KOCI Geckos

KOCI Geckos Welcome to this page!

I am Jan Kocanda, a lay breeder who tries to breed high-end mutations of leopard gecko and AFT, as well as rare species, especially Australian and African species of desert geckos. I am trying to breed these species:

Eublepharis macularius (High quality morphs)
Hemitheconyx caudicinctus (AFT)
Nephrurus leavissimus
Nephrurus amyae
Nephrurus levis levis (Red, Red Hypo, Yellow line)

s levis pilbarensis (Albino Patty combos)
Nephrurus wheeleri
Nephrurus vertebralis (dark)
Strophurus taenicauda (Wild-eyed and silver-eyed)
Strophurus spinigerus inornatus
Diplodactylus galeatus
Lucasium damaeum
Pachydactylus rugosus
Pachydactylus rangei
Pachydactylus latirostris
Chondrodactylus angulifer angulifer
Teratoscincus keyserlingii
Uroplatus ebenaui

Xenagama taylori

Heterodon nasicus

For Hamm, Verona, Houten, ZE Prague:0.0.5 Pachydactylus rugosus (CB24) - only all 5 indivinduals together (serious inter...

For Hamm, Verona, Houten, ZE Prague:

0.0.5 Pachydactylus rugosus (CB24) - only all 5 indivinduals together (serious interested breeders)
0.0.3 Pachydactylus latirostris (CB24)
2.2 Chondrodactylus angulifer (CB24) - nice coloration
1.1 Strophurus taenicauda Silver Eyed (CB23)
1.0 Strophurus taenicauda (CB20)
1.0 Nephrurus wheeleri (CB21)

0.1 Pure Black Night non het.Free delivery to Hamm, Houten, Prague, VeronaPM for more info.

0.1 Pure Black Night non het.
Free delivery to Hamm, Houten, Prague, Verona
PM for more info.

We will be participating in Hamm in September (14.09.2024), so we offer transport to/from Hamm as always. Anyone interes...

We will be participating in Hamm in September (14.09.2024), so we offer transport to/from Hamm as always. Anyone interested, please PM us! ☺

Zúčastníme se zářijového Hammu (14.09.2024), tím pádem nabízíme jako vždy dopravu do/z Hammu. Kdo by měl zájem, napište nám prosím SZ! ☺

WY Fire TA het. EclipseI already know that this will be one of the best young of the season in this line.Už teď vím že t...

WY Fire TA het. Eclipse

I already know that this will be one of the best young of the season in this line.

Už teď vím že toto bude jedno z nejlepších mláďat sezóny této linie.

Meet the Yellow line male Nephrurus levis levis, which will be an integral part of the Yellow line animals for the comin...

Meet the Yellow line male Nephrurus levis levis, which will be an integral part of the Yellow line animals for the coming seasons. Personally, this is one of the nicest levis I've ever seen. The patterns and color gradients on this male are indescribable! 💛 I would also like to thank Ricardo Soares from DeadLine Geckos who produced this male and gave me the opportunity to adopt him. 😁🤜🤛

Seznamte se s Yellow line Nephrurus levis levis samcem, který bude nedílnou součástí Yellow line zvířat pro nadcházející sezóny. Osobně je to jeden z nejhezčích jedinců, jaké jsem kdy viděl. Vzory a barevné přechody na tomto samci jsou nepopsatelné! 💛

Few takes of Nephrurus babies from this year. ☺️ There are Nephrurus levis pilbarensis (Albino Patty, Patty het. Albino ...

Few takes of Nephrurus babies from this year. ☺️ There are Nephrurus levis pilbarensis (Albino Patty, Patty het. Albino and DH), from levis levis there is Red Hypo 100% het. Patty, Red ph Patty and beautiful yellow line one, and in the end, little angry guy, Nephrurus amyae. 😁😇 I am grateful that this season is so varied for Nephrurus, because I really enjoy work with this genus. 🤙

Pár fotografií mláďat rodu Nephrurus z letošního roku. ☺️ V galerii jsou Nephrurus levis pilbarensis (Albino Patty, Patty het. Albino a DH), z druhu levis levis je tam Red Hypo 100% het. Patty, Red ph Patty a krásné Yellow line mládě, a nakonec malý vztekloun, Nephrurus amyae. 😁😇 Jsem vděčný, že letošní sezóna je pro Nephrurus tak pestrá, protože mě práce s tímto rodem opravdu naplňuje. 🤙

For Hamm Show SeptemberKOSICE (SK) 25.07.2024ZE Prague2.2 Chondrodactylus angulifer (CB24)1.1 Strophurus taenicauda Silv...

