Zorgboerderij 'de Waarborg'

Zorgboerderij 'de Waarborg' Clienten van Fundashon Verriet (onderdeel SGR-Groep) komen voor dagbesteding bij Zorgboerderij "de Waarborg". Ook te huur voor kinderfeestjes: +59995295151


Christmas morning, moving day.

Making room for the next clutch to arrive January 9th.

These 40 day old chicks are being moved to the laying area.

In just two weeks 90 new chicks will hatch.

A single quail egg provides a significant chunk of your daily vitamin B12, selenium, riboflavin, and choline needs, along with some iron — all in a serving that contains only 14 calories. Selenium and riboflavin are important nutrients that help your body break down the food you eat and transform it into energy.

Get yours from Monday till Friday at our carefarm,
Swipe only.

Our first Velvet queen sunflower.Drop in daily to buy your fresh cut sunflowers.

Our first Velvet queen sunflower.
Drop in daily to buy your fresh cut sunflowers.

Drop by asap for your fresh soursops.Swipe Only!

Drop by asap for your fresh soursops.
Swipe Only!

Fresh soursop ( sorsaka) farm fresh.  Buy yours.Swipe only! Zorgboerderij 'de Waarborg' Soursop is a tropical fruit rich...

Fresh soursop ( sorsaka) farm fresh. Buy yours.
Swipe only!
Zorgboerderij 'de Waarborg'

Soursop is a tropical fruit rich in nutrients and protective plant compounds such as vitamin C and polyphenols. Due to its high content of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber, soursop may benefit digestive health and protect against common health conditions like high blood pressure.

Shop daily from 8am till 5pm

Support local farming


Zinvolle dagbesteding.

Meer dan 250 stekjes van cassave.

CareFarm   drop in daily from 8 till 5. And support a good cause.

CareFarm drop in daily from 8 till 5. And support a good cause.

Soil prep for our next project

Soil prep for our next project


Open monday- friday from 8 till 5.

Fresh Cassava at the farm Drop by daily from 8 till 5.

Fresh Cassava at the farm
Drop by daily from 8 till 5.


We are blooming! Drop in daily and buy your fresh cut Sunflowers.


✨🌎Awe nos ta selebrá Dia Mundial di Konsientisashon tokante di Outismo🌎✨

Ta un bon dia pa nos reflehá riba e importansia di brasa diversidat den nos komunidat. Personanan ku outismo ta mashá spesial, i nan tambe ta yuda enrikesé nos komunidat na nan manera.

Ta importante pa nos realisá ki bunita inklushon ta. P’esei nos mester traha tur dia di nobo na komprenshon i aseptashon di personanan ku outismo, di moda ku nan tambe por partisipá aktivamente den nos komunidat.

Laga nos tur bisti algu blou awe i asina mustra nos sosten na personanan ku outismo!💙

This weeks harvest. Papaya and Pumpkin.Drop by daily from 8AM till 5PM swipe only!

This weeks harvest. Papaya and Pumpkin.
Drop by daily from 8AM till 5PM swipe only!

Come and Buy your fresh sweet potatoes at our Carefarm. Daily from 8AM till 5PM. Swipe only!

Come and Buy your fresh sweet potatoes at our Carefarm. Daily from 8AM till 5PM. Swipe only!


Sweet potato planters.


Beautiful Effective Microorganism rich soil

Our first Winter melon harvest. At our care farm we try to have a diverse variety of fruits and veggies so that our joll...

Our first Winter melon harvest. At our care farm we try to have a diverse variety of fruits and veggies so that our jolly farmers can enjoy their daily activities at our Care Farm.

What is a Winter melon?

Winter melon or ash gourd, is a mild-tasting fruit that's often used as a vegetable in Asian cuisines most commonly in Chinese and Indian food. It's a popular ingredient in soups, sweets, and beverages. It thrives in warm climates, such as Asia and South Florida and ofcoure Curaçao.
Once picked, the melons are easy to transport, and they store well. They are sold primarily in Asian markets where there is a higher demand.

Winter melon, scientifically called Benincasa hispida, is also commonly called ash gourd, wax gourd, white gourd, and winter gourd. It is a member of the gourd family (Cucurbitaceae), commonly referred to as cucurbits, which includes cucumbers, melons, zucchini, pumpkins, and other squash.

The fruit's seasonal name likely comes from the fact that, while grown during the summer and autumn, it can be stored for up to three to four months and eaten during the winter. Additionally, immature melon has fine hairs and this fuzziness reminds some people of snow. Once it matures, it loses its hair and gets a waxy coating.

Winter melon can grow to more than a foot in length and weigh more than 40 pounds. It resembles a large watermelon with its oblong shape and dark green, waxy skin, although some are more round in shape with the white fur. Unlike a watermelon, the flesh and seeds are white, it's relatively tasteless, and it cannot be eaten raw. Instead, recipes with winter melon often call for steaming, simmering, or parboiling, but be careful not to overcook it—it can get mushy. You can find winter melon as a seasonal item at our care farm. Open daily from 8 till 5 and remember swipe only!

Pasa wak bo pampuna fresku fresku na Zorgboerderij 'de Waarborg'  korda

Pasa wak bo pampuna fresku fresku na Zorgboerderij 'de Waarborg' korda


Moontjeweg 184 De Savaan


Maandag 08:00 - 11:00
Dinsdag 08:00 - 11:00
Woensdag 08:00 - 11:00
Donderdag 08:00 - 11:00
Vrijdag 08:00 - 11:00
Zaterdag 08:00 - 11:00




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