Frankfurt Zoological Society

Frankfurt Zoological Society Our work is committed to conserving biological diversity and wilderness.

Our work is committed to conserving biological diversity and wilderness.


Frankfurt Spring School 2025 is in full swing! Our 32 participants have had an inspiring week, diving deep into key aspe...

Frankfurt Spring School 2025 is in full swing! Our 32 participants have had an inspiring week, diving deep into key aspects of conservation project management. From hands-on learning to insightful discussions, they’re gaining the skills to drive real impact.
Check out this week’s highlights!

KfW Bankengruppe WWF Deutschland Wildlife Conservation Society Conservation International KPMG Deutschland BioFrankfurt KfW, KfW Stiftung, Metzler-Stiftung

🇺🇦 Peatlands are among the most valuable ecosystems on Earth, providing essential services to both nature and people. Th...

🇺🇦 Peatlands are among the most valuable ecosystems on Earth, providing essential services to both nature and people. These wetlands play a key role in regulating water, preventing floods, as well as mitigating the risk of wildfires. They can store vast amounts of Carbon and by this are helping to mitigate climate change. The unique biodiversity of peatlands supports many species that depend on these habitats for their survival.

But healthy peatlands have more than just ecological value. The extensive mires, bogs and forests largely covered with water, particularly in regions such as Polissia along the Belarusian border in Ukraine, act as barriers. The dense, waterlogged terrain of these wetlands makes it difficult for enemy forces to advance, they provide a natural defense for Ukraine.

FZS has been supporting the protected areas in Polissia for over 20 years now. Since years we are engaged in restoring drained peatlands in northern Ukraine. Currently the rewetting of up to 15.000 to 20.000 hectares is under way in the Ukrainian Polissia.

Besides restoring peatlands, we support the protected areas in Polissia and the Carpathians with equipment such as fuel, spare parts and office supplies. This ensures that the protected area administrations can continue to operate during the war.

Support our work in Ukraine:
Read more about nature conservation in times of war:

🇺🇦 In  , we support outdoor environmental education programs since 2019 in 13 protected areas in the Carpathians.Here, i...

🇺🇦 In , we support outdoor environmental education programs since 2019 in 13 protected areas in the Carpathians.

Here, in the midst of wild nature, children learn through play why an intact ecosystem is important, which (rare) species live and interact there, and how everything is connected in the natural cycle. This is where the conservationists of tomorrow discover the nature of their country with their own eyes and with a heightened awareness of the special treasures of the Carpathian forests. At the same time, more and more children and adults are finding respite from war in the silence and vastness of the Carpathians.

Since the full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine, the constant threat to life, regular shelling, and frequent air raids have made it a rare moment to disconnect even for a few hours. Under such conditions, the work of protected areas in the field of environmental education takes on a new significance. It can help young people to heal emotionally and develop resilience by experiencing nature.

With funding from the International Climate Initiative (IKI), FZS is supporting 13 parks in the Ukrainian Carpathians to allow young people affected by the war to experience nature with all its benefits. We provide education-kits for parks with binoculars and other gear, establish places to stay for children, fund the protected areas to run children’s camps and buy off-road buses to take children in nature.

Support our work in Ukraine:
Get to know our team and work in Ukraine:

Франкфуртське зоологічне товариство в Україні // FZS Ukraine

 : We are looking for an Assistant to the Head of Communication (gn) to join our team in Frankfurt, Germany.This is a fu...

: We are looking for an Assistant to the Head of Communication (gn) to join our team in Frankfurt, Germany.This is a full-time position.

Your tasks will include administrative and organizational support, writing and editing texts for various communication channels, coordinating communication processes, event organization, and managing internal communication resources.

Apply Here:
Deadline: March 23rd, 2025

We’re off! Day 1 of Frankfurt Spring School sets the tone with introductions, key notes and the first get-together.Stude...

We’re off! Day 1 of Frankfurt Spring School sets the tone with introductions, key notes and the first get-together.

