
Fairyhounds-Otterhounds Eine alte englische Hunderasse, um deren Erhaltung und Fortbestand wir uns bemühen.


Breed Priorities – Otterhound
By Nikki Riggsbee

The Otterhound traces its roots back to medieval England. They were initially developed as hunting dogs to catch otters in rivers, ponds, streams. The otters were valued for their fur, meat, and oil and also competed with people for fish. Otterhounds were so successful that otters nearly went extinct and hunting them is now against the law.

The first mention of Otterhounds in written records dates back to the reign of Henry II in the 12th century. Further development occurred in the 1700s and 1800s to improve scenting ability, endurance, tracking, and swimming. Otterhounds resembling the current breed were found in the North-West of England in the first half of the 19th century. Later there were some outcrosses to French Griffons and later to a Griffon Nivernais and a Grand Griffon/Vendéen/Bloodhound cross.

In an early twentieth century book on dogs, an Otterhound needed the following to do its job: “a Bulldog’s courage, a Newfoundland’s strength in water, a Pointer’s nose, a Retriever’s sagacity, the stamina of a Foxhound, the patience of a Beagle, and the intelligence of a Collie.” Otterhound hunting and packs were never as popular as fox hunting and Foxhounds in Great Britain, but what there was, unfortunately was decimated by World War II. Only a couple of packs survived, and they lost their jobs when otter hunting was banned in Great Britain in the later twentieth century...continue reading: http://caninechronicle.com/?p=284174


This is an X-ray of a 2 week old puppy, it really shows how far the bones 🦴 have to grow before they become a proper joint! 😮

🐶 Puppy exercise is sooo important as young dogs undergo significant physical changes.

🐶 Most growth takes place between the ages of 4 to 8 months however, in some large/giant dog breeds the growth plates may remain open up to 18-20 months!

🐶 There is no question that puppies LOVE to exercise & we want nothing more than to make them happy BUT puppy exercise limits MUST be applied to prevent damage to the puppy’s developing skeletal 🦴 system.

So here’s a guide to help; ⬇️

🐶 Over-training, such as long-distance running, is unhealthy for young dogs and the benefits are minimal. Some dogs are driven to exercise and, as owners, we feel we are doing them a service by giving them what they want...
So... what is enough?🤔

Appropriate Puppy Exercise 0-6mths

🐾 Walking – slow, short walks up to 30 mins, with plenty of opportunities for your puppy to stop & sniff sniff sniff

🐾Formal skills training – sit, stay, down, touch – no more than 2 mins per session.

🐾Free play – no more than 10 mins; discourage rough play, such as body slamming.

🐾 Chasing objects – roll balls and drag toys along the ground. Avoid repetitive ball throwing & chasing.

🐾Tugging – do not pull against the dog – hold the toy and let the puppy pull against you; keep the toy low, to maintain the puppy’s neck in a straight line with its back.

🐾Avoid – direct running 👎 , jumping, indoor/outdoor stairs, fast turns, sudden stops like chasing a ball! 🎾

🐾Young puppies, up to six months, should not be exercised with the intent to increase strength or endurance. These puppies should be allowed to play naturally, i.e. self-directed play.

🐾 Jumping is often encouraged, with little understanding of the damage it can cause a young pup. Do not allow your puppy up on high objects without good supervision and assist them when getting down.

We hope you share this with all your friends, students & puppy owners - Let’s spread the word and make positive changes 👍🏼👍🏼


Jula, meine erste Otterhündin mit 2 ihrer Söhne vor 12 Jahren. Inzwischen sind alle wieder vereint im Himmel oder wo auc...

Jula, meine erste Otterhündin mit 2 ihrer Söhne vor 12 Jahren. Inzwischen sind alle wieder vereint im Himmel oder wo auch immer.

Frisch gebadet und geföhnt.

Frisch gebadet und geföhnt.


So eine Otterhound Hündin ist eine sooo geduldige Spielkameradin.


Guck mal

Otterhound Greta und Dackeline Phryne - ein tolles Gespann.

Otterhound Greta und Dackeline Phryne - ein tolles Gespann.


Zeig uns Deinen Liebling auf 4 Pfoten!

Kuschelig so ein Otterhound.

Kuschelig so ein Otterhound.

Wie die Zeit vergeht. Ein eingespieltes Team mittlerweile.

Wie die Zeit vergeht. Ein eingespieltes Team mittlerweile.

Unsere Dackeline ist da. Süße 9 Wochen alt und Greta ist eine Supertante. Irgendwie passen Otterhounds und Rauhhaartecke...

Unsere Dackeline ist da. Süße 9 Wochen alt und Greta ist eine Supertante. Irgendwie passen Otterhounds und Rauhhaarteckel gut zusammen.


Nein, auch das ist kein Otterhoundwelpe, aber demnächst unser neues Familienmitglied. Eine Rauhhaarteckeldame. Keine seltene Kombination bei den Otterhounds - siehe Teckelgarth in England.

Lang ist es her: Ein altes Bild, ein uraltes Bild von mir und  Airedalewelpen!  aus meiner damaligen Zucht. Denn damit h...

Lang ist es her: Ein altes Bild, ein uraltes Bild von mir und Airedalewelpen! aus meiner damaligen Zucht. Denn damit hat alles angefangen. Und bis auf die Ohren könnten sie doch als Ottis durchgehen. Kein Wunder, denn die Otterhounds haben bei der Entstehung der Airedales eine große Rolle gespielt.

It's been a long time: An old picture, a very old picture of me and Airedale puppies! from my breeding at that time. Because that's how it all started. And down to their ears they could pass as Ottis. No wonder, with Otterhounds as an ancestor.

Windig...die Frisur sitzt!

Windig...die Frisur sitzt!


Ingelheim Am Rhein


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