KOCI Geckos

KOCI Geckos Welcome to this page!

I am Jan Kocanda, a lay breeder who tries to breed high-end mutations of leopard gecko and AFT, as well as rare species, especially Australian and African species of desert geckos. I am trying to breed these species:

Eublepharis macularius (High quality morphs)
Hemitheconyx caudicinctus (AFT)
Nephrurus leavissimus
Nephrurus amyae
Nephrurus levis levis (Red, Red Hypo, Yellow line)

s levis pilbarensis (Albino Patty combos)
Nephrurus wheeleri
Nephrurus vertebralis (dark)
Strophurus taenicauda (Wild-eyed and silver-eyed)
Strophurus spinigerus inornatus
Diplodactylus galeatus
Lucasium damaeum
Pachydactylus rugosus
Pachydactylus rangei
Pachydactylus latirostris
Chondrodactylus angulifer angulifer
Teratoscincus keyserlingii
Uroplatus ebenaui

Xenagama taylori

Heterodon nasicus

One of the last update of Nephrurus stuff from last year. Some amyae, pilba and lines of levis here. Feel free to ask me...

One of the last update of Nephrurus stuff from last year. Some amyae, pilba and lines of levis here.

Feel free to ask me for more info. ☺️

Hamm, Verona, Prague possible

🇬🇧 Let’s start by introducing the three species of geckos of the genus Pachydactylus that I breed in my facility. The fi...

🇬🇧 Let’s start by introducing the three species of geckos of the genus Pachydactylus that I breed in my facility.

The first of these is the very attractive Pachydactylus rangei. This species stands out for its high variability, both in the color of the underpainting and in the size and amount of patterns on the back. Its interesting features are the fingers connected by a membrane and high biofluorescence on some parts of the skin (especially around the eye and on the side of the body).

In the photos you can see my offspring from the 2024 season, which I am very happy about them! It is worth noting the already mentioned high variability in the appearance of the individuals. Enjoy the photos! ☺️

🇨🇿 Pojďme se postupně pustit do představení tří druhů gekonů rodu Pachydactylus, které v mém zařízení odchovávám.

Prvním z nich je velice atraktivní Pachydactylus rangei. Tento druh vyčnívá vysokou variabilitou, ať už barvou podkresu, tak i velikostí a množstvím kresby. Jeho zajímavosti jsou dále spojené prsty blánou a vysoká biofluorescence na některých částech pokožky (zejména kolem oka a na boku těla).

Na fotografiích si můžete prohlédnout moje odchovy ze sezóny 2024, za které jsem velmi rád. Za povšimnutí stojí právě již zmiňovaná vysoká variabilita vzhledu jedinců. Užijte si fotografie! ☺️

Since there is a lot of interest in geckos, I have updated the Morph Market with some new ones! More than 60 leopard gec...

Since there is a lot of interest in geckos, I have updated the Morph Market with some new ones! More than 60 leopard geckos ready for their new homes. ☺️
I will be in Ziva Exotika in Prague, in Hamm and in Verona. PM for more info.

Link: https://www.morphmarket.com/eu/c/reptiles/lizards/leopard-geckos?seller=koci_geckos&state=for_sale

Vzhledem k tomu, že je o gekony velký zájem, jsem provedl na Morph Market aktualizaci! Více než 60 gekončíků nočních připravených do nového domova. ☺️ Budu na ŽE v Praze, v Hammu a ve Veroně.

Link: https://www.morphmarket.com/eu/c/reptiles/lizards/leopard-geckos?seller=koci_geckos&state=for_sale

🇬🇧 I have prepared something for you… 🤗I really appreciate the interest in my bred animals, so I decided to prepare a di...

🇬🇧 I have prepared something for you… 🤗

I really appreciate the interest in my bred animals, so I decided to prepare a discount for the Christmas on all geckos that are published on Morph Market, namely Eublepharis macularius, Hemitheconyx caudicinctus and Nephrurus levis! The event lasts from 10.12. (0:00 CET) to 24.12. (23:59 CET) and for the complete offer it is the same, 25%! 🎁
Until this date I will participate in the show in Hamm, Prague and Brno, so picking up at these locations is not a problem. At the same time, shipping in CZ/SK, almost anywhere, is also valid.

