Dr. Claudine Anen - Equine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation

Dr. Claudine Anen - Equine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Konsiliartierärztin
Osteopathie, Physiotherapie, Rehabilitation, Akupunktur
Kooperation mit Arioneo, DIPO, VAHL

FTÄ für Pferde
Pferdeostheopathin und Physiotherapeutin nach DIPO
CERP - Certified Equine Rehabilitation Practitioner by Tennessee University

4th ECVSMR scientific meetingEuropean College of veterinary Sports medicine and Rehabilitation Catching up with old frie...

4th ECVSMR scientific meeting

European College of veterinary Sports medicine and Rehabilitation

Catching up with old friends
Making new friends
Excellent scientific program and Workshops
Wonderful social program including a boat trip on the Seine
and visiting the astonishing items of the incredible Musée Fragonard d‘Alfort

Vielen Dank an die FN, dass ich in der aktuellen Themenwoche die Fragen zu: ‚Pferde richtig antrainieren‘  erläutern dur...

Vielen Dank an die FN, dass ich in der aktuellen Themenwoche die Fragen zu: ‚Pferde richtig antrainieren‘ erläutern durfte!

Wir freuen uns auf euch 🤩

Wir freuen uns auf euch 🤩

Great research about these devices and there usefulness for racehorse trainers! Hopefully much more to come! ❤️

Great research about these devices and there usefulness for racehorse trainers!
Hopefully much more to come! ❤️

Thoroughbred racehorses are predisposed to successfully running a certain race distance, depending on various genetic, physiological or morphological traits. The trainer subjectively assigns the equine athlete to a distance, reassessing his choice according to the horse’s response to conditioning and success in racing.
Monitoring over 3700 training sessions with the smart wearable device Equimetre, we demonstrated that stride characteristics could successfully classify sprinters or stayers even prior to racing. Sprinters take shorter strides at higher frequency and cover furlongs faster during training sessions. Peak stride length in racehorses is also a heritable trait!
In human sport, sprinters train very differently to marathoners. Objective knowledge of a racehorse’s intrinsic quality could help tailor training and choose his fitness racing for short or long distances.

Les Pur-sang sont prédisposés à courir avec succès une certaine distance en course, en fonction de caractères génétiques, physiologiques ou morphologiques. L'entraîneur attribue généralement subjectivement à l'athlète équin une distance, réévaluant son choix en fonction de l’aptitude du cheval à l’entraînement et à son succès en course.
En analysant plus de 3700 séances d'entraînement avec le capteur connecté Equimetre, nous avons démontré que les caractéristiques de foulée pouvaient différencier avec succès les sprinteurs des “stayers” avant même qu’ils aient couru en course. Les sprinteurs ont des foulées plus courtes à une fréquence plus élevée et étaient plus rapides sur 200m lors des entraînements. La longueur maximale de la foulée chez les chevaux de course s'est avérée être héritable !
Chez l’athlète humain, l'entraînement des sprinteurs contraste nettement avec ceux des marathoniens. Une connaissance objective des qualités intrinsèques d'un cheval de course permettrait d'adapter son entraînement et de choisir avec précision sa meilleure distance en course.


Teil meines Praxis - EquipmentsSo können wir jederzeit den Fitness - und Leistungszustand Ihres Pferdes überprüfen sowie...

Teil meines Praxis - Equipments

So können wir jederzeit den Fitness - und Leistungszustand Ihres Pferdes überprüfen sowie Leistungsschwächen näher abklären 🏇

PRODUCT📱 - Learn more about EQUIMETRE VET!

🕵️ EQUIMETRE VET collects full-speed ECG with medical precision and simultaneously records heart rate, locomotor and GPS data for each working horse. It is scientifically validated twice, for heart rate and heart rate variation as well as for ECG quality and arrhythmia detection.

🌟 This access to a wealth of data allows researchers to target, study, and track a wide range of diseases, both physiological and locomotor. The use of data allows us to protect the health and safety of horses in the best possible way, even remotely.

For more information, please contact us: https://hubs.li/Q01pVj1w0

3rd ECVSMR Conference - even I am finally heading back home after an extraordinary time in croatia! But according to the...

3rd ECVSMR Conference - even I am finally heading back home after an extraordinary time in croatia! But according to the motto ‚a rolling stone gathers no moss‘ I will leave again tomorrow night for an acupuncture course 📚🙇‍♂️😀 **a

In 2015 I met this couple for the first time in our life as an emergency - I saved the life of this horse by colic surge...

In 2015 I met this couple for the first time in our life as an emergency - I saved the life of this horse by colic surgery. And now- 7 years later - they are performing high level dressage and are covering this international equine Sports medicine and rehab book!!! So proud of you Linda and Dancing Gi**lo ❤️

Day off and enjoying beautiful croatia before we get ready for the 3th ECVSMR Conference - European College of veterinar...

Day off and enjoying beautiful croatia before we get ready for the 3th ECVSMR Conference - European College of veterinary sports medicine and rehabilitation **a



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