Students from 18 countries unite in an inspiring course to sharpen their conservation skills and amplify their impact—together, they're shaping a brighter future for our planet!

Stay tuned for weekly highlights and experience the FSS journey firsthand!

KfW Bankengruppe WWF Deutschland Wildlife Conservation Society Conservation International KPMG Deutschland BioFrankfurt , KfW Stiftung, Metzler-Stiftung

Today, we mark a grim milestone. Three years since Russia's full-scale invasion. Yet despite all the challenges, our col...

Today, we mark a grim milestone. Three years since Russia's full-scale invasion. Yet despite all the challenges, our colleagues in Ukraine are showing great strength and cohesion and our cooperation with the protected areas in the country has intensified since the beginning of the war.

For over 20 years now, FZS has been protecting nature in Ukraine, with the invasion our activities in the country turned into our largest project in Europe. We support protected areas and their expansion in the mountainous Carpathians with their large tracts of old-growth beech and spruce forests and we do so too in the north of the country, in Polissia, the largest natural floodplains in Central Europe.

From emergency aid for the protected areas at the beginning of the war, to the provision of daily running cost support with fuel and free of charge ranger car repair, to fixing leaking roofs and insulating buildings to reduce energy consumption: in economically difficult times for Ukraine, FZS provides rapid and direct assistance to keep the protected areas running in the country.

Our focus remains on protecting these species-rich landscapes in Ukraine. The large wild forests of the Carpathians store carbon and water and provide a home for rare animals such as wolves, lynx and brown bears and many forest dwelling bats and birds. Losing them would be a disaster for both: nature and people, who these days seek a break from war and almost daily air-alarms in the wild nature of the national parks.

Support our work in Ukraine:
Read more about nature conservation in times of war:

Франкфуртське зоологічне товариство в Україні // FZS Ukraine

🇩🇪 Gute Nachrichten für den Forschungs- und Naturschutzstandort Frankfurt: Heute hat der Magistrat der Stadt Frankfurt a...

🇩🇪 Gute Nachrichten für den Forschungs- und Naturschutzstandort Frankfurt: Heute hat der Magistrat der Stadt Frankfurt am Main eine Absichtserklärung beschlossen, die vorsieht, auf einer Teilfläche im östlichen Bereich des Frankfurter Zoos das Zentrum für weltweiten Natur- und Artenschutz zu errichten. Vorbehaltlich der Zustimmung der Stadtverordnetenversammlung ist damit der Weg für die Umsetzung des Frankfurt Conservation Center (FCC) geebnet.

Das FCC wird das Kompetenzzentrum für integrierten Naturschutz und nachhaltige Entwicklung. Es vereint Fachwissen aus Wissenschaft, Praxis und Gesellschaft mit dem Ziel, zur Erhaltung der biologischen Vielfalt, dem Schutz des Klimas und der Förderung sozio-ökologischer Entwicklung beizutragen.

Mehr zum FCC unter

📍Zambia: Through a COCOBA (Community Conservation Banking), community members can save money and access micro loans to i...

📍Zambia: Through a COCOBA (Community Conservation Banking), community members can save money and access micro loans to invest into conservation-friendly businesses. Enabling them to develop additional livelihood opportunities. The COCOBAS are managed and organized by community members, which receive initial training and guidance by FZS.

This initiative not only strengthens economic resilience but also reinforces the connection between conservation and community well-being. In Iyendwe community members have completed training to establish two new COCOBA groups.

But Cocobas are not exclusively about managing money: Often women are stepping into leadership roles, serving as Chairperson and Treasurer, breaking gender barriers, and creating new livelihood opportunities. Congratulations to the Iyendwe community! 🌱

Originally invented in Tanzania, COCOBAs are now an essential part of our community driven conservation across many FZS programs in Africa. Find out more here:

Nsumbu Tanganyika Conservation Programme

Tension is rising! Just 7 days until the 8th Frankfurt Spring School kicks off. Get ready for inspiring sessions, impact...

