Free Range Stabling

Free Range Stabling We test different concepts of free range stabling and want to inform you about our experiences. It is the english site of "Offenstallkonzepte"

Our riding stable, Gut Heinrichshof, was newly built 2002 for dressage horses. At that time, we had 41 horseboxes with small paddocks. After one year, with increasing awarness for the horses needs and wants we start to rebuild one part after another. Today, we have only a few boxes for ill horses. Instead, there are 6 large free range stables, where the horses can live together as a herd. In 3 of

the stables we use computer-operated feeding stations, 2 other are built as paddock trails / paddock paradises. In addition, we have 3 small free range stables for two horses per stable. We want to share our experiences. Please look at our Website, subscribe to our free newsletter or buy one of our ebooks. Our aim are healthy and really happy and satisfied horses. Because of numerous requests we start 2015 our english site. Please apologize possibly mistakes. We are still working to improve our english :-)


Wallrodaer Str. 13


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