Coffee tastes better when you know where it comes from. We care about how our coffee is grown and that farmers are paid fairly for their work. And we care about the planet. After all, we want to make sure there’s plenty of coffee for future generations to enjoy. FAIR TRADE CERTIFIED™
Fairly traded coffee beans are worth every penny. Coffee producers use the profits from their superior-quality har
vest to reinvest in their farm, their employees and sustainable initiatives to develop environmentally-friendly methods that produce the best-tasting coffee. Cuzco® and Rwanda Musasa light roasts are Fairtrade Certified, a standard for social and economic sustainability. And every coffee we serve is fairly-traded, so you can enjoy each sip. RAINFOREST ALLIANCE CERTIFIED™
We’re proud that nearly every Second Cup coffee is Rainforest Alliance Certified™. That means we uphold our commitment to community and the environment through supporting the rights of workers and their families. And we focus on biodiversity -- Certification helps support sustainable environmental, development on each farm and its surrounding community. ORGANIC CERTIFICATION
Cuzco® light roast coffee is certified by the Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA). A nonprofit, member-owned certification organization, the OCIA is an independent organic inspector that only gives their seal of approval to organically grown, processed, stored and roasted beans. They verify that no synthetic chemical pesticides, fertilizers, or cleaners have come into contact with our coffee beans. We feel good about serving out coffee. You’ll feel good about drinking it. SWISS WATER DECAFFEINATION PROCESS
How do you get the caffeine out of the bean? At Second Cup, it’s with the SWISS WATER® Process. 100% pure and chemical-free, unlike others who use methylene chloride or ethyl acetate to remove caffeine. If we can’t pronounce it, it doesn’t go in our coffee. The SWISS WATER® Process is gentle, and keeps the full, natural flavour of the coffee in your cup.