Tension is rising! Just 7 days until the 8th Frankfurt Spring School kicks off. Get ready for inspiring sessions, impactful discussions, and a whole lot of conservation passion! Are you as excited as we are?

Follow us and stay tuned for weekly highlights!

KfW Bankengruppe WWF Deutschland Wildlife Conservation Society Conservation International KPMG Deutschland BioFrankfurt , KfW Stiftung, Metzler-Stiftung

  : We are looking for a Student Assistant—Archive (gn) to join our team in Frankfurt, Germany. This is a part-time posi...

: We are looking for a Student Assistant—Archive (gn) to join our team in Frankfurt, Germany. This is a part-time position. Your tasks will include reorganizing and maintaining archive inventory, scanning and digitally filing documents, simple cataloging, and ensuring proper document storage.

Apply Here:
Deadline: March 2, 2025

📍Jambi, Indonesia: After 4+ years of dedication, the vanilla agroforestry program in Delima Village, Indonesia, is final...

📍Jambi, Indonesia: After 4+ years of dedication, the vanilla agroforestry program in Delima Village, Indonesia, is finally bearing fruit—literally! With FZS Indonesia’s support, farmers like Paiman are shifting from palm oil to sustainable crops, helping to reconnect Bukit Tiga Puluh’s vital wildlife corridor and create a healthier ecosystem.

In Delima Village, Jambi, vanilla plants are transforming the future of farmers, replacing monoculture palm oil with sustainable agroforestry, restoring biodiversity, and strengthening livelihoods. Some of the plants are now producing vanilla beans, proving that conservation and economic growth can go hand in hand.

Want to know how agroforestry is shaping a greener future? Read more here:

How can local communities help restore populations of migratory species while ensuring sustainable livelihoods? The Conv...

How can local communities help restore populations of migratory species while ensuring sustainable livelihoods? The Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) has just launched two groundbreaking reports that highlight the role of community-driven conservation.

📖 Community Participation and Livelihoods outlines guiding principles for successful community-led conservation.

📖 Potential for Community-Based Wildlife Management in Central Asia provides real-world insights into how community-driven initiatives can restore populations of migratory species.

The reports were explored in a webinar by CMS. Among the expert speakers was FZS’ Steffen Zuther, who co-authored one of the reports. Steffan shared the importance of local community involvement in conservation efforts, particularly in regions like Central Asia, where the Altyn Dala Conservation Initiative in Kazakhstan is already demonstrating positive impacts.

Access the reports here:
Watch the webinar here:

We are delighted to welcome six exceptional scholarship holders for Frankfurt Spring School 2025. A warm welcome to them...

We are delighted to welcome six exceptional scholarship holders for Frankfurt Spring School 2025. A warm welcome to them!

In 2017, the on Project Conservation Management was launched to provide students of biology & related disciplines with knowledge in operational conservation work. The course, which is run in collaboration with Goethe University Frankfurt and Frankfurt Zoological Society, covers topics such as project development, budget planning & communication.

KfW Stiftung awards six scholarships to aspiring conservationists from Latin America, Africa & Asia. During the program, the scholarship holders develop a project idea for their park, which is evaluated by a jury at the end. The best three projects receive financial support for implementation.

We are looking forward to the encounters, ideas & impulses that will emerge this year.

Frankfurt Zoological Society KfW Bankengruppe WWF Deutschland Wildlife Conservation Society Conservation International KPMG Deutschland BioFrankfurt KfW Stiftung, Metzler-Stiftung

🇩🇪 Radiotipp: ZGF-Kollege Maximilian Graefen spricht gleich bei "hr2 - Der Tag" über unsere Naturschutzarbeit in der DR ...

