RIP Dylan
Dylan closed his eyes for the last time this morning after being poorly for a couple of weeks with suspected liver cancer.
I'm at a loss about what to say. Yet another cancer that has had a devastating effect and my heart is breaking as I write this.
I've had Dylan since he was 8 weeks old. He was a loving, funny and a faithful companion that loved his flyball, walks, toys and learning new things. He made the transition from living in the UK to Cyprus with ease and loved his runs along the coastal walk. He was never too confident about the sea but did give it a go a couple of times to see what all the fuss was about!
He never really bothered about other dogs, even the ever growing pack he lived with. He much preferred to do his own thing without interruption but was also tolerant of the others clowning around. Although he did put them in their place if anyone went too far as both Luca and Fred can testify to.
I was proud of Dylan both for how he behaved and his manners towards other people and animals. He loved being trained and I loved teaching him. I am going to miss him.
Run free my beautiful boy. Your now with dad and all the others that have gone before.
Dylan 2012 - 2024