So don't miss this opportunity and make yourself happy under the Christmas tree! 🫵🎄


🇨🇿 Něco jsem si pro vás připravil… 🤗

Velmi si vážím vašeho zájmu o moje odchovaná zvířata, a proto jsem se rozhodl, že s obdobím Vánoc připravím slevu na všechny gekony, kteří jsou zveřejněni na Morph Market, tedy jmenovitě Eublepharis macularius, Hemitheconyx caudicinctus i na Nephrurus levis! Akce trvá od 10.12. (0:00 CET) do 24.12. (23:59 CET) a pro kompletní nabídku je stejná, a to 25%! 🎁
Do tohoto data se zúčastním burz v Hammu, Praze i Brně, tudíž vyzvednutí na těchto lokacích není problém. Zároveň platí i doprava po CZ/SK, téměř kamkoliv.

Nepropásni tedy tuto příležitost a udělej si radost pod stromečkem i ty! 🫵🎄


We will be participating in Hamm in December (14.12.2024), so we offer transport to/from Hamm as always. Anyone interest...

We will be participating in Hamm in December (14.12.2024), so we offer transport to/from Hamm as always. Anyone interested, please PM us! ☺

Zúčastníme se prosincového Hammu (14.12.2024), tím pádem nabízíme jako vždy dopravu do/z Hammu. Kdo by měl zájem, napište nám prosím SZ! ☺

3.3 P. rangei (CB24)0.0.4 P. rugosus (CB24)0.0.2 S. taenicauda white eyed (CB24)0.2 Ch. angulifer Springbok (CB24)Hamm, ...

3.3 P. rangei (CB24)
0.0.4 P. rugosus (CB24)
0.0.2 S. taenicauda white eyed (CB24)
0.2 Ch. angulifer Springbok (CB24)

Hamm, Houten, Prague, Verona, DDI possible. ✅


First offer of Nephrurus levis levis and Nephrurus levis pilbarensis from this year. Under each photo specified gender and lineage.

For more info please hit me PM or look here:

Hamm, Houten, Prague, Verona, DDI possible. ✅


The biggest update of leopard geckos of this year so far! 🔥

Many lines, many colors, many high ends!

Enjoy the album! ☺️

If you would be interested of something, hit me PM. Hamm, Houten, Prague, Verona, DDI possible. ✅

More info of each animal here: https://www.morphmarket.com/stores/koci_geckos/


This Red Hypo female was useful for cooperation with JZ Gecko this season, when together we wanted to breed offspring with the het. Patty gene. This was successful and 2 females were born from the pairing. Do you want to see the results? ☺️

Great looking Black Night from pure non het parents from this season…and the best thing is that it’s a male! 🫡Skvěle vyp...

Great looking Black Night from pure non het parents from this season…and the best thing is that it’s a male! 🫡

Skvěle vypadající Black Night od Pure non het rodičů z této sezóny...a nejlepší na tom je, že je to sameček! 🫡

This female definetly will be part of something! 😁🔥In the 2025 season, she will be bred to a wonderful male.

This female definetly will be part of something! 😁🔥

In the 2025 season, she will be bred to a wonderful male.


Verona Reptiles 06.10. (❗️Table 420❗️)
ZE Prague 19.10. (❗️Table R14❗️)

For more info PM please! 😊

Nephrurus levis levis Striped line.Female from Ricardo Soares which will be included in breeding next season. I really l...

Nephrurus levis levis Striped line.

Female from Ricardo Soares which will be included in breeding next season. I really like contrasting red color on her.

After cancelled reservation, I am offering 0.0.5 Pachydactylus rugosus for this Hamm in September. I only accept take of...

After cancelled reservation, I am offering 0.0.5 Pachydactylus rugosus for this Hamm in September. I only accept take of all 5 babies together.

1.0 Pure Mandarin Tangerine non het.Definitely one of top notch animals of this season so far! 🤌 Btw, he is on MorphMark...

1.0 Pure Mandarin Tangerine non het.

Definitely one of top notch animals of this season so far! 🤌 Btw, he is on MorphMarket right now, so grab him asap! 🔥

Red Diamond Stripe lineThese animals come from the Red Diamond line, whose appearance is additionally “spiced up” with a...

Red Diamond Stripe line

These animals come from the Red Diamond line, whose appearance is additionally “spiced up” with a perfect reverse stripe, which should be preserved even in adulthood! 🔥

These two geckos should be a pair, so if anyone is interested in getting more than just Red Diamond, or wants to improve the line with this one, let me know…




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