Who is the teacher of the upcoming Foundation Instructor Training clinic? If you don't know her, then here is an introduction to the U.K's only home grown Légèreté Master Teacher Catherine Marshall
"Catherine first qualified as an EDL instructor under Philippe Karl in 2014. She has since dedicated her professional life to training people and horses in the legerete system.
“Watching PK work a horse is a joy to behold. I understand how much work and experience he has put into developing this philosophy and am incredibly passionate about preserving and sharing it in as much detail as I possibly can. “
Now a Master Teacher, Catherine shares her deep understanding of Legerete and how to apply it to horses of all shapes and sizes at the Foundation Instructor Training course, where students of the course ( already instructors in their own right) are trained on their own horses in order to achieve the level required of licensed instructors of the EDL.'
Catherine is a remarkable rider and teacher who is well worth watching. She is in her element as she brings partnerships together and helps them progress. You can audit her with the team of Foundation instructors at the upcoming clinic, held at Naturally Light Equitation the 26th-29th September.
Get your tickets here https://legerete.co.uk/index.php/uk-foundation-clinic-dates-and-tickets/