Bushmaster s.r.o

Bushmaster s.r.o Welcome to BUSHMASTER page! Feel free to share the passion for reptiles with our team! Our company specializes in breeding of various species of reptiles.

We have been building our collection more than 25 years and recently we are working with more than 150 species. We are happy to provide our customers with healthy and top quality captive-bred animals.

Mating of the Namaqua chameleons- Chamaeleo namaquaensis

Mating of the Namaqua chameleons- Chamaeleo namaquaensis

Blotched blue tongue skinks- Tiliqua nigroluteaBoth our females of the Victoria lowland form dropped beautiful babies ov...

Blotched blue tongue skinks- Tiliqua nigrolutea
Both our females of the Victoria lowland form dropped beautiful babies over the weekend!

Fresh born Abronia aurita babies! The rains of the past days have triggered some females giving birth finally!

Fresh born Abronia aurita babies!
The rains of the past days have triggered some females giving birth finally!

Some of our chubby girls blotched blue-tongued skinks basking. We expect the litters any day!Lowland and Alpine form of ...

Some of our chubby girls blotched blue-tongued skinks basking. We expect the litters any day!
Lowland and Alpine form of Tiliqua nigrolutea.

😍🤩☀️☀️☀️I really love the colors of our Somalian spiny-tailed lizards (Uromastyx princeps)One of our breeding females.

I really love the colors of our Somalian spiny-tailed lizards (Uromastyx princeps)
One of our breeding females.

Mating of our Lanthanotus borneensis!! 😍🤞

Mating of our Lanthanotus borneensis!! 😍🤞

Our black badia girl 🖤

Our black badia girl 🖤

We moved some holdbacks Abronia lythochila born last summer to the new outside enclosures today

We moved some holdbacks Abronia lythochila born last summer to the new outside enclosures today

We don’t post many snakes here.. So here is one of our recently purchased juvenile CB females Boiga dendrophila divergen...

We don’t post many snakes here.. So here is one of our recently purchased juvenile CB females Boiga dendrophila divergens from Polillo island locality. 💙

One of our adult males Uromastyx princeps ☀️

One of our adult males Uromastyx princeps ☀️

After a lot of struggles we finally have the first clutch of this super weird creatures- Chamaeleo namaquaensis.

After a lot of struggles we finally have the first clutch of this super weird creatures- Chamaeleo namaquaensis.

Another Egernia epsisolus baby appeared in one of the cages. Most of the epsisolus females  already gave birth last and ...

Another Egernia epsisolus baby appeared in one of the cages. Most of the epsisolus females already gave birth last and this week, but we are still expecting few more babies from couple pairs. 🦎

Egernia hosmeri female with one of her fresh born triplets 😍Samička Egernia hosmeri s jedním ze svých čerstvě narozených...

Egernia hosmeri female with one of her fresh born triplets 😍

Samička Egernia hosmeri s jedním ze svých čerstvě narozených trojčat.

Fresh born Egernia eos, quite unusual and pretty cool Egernia species.

Fresh born Egernia eos, quite unusual and pretty cool Egernia species.

The Egernia season is starting! First babies Egernia depressa appeared in two cages.

The Egernia season is starting! First babies Egernia depressa appeared in two cages.

Another very nice spiny-tailed lizard species Uromastyx princeps.

Another very nice spiny-tailed lizard species Uromastyx princeps.

Our 14th Uromastyx thomasi season.

Our 14th Uromastyx thomasi season.

Dark or light? 🖤🤍Few of our offsprings Nephrurus asper.

Dark or light? 🖤🤍

Few of our offsprings Nephrurus asper.

So new season starting… let’s go! 😍🤞

So new season starting… let’s go! 😍🤞

After 203 days of incubation it is finaly here! Our first Lace monitor hatchling! The coloration of this baby is, same l...

After 203 days of incubation it is finaly here! Our first Lace monitor hatchling! The coloration of this baby is, same like it's parrents, the "Bell's phase"- these animals are solid black with huge patches of yellow. It's been very long 5 years of work and prayers since we got our breeding pair in just a slightly bigger size than is this little fella and I am extremely thankfull that one of our child dreams come true today.

Po 203 dnech inkubace je to konečně tady! Naše první mládě Varanus varius! Zbarvení tohoto mláděte je, stejně jako u jeho rodičů, "Bell's phase" - tato zvířata jsou plně černá s obrovskými žlutými skvrnami. Bylo to dlouhých 5 let práce a modlení, od doby, kdy se nám podařilo zakoupit náš nynější chovný pár v jen nepatrně větší velikosti, než je tento drobeček a jsem nesmírně vděčný, že se nám dnes splnil jeden z našich dětských snů.

