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Nicht verpassen - Frühjahrsseminar des ÖGVD mit Dr. Maren Dölle in Wien!

Nicht verpassen - Frühjahrsseminar des ÖGVD mit Dr. Maren Dölle in Wien!

Events   ÖGVD Webinar, Dienstag 21. Jänner 2025 Thema: Grundlagen und Fallbeispiele aus der Dermoskopie Datum: Dienstag, 21.01.2025 Vortragender: Dr. Maurizio Colcuc, FTA für Dermatologie Seminarort: Webinar Seminarprogramm als Download: Webinar Programm 2025 Anmeldeformular für ÖGVD Webinar 2...

in einer dreiviertel Stunde ist es soweit, ich hoffe Sie sind angemeldet :-)

in einer dreiviertel Stunde ist es soweit, ich hoffe Sie sind angemeldet :-)

Die Österreichische Gesellschaft für Veterinärdermatologie lädt am 21. Jänner 2025 ab 19:30 uhr zum Dermatologie-Webinar mit Dr. Maurizio Colcuc, FTA für Dermatologie.


Manche Hautpilze können vom Hund auf den Menschen übertragen werden. Tipps wie Sie sich schützen können:

Have a nice Sunday!

Have a nice Sunday!


Noch rasch anmelden!!!
Am Dienstag, 21. Jänner 2025 haben wir unser Webinar zum Thema Dermoskopie mit Dr. Maurizio Colcuc
Wir freuen uns schon sehr!

Für ÖGVD Mitglieder GRATIS - nur Anmeldung erforderlich! 🙋

Hautfaltendermatitis (Intertrigo) (engl. below)Eine Hautfaltendermatitis entsteht an Lokalisationen, wo Hautoberflächen ...

Hautfaltendermatitis (Intertrigo) (engl. below)
Eine Hautfaltendermatitis entsteht an Lokalisationen, wo Hautoberflächen eng aneinander liegen. Bestimmte Rassen (wie Englische/Französische Bulldoggen, Shar-Peis, Perserkatzen), welche auf starke Hautfaltenbildung oder anatomische Defekte gezüchtet werden, sind prädisponiert. Hautfalten, welche aneinander reiben, verursachen eine Irritation und schlechte Luftzirkulation im betroffenen Bereich. Feuchtigkeit, Drüsensekrete und -exkrete (wie Tränen, Speichel, Urin) verursachen ein Milieu, in welchem Bakterien und Hefepilze sich schnell vermehren können. Gesichtsfalten-Intertrigo betrifft brachycephale Rassen (zum Beispiel Pekinese, Englische/Französische Bulldogge, Mops, Perser- und Himalaya Katze). Die Hautfalten können auch an der Hornhaut des Auges reiben und Hornhautentzündungen sowie -ulzerationen verursachen. Lippenfalten-Intertrigo kommt bei Hunden mit großen Lippenfalten vor. Von einer Körperfalten-Intertrigo sind hauptsächlich adipöse Tiere und Shar-Peis betroffen. Übergewichtige Hündinnen mit einer infantilen V***a können eine V***afalten-Intertrigo und dadurch verursachte aufsteigende Harninfektionen entwickeln. Schwanzfalten-Intertrigo entsteht durch einen korkenzieherartigen Schwanz, welcher auf die Haut am Perineum drückt. Rassen, welche diese Schwanzform haben (wie Englische/Französische Bulldogge, Mops, Boston Terrier) können davon betroffen sein. Um eine Hautfaltendermatitis langfristig erfolgreich therapieren zu können, muss die Entzündung behandelt und das Aneinanderliegen der Hautfalten behoben werden. Adipöse Tiere sollten Gewicht reduzieren, bei manchen Tieren müssen die Hautfalten chirurgisch gestrafft werden. Regelmäßige Reinigung der Hautfalten mit Tüchern und Shampoos, welche medizinische Wirkstoffe gegen die Sekundärinfektion mit Bakterien und/oder Hefepilzen enthalten, sowie mit antiseborrhoischen (die Talgproduktion hemmenden) Produkten sind wichtige therapeutische Maßnahmen.