🇩🇪 Radiotipp: ZGF-Kollege Maximilian Graefen spricht gleich bei "hr2 - Der Tag" über unsere Naturschutzarbeit in der DR Kongo. Das Thema der Sendung: Alte Konflikte, neue Gewalt – Ostafrika ruft um Hilfe. Die Sendung gibts ab 18:00 Uhr bei hr2 oder in der ARD-Mediathek. 👇

Explosionen, Schüsse, Tote, Hundertausende sind auf der Flucht. Im Osten der Demokratischen Republik Kongo eskaliert die Situation, die Millionenstadt Goma ist unter Kontrolle der von Ruanda unterstützten M23-Rebellen. Ein Konflikt mit langer Geschichte breitet sich aus, afrikanische Staatschefs b...

🇵🇱 The Polish part of the Carpathians is home to one of Europe`s last remaining wilderness areas: the Wolf Mountains, bo...

🇵🇱 The Polish part of the Carpathians is home to one of Europe`s last remaining wilderness areas: the Wolf Mountains, bordering Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine. Three old-growth beech forest sites are now under strict protection in this unique landscape. They are small in comparison to national parks in the region, which can measure easily tens of thousands of square kilometers. But they serve as stepping stones for rare animal and plant species to move between the larger protected areas.

Besides the countless mammals like wolves, brown bears, Eurasian lynx, and beaver, these new nature reserves help relict wood-dwelling species from lesser known groups, such as deadwood beetles and fungi or arboreal lichens survive in the wilderness deep in these woods.

The three areas are located in the Low Beskids and the slightly higher Bieszczady Mountains. To protect the most valuable natural sites in this area, FZS works closely with the Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP), a Polish partner of the FZS-Wolf Mountains project.

Learn more and visit:

OTOP - Ogólnopolskie Towarzystwo Ochrony Ptaków

📍Poland: What if one decision could save an entire river?That is exactly what is happening in Poland right now. The Siar...

📍Poland: What if one decision could save an entire river?
That is exactly what is happening in Poland right now. The Siarzewo Dam, a project that threatened the Polish Queen of Rivers, the Vistula River, has been stopped. It would cause irreparable damage to critical habitats and endangered species. After seven years of campaigning, constant protest from environmental organisations and 140.000 signatures from all over the world, we can now breathe a sigh of relief.

The Siarzewo Dam was to be a key part of the E40 waterway, a gigantic infrastructure project that would create a navigable connection from the Baltic to the Black Sea with a total of 13 to 15 dams. This mega project threatened Polesia, Europe’s Amazon, the largest intact wetland wilderness on the European continent.

We hope that the Vistula will remain wild and free in the future with this first decision against the dam. The final decision will be made in spring. We will keep you updated!

Learn how organisations and members came together to help make this happen and sign the petition here:


 📍Indonesia: In August 2024, Baby Canur was born in the rainforests of Bukit Tiga Puluh, Sumatra. His mother, Citrawan, ...

📍Indonesia: In August 2024, Baby Canur was born in the rainforests of Bukit Tiga Puluh, Sumatra. His mother, Citrawan, gave birth in the wild, marking a significant step in efforts to restore Sumatran orangutans to their natural habitat. Now five months old, Canur is beginning to explore his surroundings, demonstrating key behaviors like playing with leaves and mimicking his mother—early steps vital for survival in the wild.

Rescued in 2015 from the illegal wildlife trade, Citrawan was rehabilitated by the FZS program: Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Program and released into the wild in 2020. Her adaptation and Canur’s birth reflect the success of this program, which has reintroduced over 200 orangutans into the Bukit Tigapuluh ecosystem since its inception. Baby Canur is the 24th offspring born to a released mother.

Sumatran orangutans are a keystone species, playing a critical role in maintaining the forest ecosystem. Protecting them is essential for the biodiversity of Bukit Tiga Puluh and beyond. Their protection is a collaborative effort involving Indonesia’s Ministry of Forestry, BKSDA Jambi, and the Frankfurt Zoological Society.

To learn more about FZS Sumatran orangutan conservation in Indonesia, visit:

📷: Endah WS/FZS


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