Kleine Hunde SPA

Kleine Hunde SPA Cuidado de perros pequeños y spa 🙋🏻‍♀️


Pumpkin isn’t just for the spooky season. It’s also a year-round natural remedy for pets’ tummy troubles! 🎃👌

Remember: Always offer your pet 100% plain, pure pumpkin – NOT pumpkin pie filling.

Check out today’s free article (link in comments) to learn more benefits of adding real pumpkin to your pet’s meals.


Tips to Protect Your Aging Dog’s Brain from Dementia 🧠📉

Canine cognitive dysfunction (CCD), also known as doggy dementia, is a form of cognitive decline in dogs similar to Alzheimer’s disease in humans. 🧠🐕 Read today’s free article (link below) to learn more about the signs of CCD. 👇


The Magical Healing Powers of Manuka Honey 🍯✨

Manuka honey has extraordinary healing powers thanks to its naturally occurring compound, methylglyoxal. 🤩 This compound makes Manuka honey far superior in killing bacteria compared to other types of honey, effectively eradicating over 250 different strains (including certain antibiotic-resistant varieties). 🙌

Discover more about the healing properties of Manuka honey for pet wounds when you tap the link in the comments. 👇


Inexpensive to make, easy to prepare, and easy to digest, bone broth is the most intense healing food you can make at home! 🤎 🌟

Visit today’s free pet health article (link in comments) to learn more about the benefits of feeding bone broth to your pet. 🐶🐱


Squash is a fantastic option for pets with sensitive stomachs, and most furry friends love it as a meal topper or treat! 👌 Have you tried offering this tasty, tummy-friendly food to your pet? 🐱🐶

Check out the link in the comments to learn about how to serve squash to pets. 👇


Helado para perros🐶🍦
1 plátano
4 cucharadas de mantequilla de maní
12 onzas de yogur natural o de vainilla
Licue todos los ingredientes en una licuadora. Vierta la mezcla en el molde y congele durante aproximadamente dos horas antes de desmoldar y servir.
Guarde las golosinas que no se consuman inmediatamente en una bolsa o recipiente con cierre hermético apto para el congelador por hasta tres semanas.


A Disease-Fighting Pet Treat 🫐🥊

Blueberries are packed with antioxidants 🤩that neutralize free radicals, preventing oxidative damage linked to cancer, Alzheimer's, heart disease, and other chronic conditions. 🛡️Aside from their disease-fighting properties, research shows that dogs can benefit from their cognitive-enhancing properties. 🧠

Dive into our latest article (linked in the comments) to learn how adding blueberries to your pet's diet can improve their well-being. ⬇️



⚠️ Don’t Let Your Pet Go Near These Plants 🐶🐱

Foxtails emerge during spring and bloom in summer. They’re characterized by hairy, spiked appendages with sharp edges intended to attach firmly to passing objects or pets. ⚠️ These plant awns are dangerous because they can puncture your pet’s skin, causing horrible infections. 🚨

If you take your pet to outdoor locations where foxtails grow, make sure to inspect their body for plant awns several times a day. 🐕🐈🔍

Read today’s free article (link in the comments) to learn how to tackle this botanical hazard.


Naturalis BARF Select getrocknete Schwarze Lila Karotten Antioxidantien Superfood Flocken Anthocyane als BARF-Zutat zu frischem Fleisch oder als Zusatz und Ergänzung zum Tierfutter aus der Dose. 100% Natur ohne jegliche künstliche Zusätze.


Dispelling Avocado Myths 🥑🥊

Avocado has been considered toxic to pets because of persin, a compound found in the seed, skin, and leaves. But what if your furry pal is interested in the avocado you’re eating? 🤔

Don’t worry! The flesh of the avocado is safe for dogs and cats to consume. 🐶🐱👍

Learn more about the health benefits of avocados for dogs and cats (link in the comments). 👇


⚠️ Keep All Xylitol-Containing Items Out of Your Pet’s Reach

This toxic ingredient lurks not only in peanut butter, but also in many products, including ice cream, sugar-free desserts, toothpaste and mouthwash. 🚫

❗Here’s what to do if you think your pet has consumed xylitol: https://bit.ly/3RZQnBz


Start the year right for your dog with this nutritionally balanced, fresh meal right from your kitchen! 🐶😋

Get more FREE Meal Mix recipes from our Recipe Generator: https://bit.ly/3TFp6qi





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