Imob Sanctuary

Imob Sanctuary The farm for animals in need. You can support us on paypal: [email protected]

Happy and her new friends Kobold and Fussel. 😍

Happy and her new friends Kobold and Fussel. 😍

Hello, I'm feeling a little better today. My eye is still fat and needs daily treatment. Every few hours my new friends ...

Hello, I'm feeling a little better today. My eye is still fat and needs daily treatment. Every few hours my new friends come by so I'm not alone. Unfortunately I'm not allowed to play with them. This is too dangerous. If my eye is injured, I have to go to the emergency doctor immediately. The little white tomcat's name is Kobold. He was also very ill. Now he is very well. Then there's a cat girl called Fussel. She always sleeps next to my cage and I very close to her. She comforts me. If I can, I'll show you a photo of her too. Keep your fingers crossed for me. Your Happy.

Hello. My name is happy I am about 3 months old.  Unfortunately I haven't had much luck in my short life.  My eye got in...

Hello. My name is happy I am about 3 months old. Unfortunately I haven't had much luck in my short life. My eye got infected. It was getting fatter. I developed a high fever and anemia. I was very weak. I looked for a warm place in the hay in a barn and slept. A woman found me. I wanted to run away but I had no more strength. She brought me to another woman and she gave me injections. That went away. Then she put me in a box. It was very warm there and there was a lot of delicious food. Every day the woman came, 3 times, treated my eye with ointment and cleaned my box. My eye has to come out but they can't operate on me, i'm too weak. But I'm struggling and I'm getting better every day. The woman also has cats. They can visit me now. That is beautiful. Now I'm not so scared here anymore.
Keep your fingers crossed. Maybe I can have the surgery on Monday.🙏✊️

Stray cat and his new best friend 💓

Stray cat and his new best friend 💓

New website is online:

New website is online:

our Farm In 2019 we made our dream come true and bought a farm in Czech Republic. This farm became the Imob Sanctuary for animals in need. Our mission It is so easy, just walk through life with open eyes and you will see the poor souls asking for help. Don´t close your eyes, be […]


Just in case, you want to support our work, feel free to do so. 100% will be spend for the animals!

Paypal: [email protected]

Thank you! One World, one love!

We do all we can do to save as many poor souls as possible.And...of course... your help is very welcome! Thank you, my f...

We do all we can do to save as many poor souls as possible.

And...of course... your help is very welcome! Thank you, my friends!



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