For Hamm Show September
KOSICE (SK) 25.07.2024
ZE Prague

2.2 Chondrodactylus angulifer (CB24)
1.1 Strophurus taenicauda Silver Eyed (CB23)
1.0 Strophurus taenicauda (CB20)
1.0 Nephrurus wheeleri (CB21)

🇨🇿 Aktualizace mláďat/adultů Eublepharis macularius a mláďat Hemitheconyx caudicinctus (AFT). Pokud si nevíte rady nebo ...

🇨🇿 Aktualizace mláďat/adultů Eublepharis macularius a mláďat Hemitheconyx caudicinctus (AFT). Pokud si nevíte rady nebo není v nabídce genetika, kterou hledáte, nebojte se mě kontaktovat. V nabídce nejsou všechna zvířata, která mohu nabídnout. 🦎

Doprava kamkoliv možná, dokonce i 25.07. do KOŠIC (SK, ZDARMA). Záleží na konkrétní domluvě.

🇬🇧 Update of Eublepharis macularius babies/adults and Hemitheconyx caudicinctus juveniles (AFT). If you are at a loss or the geneticist you are looking for is not on offer, do not be afraid to contact me. Not all the animals I can offer are on offer. 🦎

Delivery anywhere possible, even 25.07. to KOSICE (SK, FREE) or Hamm Show. It depends on the specific agreement.

Fresh Diplodactylus galeatus with Strophurus taenicauda in incubator. 🙂

Fresh Diplodactylus galeatus with Strophurus taenicauda in incubator. 🙂

Another two Chondrodactylus angulifer! 💥I really enjoying work with them!

Another two Chondrodactylus angulifer! 💥

I really enjoying work with them!

Some more interesting additions in recent days.🦎 The last P. latirostris of this year, another P. rugosus, which will be...

Some more interesting additions in recent days.🦎
The last P. latirostris of this year, another P. rugosus, which will be a valuable holdback and again some wonderful N. levis levis, of which I think there will be plenty! 🤩 These are pure Red, Red Hypo het. Patty, Red ph Patty, and another yellow line baby, which I am most happy about him. 🙂‍↕️

Nějaké zajímavější přírůstky za poslední dny.🦎
Poslední P. latirostris tohoto roku, další P. rugosus, který bude cenným holdbackem a opět nějaké nádherné N. levis levis, kterých bude myslím dostatek! 🤩 Toto jsou zrovna čisté Red, Red Hypo het. Patty, Red ph Patty a nesmí chybět ani další mládě z Yellow line, ze kterého mám největší radost. 🙂‍↕️

Amazing shot of Pachydactylus rugosus hatchling!

Amazing shot of Pachydactylus rugosus hatchling!

Natrix tessellata📍Czechia 🇨🇿

Natrix tessellata

📍Czechia 🇨🇿

Diplodactylus galeatusOne of my most favorite species at all. I absolutely adore their variability of contrast and patte...

Diplodactylus galeatus

One of my most favorite species at all. I absolutely adore their variability of contrast and patterns on back. ☺️ In near future I would like to work more with this species, so I hope that I will have luck for quality of my breeding animals and success with clutches! 🤞😇
The photos show one of the females that will be involved in breeding next season.

Diplodactylus galeatus

Jeden z mých nejoblíbenějších druhů vůbec. Naprosto zbožňuji jejich variabilitu kontrastu a vzorů na zádech. ☺️ V blízké budoucnosti bych chtěl s tímto druhem více pracovat, tak doufám, že budu mít štěstí na kvalitu mých chovných zvířat a na úspěšnost u snůšek! 🤞😇
Na fotografiích je jedna ze samiček, která bude do chovu zapojena příští sezónu.

🇬🇧 Few beautiful babies from the past few days. ☺️ From Nephrurus genus it was Nephrurus levis pilbarensis, Patty het. A...