Something really BIG is about to come up to this world very soon!!! Wait for update, guys 💪💪

Something really BIG is about to come up to this world very soon!!! Wait for update, guys 💪💪

Few of our hold back Chondrodactylus anguliger  bred in our facility in summer 2023.

Few of our hold back Chondrodactylus anguliger bred in our facility in summer 2023.

This leaf-tailed gecko species is being imported in big numbers from Madagaskar to some non-European countries still( th...

This leaf-tailed gecko species is being imported in big numbers from Madagaskar to some non-European countries still( the export quota in 2023 was 1000 animals), but the import of wild-caught animals to EU is prohibited by EU laws nowadays. The reproduction in captivity is not easy like some other species from the genus, thus Uroplatus fimbriatus remains one of the rarest geckos’ species in European herpetoculture.
On the picture You can spot our breeding female resting near her clutch.

Tento druh se stále “ve velkém” dováží z Madagaskaru do některých mimoevropských zemí (vývozní kvóta v roce 2023 byla 1000 kusů), ale dovoz examplářů odchycených ve volné přírodě do EU je v posledních letech zákonem zakázán. Reprodukce v zajetí není tak snadná jako u některých jiných druhů z rodu a Uroplatus fimbriatus tak zůstává jedním z nejvzácnějších druhů gekonů v evropské herpetokultuře.
Na fotce můžete vidět naši chovnou samičku odpočívající blízko snůšky.

💙💙💙One of our Anolis equestris potior breeding males. This subspecies of the Knight Anole is endemic to the small island...

One of our Anolis equestris potior breeding males. This subspecies of the Knight Anole is endemic to the small island Cayo Santa Maria few kilometres north offshore Cuba.

Jeden z našich chovných samců Anolis equestris potior. Tento poddruh je endemitem malého ostrova Cayo Santa Maria několik kilometrů severně od pobřeží Kuby.

One of our hold-back females F2 Mniarogekko chahoua. I love the pattern 😍

One of our hold-back females F2 Mniarogekko chahoua. I love the pattern 😍

Today’s portion of pure happiness. 3 newborn babies of the Auckland green gecko- Naultinus elegans. 🦎🦎🦎Dnešní porce čist...

Today’s portion of pure happiness. 3 newborn babies of the Auckland green gecko- Naultinus elegans. 🦎🦎🦎

Dnešní porce čisté radosti. 3 novorozená mláďata novozélandských gekonů Naultinus elegans.🦎🦎🦎

Quick cell phone picture of our young Emerald tree monitor pair in flagranti. Rychlá mobilovka našeho mladého páru Varan...

Quick cell phone picture of our young Emerald tree monitor pair in flagranti.

Rychlá mobilovka našeho mladého páru Varanus prasinus “v akci”.

Our young adult Egernia stokessi badia survived the brumation successfully. We have bought 4 captive-bred unsexed babies...

Our young adult Egernia stokessi badia survived the brumation successfully. We have bought 4 captive-bred unsexed babies in 2021 and now we are happy to confirm the great sex-ratio 2,2. Our animals are very rare black form, which not only inhabits completely different habitats in Western Australia-rocky outcrops-than “regular” badia, which is-similarly to E.depressa-bound to the hollow branches of scrubland, but also quite significantly differs in the entire body shape and appearance. Fingers crossed for their possible first breeding season.

Naše čerstvě dospělé Egernia stokessi badia úspěšně přežili zimní odpočinek. V roce 2021 jsme získali 4 odchovaná mláďata bez určení pohlaví a nyní můžeme s radostí potvrdit skvělý poměr pohlaví 2,2. Naše zvířata jsou velmi vzácná černá forma, která v Západní Austrálii nejenže obývá zcela jiná stanoviště – skalní výchozy – než „běžná“ badia, která je – podobně jako E.depressa – vázána na duté větve křovin, ale také se poměrně výrazně liší v celém tvaru těla a vzhledu. Držíme palce pro jejich první chovnou sezónu.

One of our breeding females Smaug “warenni” depressus just out of the hibernation. Jedna z našich chovných samic Smaug „...

One of our breeding females Smaug “warenni” depressus just out of the hibernation.

Jedna z našich chovných samic Smaug „warenni“ depressus právě probuzená ze “zimního spánku”.


Our armadillo lizards’ family survived the winter quite well 😍


Na Kopci 26
Nove Mesto Nad Metuji



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