Skin fold dermatitis (Intertrigo)
Skin fold dermatitis occurs in areas where two skin surfaces lie close together. Certain breeds (for example English/French bulldogs, Chinese Shar-Pei, Persian cats), which are bred for pronounced skin folds or anatomical defects, are predisposed. Skin folds rubbing against each other cause irritation and poor air circulation in the affected area. Moisture, glandular secretions, and excretions (such as tears, saliva, urine) create an environment that favours bacterial or yeast overgrowth. Facial fold intertrigo can be seen in brachycephalic breeds (for example Pekingese, English/French bulldog, Pug, Persian and Himalayan cat). The folds may also rub against the cornea of the eye and cause severe keratitis and ulceration. Lip fold intertrigo occurs in dogs with large lip folds. Body fold intertrigo mainly affects obese animals and Chinese Shar-Pei dogs. Overweight bi***es with an infantile v***a can develop V***ar fold intertrigo and ascending urinary tract infections as a further complication. Tail fold intertrigo results from pressure of corkscrew tails on the skin of the perineum. It is seen in English/French bulldogs, Pugs, Boston Terriers, and other breeds with this type of tail. To successfully treat skin fold dermatitis in the long term, the inflammation must be treated and, in some cases, the skin folds must be removed. Weight reduction in obese animals is recommended, in some animals surgery is needed. Steady usage of medicated wipes or shampoos are important to remove the secondary infection with bacteria and/or yeast and local antiseborrhoic products can be used for cleaning of the folds.


Future Dermatology Meetings

On Thursday 16 of January at 19.00 CET there will be a free webinar with clinical case discussion, as a teaser for the next Eastern European Veterinary Dermatology Conference. This is the link to register: #/registration

The Eastern European Conference on Veterinary Dermatology will take place on 7-8 February in Podgorica, Montenegro. Click here to register: ESVD Eastern European Conference Montenegro . Click here for the draft programme:

Great opportunity!

Great opportunity!

Dear colleagues,

We are delighted to invite you to a therapeutic workshop with incredible international speakers, organised by Dr Luc Beco from 6 to 8 March in Spa, Belgium.

Please find the programme and registration form here:


🔔Don't miss the last opportunity! Have you ever heard about the Ulli Runge Harms Award before? 📌Well, this award aims to finance an externship for a highly motivated veterinarian in the early stages of their career in veterinary dermatology. 📌The externship will be founded by the European Society of Veterinary Dermatology and the training will be done together with a Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Dermatology.
📌The award is granted to an applicant to help fund a training externship of 3-6 weeks duration. 🔔 Deadline for application: 31st of January, 2025; 12 PM, CET 📌 For further information please check the following link: 📌 Application should be sent to [email protected].
Good luck!


You thought skin get thinner and breaks only with corticosteroids? Here is a kitty with skin fragility syndrome due to malnutrition!

Source: Suspected malnutrition-induced reversible feline skin fragility syndrome in a cat with congenital axial deformities

Check out full article:
Curious to know more about cat skin? In February I start online Feline Dermatology School, contact me directly if interested to know details😊


"Mange" is a general term for infectious skin disease cause by mites of the genera Sarcoptes, Notoedres, Chorioptes, Demodex, Psoroptes, and others. Mites are highly contagious. If a pet has mites, all other animals in the household need to be treated as well.

Share this graphic with pet owners, then click to learn more:


Little kitten born with mutation of the gene that responsible for holding epidermis and underlying skin together.

From: Independent COL17A1 Variants in Cats with Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa

See full article here:

Free webinar - antibiotics - important!

Free webinar - antibiotics - important!

We invite you to virtually attend World Veterinary Dermatology Day on Monday February 3rd 2025 ❗

Responsible use of antimicrobials in canine pyoderma: putting the new guidelines into practice

The increase in bacterial resistance and the importance of antibiotic stewardship are of concern, not only to veterinarians and the animals we treat, but to the worldwide human population. Dr. Loeffler's presentation gives us all sound updated guidance around the use of antibiotics in the treatment of bacterial skin infections. We need to incorporate these guidelines into our everyday practice.

Anette Loeffler DrMedVet, PhD, DVD, DipECVD, FHEA, MRCVS

Anette Loeffler graduated from Munich, Germany, veterinary school in 1994 and subsequently worked in mixed practice in Cumbria. She completed a residency in veterinary dermatology and a PhD on MRSA in companion animals at the Royal Veterinary College. She is Professor in Veterinary Dermatology and Cutaneous Bacteriology at the RVC and divides her time between dermatology referral clinics at the RVC, teaching and research. She has an active role in the referral hospital infection control and antimicrobial guideline activities, co-authored the recent WAVD clinical consensus guidelines on methicillin-resistant staphylococci in small animal practice and is currently Editor-in-Chief of Veterinary Dermatology.


Could be perfect image of self-induced feline alopecia and, for example, allergy. Except its not. Alopecia is spontaneous and congenital, rare case of ectodermal dysplasia🙃

Source: EDA Missense Variant in a Cat with X-Linked Hypohidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia

Check out full article:


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Bad Kissingen


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