🇬🇧 Few beautiful babies from the past few days. ☺️ From Nephrurus genus it was Nephrurus levis pilbarensis, Patty het. Albino and beautiful dh with incredible pattern! 😱 Besides them, female Chondrodactylus angulifer and my first Pachydactylus rangei of the year hatched. 🤗

🇨🇿 Pár krásných miminek z posledních dní. ☺️ Z rodu Nephrurus to byl Nephrurus levis pilbarensis, Patty het. Albino a krásný dh s neuvěřitelným vzorem! 😱 Kromě nich se vylíhla samička Chondrodactylus angulifer a můj první letošní Pachydactylus rangei. 🤗

Aktualizace mláďat AFT a subadultů/adultů gekončíků nočních. Doprava po domluvě možná kamkoliv. ☺️Update of AFT juvenile...

Aktualizace mláďat AFT a subadultů/adultů gekončíků nočních. Doprava po domluvě možná kamkoliv. ☺️

Update of AFT juveniles and subadult/adult leopard geckos. Delivery possible anywhere by arrangement. ☺️

0.1 Oreo het. Patty 66% het. Zulu



Today was again really good for babies! 🐐First N. amyae and two P. rugosus of this season. 😇

Today was again really good for babies! 🐐

First N. amyae and two P. rugosus of this season. 😇

Today was babyboom! 💥Yellow line Nephrurus levis levis and some AFT and Eublepharis babies. ☺️

Today was babyboom! 💥
Yellow line Nephrurus levis levis and some AFT and Eublepharis babies. ☺️

🇬🇧 This year's first successes at Nephrurus! 🥳Nephrurus levis levis 100% het. Patty and my very first Nephrurus levis pi...

🇬🇧 This year's first successes at Nephrurus! 🥳

Nephrurus levis levis 100% het. Patty and my very first Nephrurus levis pilbarensis, even an Albino Patternless! 😈 I haven't experienced such a feeling of happiness in terra hobby for a long time. ✅

🇨🇿 Letošní první úspěchy u Nephrurus! 🥳

Nephrurus levis levis 100% het. Patty a moje úplně první Nephrurus levis pilbarensis, dokonce rovnou i Albino Patternless! 😈 Dlouho jsem takový pocit šťestí v teraristice nezažil. ✅

First Ch. angulifer from this year! ☺️72 days at 28.5 degrees. 👨‍🍳

First Ch. angulifer from this year! ☺️
72 days at 28.5 degrees. 👨‍🍳


My Pure Electric non het. holdback male, who will be the father of this year’s Pure babies. 🔥😍☺️

Have you ever seen anything cuter? 🥹

Have you ever seen anything cuter? 🥹



They look friendly, but don't trust them, looks are deceiving. 😁 Two females of Nephrurus amyae from last year.Vypadají ...

They look friendly, but don't trust them, looks are deceiving. 😁 Two females of Nephrurus amyae from last year.

Vypadají přátelsky, ale nevěřte jim, zdání klame. 😁 Dvě samičky Nephrurus amyae z loňského roku.

Pachydactylus latirostris

Pachydactylus latirostris


Some AFT’s from this year. 🔥
Which one is your favourite? 🤔

This weekend was pretty nice! 2 eggs from N. amyae2 eggs from P. rangei 2 eggs from P. rugosus1 egg from Pure BN

This weekend was pretty nice!

2 eggs from N. amyae
2 eggs from P. rangei
2 eggs from P. rugosus
1 egg from Pure BN

Late Easter report from KOCI Geckos! 🐣I got some nice clutches from Nephrurus, AFT’s, lots of clutches from different li...

Late Easter report from KOCI Geckos! 🐣

I got some nice clutches from Nephrurus, AFT’s, lots of clutches from different lines of leopard geckos, including two more nice eggs from Pure BN parents, and last but not least another AFT “chick” hatched, namely TSM Striped (Aa) Oreo het. Patty 50% het. Zulu! 🐥

The report is over! 👋

Some pictures of this year AFT (Hemitheconyx caudicinctus) babies. ☺️ Some individuals constantly amaze me with their co...

Some pictures of this year AFT (Hemitheconyx caudicinctus) babies. ☺️ Some individuals constantly amaze me with their contrast!

Pár fotografií letošních AFT mláďat (Hemitheconyx caudicinctus). ☺️ Někteří jedinci mě neustále ohromují svým kontrastem!




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