Jason the Kooiker - Jason z Ploužnické stáje

Jason the Kooiker - Jason z Ploužnické stáje Jason z Ploužnické stáje is a handsome Kooikerhondje stud dog in Prague, CZ, currently looking for a bride! Well socialized.

Patella 1/1, every other health check clear

VWD, ENM: clear
Eyes: clear
Patella: 1/1
Height: 42 cm
Teeth: shear, full set

Character: friendly, loving, gentle, but brave. Family dog, having fun with agility and clicker training for tricks. Titles: Junior champion of Czech Republic, Champion of Czech republic,
Multi BOB, multi CACIB


Happy dog, happy baby :)

Happy dog, happy baby :)

It's been 4 years since we got this amazing doggo from Kooikerhondje - Z Ploužnické stáje. He was such a cutie!I remembe...

It's been 4 years since we got this amazing doggo from Kooikerhondje - Z Ploužnické stáje. He was such a cutie!

I remember him the first few nights. We were determined not to let him in our bed, so we prepared a nice blanket just next to our bed. But he got a piece of our bed anyway :D He dragged a small yellow pillow down to the floor.

We let him have it for several months, untill he started chewing on it. That was a no-no though :)

My favourite yellow pillow taken by force from master's bed. Since I can't actually stay up in the bed, I had to take the bed down to my level.

Happy   to Jason and his siblings! He is celebrating with his son  while we are geting used to living with another newbo...

Happy to Jason and his siblings! He is celebrating with his son while we are geting used to living with another newborn human 👼❤️

Happy times with Jason's firstborn son  ❤️ stealing toys from each other and silly chasing around the garden 😂          ...

Happy times with Jason's firstborn son ❤️ stealing toys from each other and silly chasing around the garden 😂

Je to tady, Jason je oficiálně další Kooi C.I.B, tedy Interšampion, tedy Mezinárodní šampion krásy! Diplom sice ještě ce...

Je to tady, Jason je oficiálně další Kooi C.I.B, tedy Interšampion, tedy Mezinárodní šampion krásy!

Diplom sice ještě cestuje z Belgie, ale dopis "Šampionát máte zapsaný, posíláme vám diplom v dalším dopise" už máme v ruce :D

Jasonova štěňátka s Interšampionkou Ebby von Czech Meran, která zanedlouho půjdou do nových domovů, už tatínkův CIB (snad) budou mít i v PP

So Jason's firstborn son Cheeky Chase Bellamoon turned 1 today. Happy birthay,  😍🥳                                      ...

So Jason's firstborn son Cheeky Chase Bellamoon turned 1 today. Happy birthay, 😍🥳

The best   commercial :)

The best commercial :)

Find a Kooiker. Or two. Great walk with

Find a Kooiker. Or two. Great walk with

Jason won   🏆😍today at the   International   :) we had a lot of fun and experienced some frustration while taking those ...

Jason won 🏆😍today at the International :) we had a lot of fun and experienced some frustration while taking those pics 😅 preparing to hopefully shine at the on Friday. There will be a huge competition!

Ready for our next international   in Brno. Basically a training for the   on Friday! Wish us luck ❤️                   ...

Ready for our next international in Brno. Basically a training for the on Friday! Wish us luck ❤️

Aristocratic vibes :) His lordship Jason this afternoon

Aristocratic vibes :) His lordship Jason this afternoon

They sre simply   😍 Jason and his firstborn son

They sre simply 😍 Jason and his firstborn son

So many shows visited and so many more to go!

So many shows visited and so many more to go!

Jason got BoB at the special club dog show in Kolin last Saturday ❤️😍🐕 we even competed with a shampion Adell and the ju...

Jason got BoB at the special club dog show in Kolin last Saturday ❤️😍🐕 we even competed with a shampion Adell and the judge chose Jason from open class over her. So proud! .

Welcome the new Czech Champion!😍 Jason just won his last CAC needed to become a Champion and won Best of Breed out of 8 ...

Welcome the new Czech Champion!😍 Jason just won his last CAC needed to become a Champion and won Best of Breed out of 8 Kooikers present 🏅🏆🥰 Now we need to go to for the last needed CACIB to get Interchampionship :) he is sooooo handsome 😍



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