27.3. 2023 The Avengers born :)
2 boys: Avenger Thor, Avenger Groot
1 girl: Avenger Black Widow
One of the boys is still waiting for his new home. O:-) Girl and one boy are reserved.
Talon is doing very well and is very good and caring mother, even today she put me the ring to my hand and ask for some fun again :D
One of the boys (biggest, the first one) is very stoic, calm, when he wants to get somewhere, he just do it. No much sounds, move only if he think it is neccessary, fine with weighting, manipulating, health checks... ❤
Second boy is very active and loud. Every time is good reason for making sounds, he shouts, it is almost impossible to make a pic of him, or weight him, or check him. He is almost able jumps 2 days after birth 😃
Princess is... princess. No shouting after birth, just light squeek... She likes, if somebody takes care of her, discuss the matter of the weighting, but then is OK, you could take pictures of her like from photo-model. 😃
So - one boy (the calmer one, I guess) is still waiting for HIS people. Don´t hesitate to ask me, if you wish 🙂