Stray Paws Rescue Czech Republic

Stray Paws Rescue Czech Republic Stray Paws Rescue Czech Republic

Conto: CZ092010 0000 002 0025 8590

🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷V Jižní Koreji spolupracujeme s organizacemi, které zachraňují psy z farem na psí maso. A take ze státní...

V Jižní Koreji spolupracujeme s organizacemi, které zachraňují psy z farem na psí maso. A take ze státních kill útulku, kde ma kazdy pes život 14 az 21 dnu a pak je utracen. Situace se psy je tam úplně šílená. Existuji tam na ulici pet shopy, kde si muze kazdy koupit štěně bez pp jakekoli rasy.

Farmy na psí maso jsou tam nelegální, ale bohužel jich je strasne strašně moc. Kdyz se takova farma objeví, ochránci ji většinou zlikviduji.. Jenze pokud je to řešeno nejak přes úřady, tak psi z farmy putují zase do kill útulku.. Pokud spolky nemaji misto. A jako ze ho nemají, protože Jižní Koreu nikdo moc neřeší nema propagaci v adopci psů, mistni adopce nejsou, když psa seženete na kazdem rohu.

Takze spolky muzou brát jen libive psy pro cestu do USA, kde maji sami kill utulky... A adopce do takového státu jsou ponekud nesmyslne.

Protože se náš spolek věnuje 13 let prevychovam akit, shiba inu a mame jich neustále kolem 15 v azylu i na dožití, rozhodli jsme se zareagovat na prosbu o umístění prvniho pejska shiby Fazolky k nam. A take fenky Easy plemene Jindo. Později jsme prijali i další psy a nasli skvele domovy.

Psi k nam létají letadlem na náklady korejské organizace, ktera ale bohužel nema moc sponzorů a plati to z vlastních výplat. Kdy cela rodina musi chodit i do dvou prácí. Kazdy pes vyjde mezi 30 az 50 tisíci podle lecby, casu pobytu. Vse je tam dost drahé.

My potom hradime dopravu z letiště v Německu, nebo zařizujeme dobrovolníky.
Snažíme se vybrat nejaky adopcni poplatek většinou kolem smesnych 5 tisic,nekdo dá 10 a poslat ho zase do Koreje. V Česku maji lide pocit, ze je všechno zadarmo... Takze jsem doplácela skoro na kazdou adopci ze svého, protože mi bylo trapné vratit korejcum tak málo.

Pejsků z Koreje proto nemůžeme brát mnoho.
Leta jich jenom několik do roka. Je to kapka v moři pro pejsky co tam cekali strašně dlouho na domov. Ale jsme v ČR jenom dve organizace, které maji spolupráci s Koreou. Přičemž ta druhá vzala pejsků o dost méně než můžeme my. Ale chceme poukazat i na problém tohoto státu a kazda pomoc pro jednotlivého pejska se počítá.

Ted jsme zachránili tohoto dobrmana na vlastní náklady. Byl v kill útulku a měl poslední dny. Znamena to, ze mu musíme uhradit úplně vse veterinu, pobyt. Z Koreje bereme převážně křížence plemene Jindo. Dobrman je vyjimka. Větší psi stoji vice nákladů a jsou omezeni do letadla kvuli kohoutkove výšce do prepravky.

Na pejska jsme nyni zaplatili asi 24.000 Kč. Jeste bude potřeba odhadem kolem 10 az 15 tisíc. Musi byt 3 měsíce v karantene, podstoupit test na protilátky proti vzteklině a az potom může priletet. Do te doby je v placeném ubytování.

Pokud někoho zajímá tohle téma a tyto záchrany, můžete kdykoli prispet.
Dokážeme tak zachránit další.
Pro nas ma vetsi smysl utratit tyhle peníze za výlet pejska z Koreje k nam než abychom nedělali nic a platili svoje dovolené někam se vyfotit s památkama... Zatímco umiraji psi...
Tak nepojedeme nikam a vsechno co se nám podaří za život vydělat a vysbirat na fb, jde na záchrany pejsků.

Dekujeme vsem, kdo se rád přidá.

Účet 2200258590 /2010

♀️🟡 NEFRITY 🟡♀️Please share, comment. Beautiful gir is looking for home!We saved her thanks to our supporters from Roman...

♀️🟡 NEFRITY 🟡♀️
Please share, comment. Beautiful gir is looking for home!
We saved her thanks to our supporters from Romanian kill shelter. Now is waiting in Czech republic for her forever home.

