Die Wahl der richtigen Rasse / des richtigen Hundes ist das A und O für das künftige Zusammenleben. Auch ich habe in den 15 Jahren meiner Tätigkeit als Trainerin für Menschen mit Hunden viele Teams gesehen, wo es im Prinzip nicht passte:
- Zu viele Hunde auf zu wenig Raum bei gleichzeitig zu wenig Zeit
- Trotz körperlicher Einschränkungen einen viel zu großen und starken Hund geholt, weil man doch immer diese Rasse hatte
- Sehr aktiven Jagdhund gekauft, sich aber kaum um die genetisch fixierten Bedürfnisse des Hundes gekümmert, weil zu aufwendig mit Kleinkind
- Hund aus dem Auslandstierschutz adoptiert, weil er auf dem Foto so niedlich und schutzbedürftig aussah. Das Angstbündel entsprach dann aber so gar nicht dem Ideal von fröhlichen Spaziergängen in der City
- u.v.a.m.
Alle meine vorigen Hunde musste ich irgendwann mal wegen Ballenverletzung, Kreislaufproblem usw. hoch heben und etliche Meter tragen. Das war kein Vergnügen bei im Schnitt 25 kg-Exemplaren, zumal wenn sie schlaff in den Armen liegen.
Für mich steht fest, dass ich nach 28 Jahren mit großen Hunden an meiner Seite ab nächstem Jahr auf alle Fälle einen klein(er)en Hund haben möchte.
Das sagt mir mein Verstand, schon um des Hundes Willen. ;-)
Please get a dog who is a good fit for you.
It's not a pleasant post but a necessary one. Many of the "behaviour" and "training" issues we come across would not be issues if people had made different choices. I certainly don't mean to sound judgemental here, but with over a decade and a half of working with dogs and their people, I've seen a fair number of cases where people choose the wrong dog or type of dog for their lifestyle.
Some examples
Someone with 8 dogs. They didn't all get along, and the person was out of the house for 10 hours a day, 5 days a week. Some of their dogs were crated the full time, every time, they were out the house. Too many dogs, not enough space and time.
A retired couple who bought two giant breed dogs because "they had always had them." They did not training until the dogs were over a year old and over 60kg. Now reactive to other dogs and they couldn't physically control them.
A family with a working gundog breed. All the gear, no idea. They wanted to dog as a fashion accessory. No outlet for the dog's working needs, the dog couldn't settle as a result, so was now excluded, 20 + hours a day in the utility room. They had money and time, just not the inclination to take care of the dogs needs.
I don't think everyone has the lifestyle for a dog and I certainly don't think every person is suited to every type/breed of dog. When I'm in my 70s, despite being active and physically fit, I'll likely choose a smaller dog. If I live beyond that, I certainly will.
Ask yourself
Do you know what this dog was bred for? Cam you meet some of those needs?
Border collies and springer spaniels were bred to be active, throwing a ball repeatedly as theor exercise is not meeting their needs though.
Are you physically capable of controlling this dog if you need to? If you struggle to carry your shopping 10m from the car to the house, a 45kg labrador or German Shepherd isn't a good choice for you UNLESS your training is consistent and reliable.
Do you have the time in your life to train your dog (and no, exclusion and crating is not the answer to this)? Do you have the knowledge to do so? Or the willingness to learn? This takes time and effort and sometimes money.
Clients of mine years ago complained about the cost of lessons. The woman came to every session with false nails and the guy regularly went on weekend golfing trips with his pals (they were expensive from the description) but neither of them were willing to sacrifice their luxuries for a few months to help their dog (because what would their friends say?)
Who suffers as a result of all this? The dog. They get rehomed. They get ignored or excluded. They may develop destructive behaviours. They become fodder for some 🤡 to slap a shock collar or noose on the dog and hurt them for living.
Many people can have a dog, few (if any) can have any dog.
Having said all of the above, we work with truly amazing clients week in, week out, who rise to the occasion. They change attitudes, invest time and effort into understanding their dogs AND meeting their needs. We get feedback that working with us has not only helped improve their dog relationship but a greater understanding of behaviour has filtered into other aspects of their lives. The learned, adapted, overcame. It's truly awesome to behold.
Please choose wisely. Our dogs deserve it.