AOE - Dr.Christian Torp

AOE - Dr.Christian Torp Since 2008 Dr Torp has been able to effectively treat horses without needles using his unique system called Acupuncture Oriented Energy Work (AOE)

I have been working successfully as a veterinarian for more than thirty years. At a very early stage in my career I recognized that acupuncture is an effective alternative and complimentary to traditional veterinary medicine, in particular for treatment of chronic diseases, but also for preventive purposes. I have been innovating and developing my work in the field of equine acupuncture ever since

. Acupuncture has proven to be a very effective therapy for all kinds of diseases ranging from navicular disease and laminitis to headshaking syndrome as well as for general problems relating to rideability and behavioral problems. Since 2008 I have been able to effectively treat horses without using needles and from there I have developed a uniquely new, non-invasive treatment method called Acupuncture Oriented Energy Work (AOE). I teach my AOE system in Seminars around the world and maintain my veterinary practice in Germany. Als Veterinär kann ich mittlerweile auf eine über 30-jährige erfolgreiche berufliche Tätigkeit zurückschauen. Schon früh habe ich die Akupunktur als wirksame Behandlungsalternative bzw. -ergänzung erkannt, speziell bei der Therapie chronischer Erkrankungen, aber auch zu präventiven Zwecken. Seither leiste ich auf dem Feld der Pferdeakupunktur innovative Entwicklungsarbeit. Von der Hufrollenerkrankung bis zum Headshaker oder auch bei grundsätzlichen Problemen der Rittigkeit oder Verhaltensstörungen erweist sich die ursächlich durchgeführte Akupunktur als nachhaltige Therapieform. Seit 2008 benutze ich zur Durchführung der Behandlung keine Nadel mehr. Der Anwendungsbereich hat sich vergrößert und eine neue Therapiemethode ist enstanden: Die Akupunkturorientierte Energiearbeit - AOE.

AOE beim Pferd, Modul 1: 17.-19.06.2022                            Modul 2: 09.-10.09.2022   Info und Anmeldung: https:/...

AOE beim Pferd, Modul 1: 17.-19.06.2022
Modul 2: 09.-10.09.2022

Info und Anmeldung:

Zytologie & Gewebe, Allgemeine Pathologie, Gewebsveränderungen, Parasitologie, Mykologie, Bakteriologie, Virologie, Toxikologie, Berufskunde, Anatomie Bewegungsapparat, Anatomie & Physiologie Verdauungsapparat, Grundlagen Akupunktur, Bachblütentherapie, Schüssler Salze, Phytotherapie. Nach Eintri...


Vetogether startet seinen ersten Online-Kongress. Es lohnt sich reinzuschauen:

1. Onlinekongress für Tiertherapeuten Schwerpunkt Bewegungsapparat 2021 eröffnet VETogether mit einem Onlinekongress der Extraklasse Namhafte Experten aus der Tierärzteschaft und alternativen Therapien geben sich ihr stell dich ein. Fachgespräche über die Entwicklung der Lahmheiten des Pferdes ...

Some feedback from an Australian student 😊

Some feedback from an Australian student 😊

AOE, so excited by the results so far!
Why is it so different? Becuase Dr Christian Torp has developed a way to find what is the problem of the Highest Priority for the horse. By releasing that Highest Priority problem, a whole lot of other problems dissappear.
The outsanding results have been so far from anything I could have expected that even my clients can see I am surprised!
Some of the results to date so far: joints that have been severely restricted for years now moving freely: every horse standing square, balanced and grounded; 35yo horse that can eat hay again, after over a year of not managing it; spooky and very difficult to handle in the wind becoming calm and friendly; cranky and not being able to touched in the flank area now happy and ok to be touched, nearly every horse more forward.
Most of the horses have only had 2 initial sessions, and Dr Torp recommends 3 or 4 so I can't wait to see what we can achieve.
AOE (Acupuncture Oriented Energy) does not utilise needles, instead issues are released using the concept of Quantum Physics as applied to healing.
Dr Torp is a German Veterinarian who studied acupuncture and traditional chinese medicine, this led him, over 30 years to refine his techniques and study other healing modalities.
If you are still reading I know you are as excited as I am, but maybe a little skeptical?! That's ok. If your horse is not improved 4 days after the first AOE session I will return for a second session for free.
Please ask any questions in the comments below. I am sure someone else will have the same question.


The point Ear base three o´clock is in my experience the most important diagnostic point in the horse. It corresponds to the back on the opposite side in the area of the lumbar vertaebrae and the sacrum and indicates stiffness and often pain.In addition it corresponds to the area of the caudal edge of the shoulder blade also on the contralateral side.Dissolving this blockade is achieved by treating the knee joint .
In this video the blockades around the ear base are not dissolved completly. The point 11.15 remains painful. The thought is to dissolve the blockade at the 12./ thoracic vertebra (In the film, is mistakenly 6/7. thoracic vertebrae).




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