Καλό Πάσχα! Happy Easter! Our garden is celebrating in bloom 🌼🐣🌱
New and so welcomed edition to our garden.#simplylisten #soundhealing #healingvibes
Limited spaces available by DM💚🍵
#Tea ceremony #larnakacyprus #teaculture #newexperience
Reserve your spot for this beautiful event 🙏#teaceremony #QiGong #larnacaevents #meditative #qualitytime #peaceful
We are sharing this to promote awareness about this inspiring mission and it's importance for our global ecosystem.#savethesoil
What a truly loving time was presented to us by beautiful Anfisa Sh during her magical cocoa ceremony, which managed to touch the hearts ♥️of all people who were present there. Human connection amplified 💪 Something that is so needed in these times! She's in Nicosia this Wednesday for some more HHeart-to-Heart Time if anyone wants to experience this bliss :) Thanks to all who took part🙏
Sharing eye contact in public Human Connection Larnaca, Cyprus. Sep 22, 2018
Sharing eye contact in public
Human Connection Larnaca, Cyprus. Sep 22, 2018
Chocolate Fuelled Dance Party
Chocolate Fuelled Dance Party at MedOrganic MindSpa Garden in Larnaca.
Chocolate Fuelled is an alcohol free dance party sharing the beauty
of dancing and celebrating life with the heart opening powers of Cacao,
good music and Awesome Beautiful People.
Death Cafe Cyprus
Το πρώτο Death Cafe στη Κύπρο 11/2/2017 έχει γεμίσει πλήρως!
Θα θέλαμε να ενημερώσουμε όλους όσους δεν κατάφεραν να εξασφαλίσουν θέση ότι σύντομα θα ανακοινώσουμε το δεύτερο Death Cafe Cyprus.
Σας ευχαριστούμε για την υποστήριξή σας,
Ρούτα & Γρηγόρης
Our first Death Cafe in Cyprus 11/2/2017 is fully booked!
We would like to inform those that could not join us on this event
that we will shortly announce the next Death Cafe Cyprus.
Thank You For Your Support
Ruta & Grigoris
Lovely time&Great Crowd! Thank you!