🧶 Age: About 2 years old
🧶 Size: Big, about labrador retriever size
🧶 Love all dogs, not causing any fights
🧶 Can walk on leash, very calm on walks.
🧶 Can be touched, manipulated, touch paws, open mouth
🧶 Very friendly
🧶 Good with kids
🧶 Good with cats and other animals
🧶 Only for life inside or combined but with access inside anytime she wants, gardenmyst have tall fence. The fence must be concrete or some iron type hard to climb, net fence she can climb and escape. Because she can climb fence she should never be left in garden unattended, when you must leave she must be safe inside. She would be best as second dog.
🧶 She doesn't need special training, she have no behavior issues or bad habits, she will need just basic obedience training and recall
🧶Spayed, vaccinated, dewormed, EU pasport, microchip

She was supposed to be euthanized in Romania but we didn't let it to happen. She deserve amazing family and happy loved life. She will be really good partner in crime for hiking, travel or just cuddling in bed.

She got big belly because she had puppies. Sadly her puppies died in the kill shelter in Romania. She was probably living only on street.

Pleaseif you are interested in giving her home send us message, please no comment only message, in the message write where she would go, introduce yourself, what life you can provide for her. Please contact us only on messenger.

Located in Czech republic near Prague, Podebrady city. There is adoption fee and adoption contract required.

We are looking forward to meet her new family.

🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷Please share!!!!🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷We're seeking a miracle for two beautiful dogs saved from a dog-meat farm in South Korea‼️❌‼...

🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷Please share!!!!🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷

We're seeking a miracle for two beautiful dogs saved from a dog-meat farm in South Korea‼️❌‼️‼️

🟡 Dacheong and Easy arrived to Czech Republic a few months ago and both quickly found themselves owners, separately. Unfortunately, not all adoptive owners are reliable. They see a beautiful white dog, in a few days however, they learn it's not a big teddy bear and put the dog back to us. As of Easy, we had tens of people who wanted to adopt her, but this adoption (which didn't last long) closed her door to these homes. Dacheong as well came back, when his new adoptive owner said, that they changed their mind.
🟡 Dacheong and Easy are now together in a temporary care for a longer period of time, We'd love to find them home where they can live both.

They are used to be together.
🟡 We're looking for people willing to adopt Easy and Dacheong, an expierence with asian breeds of dogs or at least with enough willingness to take some advice and to understand that these dogs are not labradors, is a must.
🟡 Korean Jindo (the name of this rare breed) is a hunting breed unfortunately. Households with cats, rabbits, sheeps,... are out of question. Dacheong is okay with other dogs, Easy sometimes does attack other female dogs - nothing brutal, but it is important to keep an eye on her and to make her behave. Set up strict rules.

It is needed for the dogs to be on leashes. There is no way that one can take them on a walk and they will just freely run around, it is not a possibility.
🟡 They can live in an apartment in the outskirts or in a family house, but definetly not in the city centre or outside in a doghouse during the whole year.
🟡 Living with prepubescent children is okay, we don't recommend them to live with small children though. Asian breeds sometimes mind sudden moves and they get scared easily.
🟡 An intense training is not a must. It is needed to set rules, stops, learn them to come to the owner when called, it's going to be challenging. That's why we advice someone experienced.
🟡 Dacheong is a male, Easy is a female. Both are more or less about 3 years of age, both are castrated, chipped, vaxxed. They're medium sized, tinier than akitas.
🟡 If someone is interested, please contact us via private messages, send us pictures or videos of the place where they'd potentially live, tell us about your experience if you have got some. It is needed for the interested people to come and visit once or twice before the adoption.
We believe someone great will take them and these two handsome dogs won't be alone no more.

As of now they're in a temporary care in Poděbrady, Czech Republic.


Dog scientific diary 🐾📖
Return to the mother's bed:
Dogs are born and they all share a litter box with their mother. They roll after each other. Then the puppies grow up and the dogs start to hate and wash. We have shared bed rules. All dogs must learn this. Dogs used to packs have no problem after a few days. Dogs know that they get scolded for getting angry and that I make the rules here. The hardest work is with antisocial dogs. They are very angry, spoiled by the bad attitude of their families. There is also a female named Lanýž in this club. Pitbull / Stafford crossbreed. She was very angry with the dogs. Antisocial, signs of beatings and bullies, sick with skin from stress. It took her a year to learn our rules of mutual love. Now she's muzzled and she's in bed with the dogs! That's how long it takes to retrain an antisocial dog back to puppyhood in the kennel. When so many dogs remember that whining behavior. Twenty dogs lie down in bed, all huddled together, they don't wash. Sometimes he growls, accidentally throwing his teeth at each other. A person intervenes in a situation. That's why I'm the leader of the pack. I give rules, resolve conflicts. I accept all conflicts as my responsibility. I don't see conflict as a negative situation. Conflict between dogs is normal. Suddenly all the dogs are big puppies and they love the contact.

