the other hand, it will never come to bother you or jump on you, on the bed, on the door. I know this sounds incredible, but it's really so. And when he wants to play with you, he will bring you a ball or toy, drop it next to you and lie down there. If you get up to play - great, if not he will wait for you. He will not bother you with that. But when you start playing, you will have a tireless dog in running, jumping, reporting ... playing as long as you want to play. The moment you stop and say enough, he turns off as a switch and returns to that "home mode". I know it sounds incredible but it's really like that.
Another important feature is that Russian Terriers are not destructive when they are alone. Although they do not like to be alone, you will not find a destroyed apartment or yard after a long day.
They belong to exceptionally healthy and resistant dogs. As with all big dogs, there is a danger of bad hips and elbows (dysplasia). In addition, they may also have genetic problems with the kidneys and urinary tract as well as problems with the breathing, the larynx and the vocal cords. Fortunately, all this can be known before the puppies comes in your home. It is extremely important when buying a puppy to require the X-rays of hips and elbows (HD and ED), as well as HUU and JLPP genetic tests. The evaluation of hips and elbows should be recorded in the pedigree on the last page and must be verified by local Kennel Association.