rescued boy from Dnipro/at Olenkas place
thats was his first day at the foster
Tony is for adoption
"TEDDY again! :-) He is really a funny boy! It seems he has fallen in love with WENDY! :-) Wendy is also available for adoption, and TEDDY is always by her side."
TEFFI from Ternopil/84 euro
mother from Elli, rescued from Ternopil in November 2024
TEFFI is for adoption but as we do not have any adoption for her... we are obliged to collect money:-(
PLEASE, support us - if you can donate for TEFFI or if you can find a home for him, thank you so much!
paypal: [email protected]
subject: TEFFI foster fee
update about TEDDY
Chupic left and Teddy is now the king:-)
he has no problem with female dogs but better but better to avoid the adoption to families with male dogs ....
we hope, we can find soon a family for him as he is really a big boy and it is not easy for Yaroslava Rizdvanetska
ELLIE from Ternopil/84 euro
she was rescued together with her mother and PHOENIX in November 2024
ELLIE is for adoption but as we do not have any adoption for her... we are obliged to collect money:-(
PLEASE, support us - if you can donate for ELLIE or if you can find a home for him, thank you so much!
paypal: [email protected]
subject: ELLIE foster fee
UPDATE/foster fee for next 30 days can be paid, THANK YOU!
34 euro sent by Yve Yve, thank you very much!
50 euro sent by Belinda Freiheit, thank you very much!
PHOENIX from Ternopil/84 euro needed/foster fee
you remember him for sure - the boy was rescued in Ternopil, he was very skinny and we asked Kristi Odessa if she would take him to Odessa as there was no foster option in Ternopil
Phoenix is a handsome, clever dog - but we do not have any adoption offer for him:-( and that means ...we have to pay the foster
PLEASE, support us - if you can donate for the boy or if you can find a home for him, thank you so much!
paypal: [email protected]
subject: PHOENIX foster fee
TONY - 20th Feb
very hungry... we hope, we can find a home for him soon
TONY - his first ride and the road to the foster
the rescued SALEM (the new name which was given by the amazing family in Germany for Onyx from Odessa) sends greetings
curator Kristi Odessa
Salem is a curious boy, he want to explore everything ... we are very grateful for the adoption
Arche Tierwohl e.V. many thanks to Nadine&Co. für die zusammenarbeit - Salem found his family via Arche Tierwohl e.V.
SALEM, we wish you a wonderful life