📖❤️Adolescence of all creatures on this planet destroys love. Let's go back ❤️



Dog scientific diary 🐾📖
Return to the mother's bed:
Dogs are born and they all share a litter box with their mother. They roll after each other. Then the puppies grow up and the dogs start to hate and wash. We have shared bed rules. All dogs must learn this. Dogs used to packs have no problem after a few days. Dogs know that they get scolded for getting angry and that I make the rules here. The hardest work is with antisocial dogs. They are very angry, spoiled by the bad attitude of their families. There is also a female named Lanýž in this club. Pitbull / Stafford crossbreed. She was very angry with the dogs. Antisocial, signs of beatings and bullies, sick with skin from stress. It took her a year to learn our rules of mutual love. Now she's muzzled and she's in bed with the dogs! That's how long it takes to retrain an antisocial dog back to puppyhood in the kennel. When so many dogs remember that whining behavior. Twenty dogs lie down in bed, all huddled together, they don't wash. Sometimes he growls, accidentally throwing his teeth at each other.
A person intervenes in a situation. That's why I'm the leader of the pack. I give rules, resolve conflicts. I accept all conflicts as my responsibility. I don't see conflict as a negative situation.
Conflict between dogs is normal. Suddenly all the dogs are big puppies and they love the contact.

📖❤️Adolescence of all creatures on this planet destroys love. Let's go back ❤️




❤❤❤Princess and Fresh are looking for home. ❤❤❤  🐕🐶Mini German shepherd ➡️They can be adopted together but it's not requ...

❤❤❤Princess and Fresh are looking for home. ❤❤❤
🐕🐶Mini German shepherd
➡️They can be adopted together but it's not required

They were adopted for few days together but got returned back. They didn't even get the time to settle just their new family found it as time consuming to have dogs which they didn't know before adoption.

The need real family this time.

👸Princess is female 4 years old. She still need to learn a lot but she is doing always her best. Very sweet and learn fast.

🌸 Fresh 5 years old boy. Very good boy, sweet and want to make you happy. Happy learning new things.

They both are housebroken and used to sleep in bed, they would be nice company for hiking and for someone who love to teach dogs si tricks.

➡️ Cats inside good but they chase cats outside
➡️ Kids good but little bit older 7+
➡️ housebroken
➡️ potty trained
➡️ good at city
➡️ Never off leash
➡️ Barking inside no but they bark outside
➡️ no basic obedience training, adopter need to work on that

They both have Pasport, all vaccinations, dewormed, spayed and neutered, rabies antibody blood test.

For adoption apply adoption contract, adoption fee, homecheck

🛑🚨 If you are interested let us know something about you, introduce yourself and explain why you chose this dog and what are you expecting and what are your experiences.

❤Altu for adoption ➡️Boy 25kg neutered fully vaccinated age unknown➡️ Very friendly and sweet boy. He love everyone and ...

❤Altu for adoption
➡️Boy 25kg neutered fully vaccinated age unknown
➡️ Very friendly and sweet boy. He love everyone and every dog he knows, when he meet new dogs he is scared and growls but when he get them know he is friendly. He is good boy but he will need to learn basic obedience.
He would be suitable for someone who have some experience with dogs or someone who is willing to learn with him and work together on improving. A trainer helping our dogs is available in Prague to help.

You can come and meet him at our rescue in Podebrady.

➡️Altu rescue story
He was on kill list in Romania shelter, he got only few days before mass euthanasia. We decided to help some dogs but there were too many and our limit was 20 dog. So we told the shelter to chose 20 dogs for us as the decision was too hard to make. He was one of lucky dogs that made it to our rescue, he was dirty, and messy we thought no one will ever want him and he will stay for a long time which actually happened, no one want him and he is here already for couple of months watching his friends going home. We would be really grateful if you can give him home, he doesn't have that popular cute dog look but he is also sweet dog full of love.


Statek Blato, Umyslovice 110

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