Anima Animal - Rhodesian Ridgebacks kennel

Anima Animal - Rhodesian Ridgebacks kennel Breeding with ♥, responsibility and knowledge:

Těšíme se na miminka 🥰❤️

Těšíme se na miminka 🥰❤️

Merry Christmas to all our friends 🐾❤️

Merry Christmas to all our friends 🐾❤️

Hello world! ♥"E" litter is here! We have 11 amazing miracles (7 boys + 4 girls) - 2 boys and 1 girl have got ridge in t...

Hello world! ♥
"E" litter is here! We have 11 amazing miracles (7 boys + 4 girls) - 2 boys and 1 girl have got ridge in the ♥, rest in standard now, no DS, no kinked tail, minimum white, beautiful colors and ridges ♥
Roxy was and is amazing, it was the best delivery I have ever experienced! Love all of them ♥
More info:

IS she? ;)

IS she? ;)

mating is done ♥♥♥sonography will show us more in 3 weeks, stay tuned! :)

mating is done ♥♥♥
sonography will show us more in 3 weeks, stay tuned! :)

gosh.. feeling bad when I added last update her in September 2014!! :( half of October and half of November I spent all ...

gosh.. feeling bad when I added last update her in September 2014!! :( half of October and half of November I spent all my time in hospital.. because of my baby Jacob who was born 9weeks sooner.. and all my time is his now! and rest I´m spending with my girls, on shows, in woods where we are training on bloodtracking exams and of course little bit in work too.. :) BUT we are ready to start planning of "D" litter in the real ;) sir was changed - I had no other way.. stay tuned! here is future mummy-to-be KEIRA ♥ I´m soooo looking forward!!

WE ARE STILL HERE!!.though is less and less time to the update of our website.. I decided to do it this week! Not only b...

WE ARE STILL HERE!!.though is less and less time to the update of our website.. I decided to do it this week! Not only because of our super staRR Roxy ♥ :) are you interested about some plans for spring 2015, hmmm? ;) stay tuned!!

"B" and "C" babies celebrated their birthdays!!B-born 20/6/2011C-born 22/6/2013Wish you strong health, lots of love, cud...

"B" and "C" babies celebrated their birthdays!!
B-born 20/6/2011
C-born 22/6/2013

Wish you strong health, lots of love, cuddling, walks with friends, full bowls and warm beds ♥ LOVE YOU!!!

One of our amazing grandchildren - Mr. Light Blue (A Piece of Heaven AA & Florenc Ranua) in the age 4,5 weeks ♥ so proud...

One of our amazing grandchildren - Mr. Light Blue (A Piece of Heaven AA & Florenc Ranua) in the age 4,5 weeks ♥ so proud of this puppies :)





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