
Pet-Mat The PET-MAT Project solves the problem of recycled PET in Architecture.

One of the solution is to produce a light brick made of low quality recycled polyethylene tereftalate – a brick made like a bottle. Previous research showed us the potential of post-user bottles to carry heavy loads, the book 150 000 describes examples of architecture made of PET bottles. Giving the bottle second (and third) life can decrease the amount of bottles polluting our nature.And economic

ally, we think this is the way how to prolong the life of bottles and stabilise the quick consumer recycling cycle. The idea has raised from Experimental atelier, a studio led by Kateřina Nováková and Henri Achten at FA CTU Prague since 2008. They started by working with the topic of garbage in architecture and ended up with seeing PET bottle as a representative.


Hledá se černý batoh quechua, někdo ho třeba někde viděl? Trasa Praha - Kralupy. Jsou tam vizitky, prosím volejte.





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