Adrspach Great Pyrenees

Adrspach Great Pyrenees Kennel Pyrenean mountain dogs (Chien de Montagne des Pyrenees, Patou, Пиренейская гор?

Great Pyrenees (Chien de Montagne des Pyrenees, Patou) kennel z Adrspasko-teplickych skal (from Adrspach-teplice rock). Our dogs guarding sheep breed Clun Forest and young goats in the beautiful countryside near Adršpašsko-teplice Rocks.



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Our Story

On the pastures of Adrspach teplice Rocks (Czech republic) grazing smaller and larger herd of sheep, goats, cows and horses. You can meet dog "the guardians" and also herds of sheep, horses, and cows totally unguarded. Although there are packs of wolves in the vicinity of the rocks, and sometimes a fox is lost.

We are trying to use the Great Pyrenees and their instincts to keep their herd (sheep Clun Forest) safe and at the same time we want build a link to man and farm.