Veterinary Medical Center Europe

Veterinary Medical Center Europe Welcome to the official page for the U.S. Army Veterinary Medical Center Europe. We are open Monday through Friday, 0730 to 1600.

We are closed the last business day of the month for inventory and also closed Federal holidays. Terms of Use

We welcome discussion and debate but always remember to practice Operations Security (OPSEC). Never provide information about yourself or family to those you don't know. All comments are monitored. We expect that participants will treat each other with respect. Comments outside of the ran

ge of acceptable use will be removed:...

• No graphic, obscene, explicit or racial comments or submission nor do we allow comments that are abusive, hateful or intended to defame anyone or any organization.

• No solicitations or advertisements. This includes promotion or endorsement of any financial, commercial or non-governmental agency. Similarly, we do not allow attempts to defame or defraud any financial, commercial or non-governmental agency.

• Details about an ongoing investigation or legal or administrative proceeding that could prejudice the processes or could interfere with an individual’s rights will be deleted from this page.

• Apparent spamming or trolling will be removed and may cause the author(s) to be blocked from the page without notice.

• No copyrighted or trademarked images or graphics. Images posted on the Facebook wall should be owned by the user. Exception is limited use of copyrighted material for educational purposes from which no one is attempting to profit financially from the reproduction.

• No comments, photos or videos that suggest or encourage illegal activity.

• No documents of any kind should be posted on this page.

• You participate at your own risk, taking personal responsibility for your comments, your username and any information provided.

• All information posted to social media sites will be unclassified. No FOUO (for official use only), or classified information should ever be posted. DoD Social Media User Agreement:


BLDG 2928

Allgemeine Information

We are open Monday through Friday, 0700 to 1600. We are closed the last business day of the month for inventory and also closed Federal holidays.


Montag 07:30 - 12:00
13:00 - 16:00
Dienstag 07:30 - 12:00
13:00 - 16:00
Mittwoch 07:30 - 12:00
13:00 - 16:00
Donnerstag 07:30 - 12:00
13:00 - 16:00
Freitag 08:30 - 12:00
13:00 - 16:00





Lassen Sie sich von uns eine E-Mail senden und seien Sie der erste der Neuigkeiten und Aktionen von Veterinary Medical Center Europe erfährt. Ihre E-Mail-Adresse wird nicht für andere Zwecke verwendet und Sie können sich jederzeit abmelden.



Terms of Use

We welcome discussion and debate but always remember to practice Operations Security (OPSEC). Never provide information about yourself or family to those you don't know. All comments are monitored. We expect that participants will treat each other with respect. Comments outside of the range of acceptable use will be removed:... • No graphic, obscene, explicit or racial comments or submission nor do we allow comments that are abusive, hateful or intended to defame anyone or any organization. • No solicitations or advertisements. This includes promotion or endorsement of any financial, commercial or non-governmental agency. Similarly, we do not allow attempts to defame or defraud any financial, commercial or non-governmental agency. • Details about an ongoing investigation or legal or administrative proceeding that could prejudice the processes or could interfere with an individual’s rights will be deleted from this page. • Apparent spamming or trolling will be removed and may cause the author(s) to be blocked from the page without notice. • No copyrighted or trademarked images or graphics. Images posted on the Facebook wall should be owned by the user. Exception is limited use of copyrighted material for educational purposes from which no one is attempting to profit financially from the reproduction. • No comments, photos or videos that suggest or encourage illegal activity. • No documents of any kind should be posted on this page. • You participate at your own risk, taking personal responsibility for your comments, your username and any information provided. • All information posted to social media sites will be unclassified. No FOUO (for official use only), or classified information should ever be posted. DoD Social Media User Agreement: