JBL JBL GmbH & Co. KG - www.jbl.de - Ahead through research / Vorsprung durch Forschung - Impressum: http://www.jbl.de/de/impressum

„Vorsprung durch Forschung“

JBL gehört zu einem der größten Vollsortiment-Anbieter für Aquaristik, Terraristik sowie Gartenteiche in Deutschland, mit Sitz seit 1984 in Neuhofen/Pfalz. Heute beliefert die Firma JBL weltweit 60 Länder mit einem Sortiment von über 900 Produkten und über 300 Ersatzteilen. Rund 50 % des Verkaufs erfolgen über den Export, 20 % davon nach Frankreich. Auch heute, unter

der Führung von Roland Böhme, dem Sohn des Firmengründers, liegt das besondere Augenmerk auf der Forschung. Ein eigenes Gebäude auf dem 2,5 ha großen Gelände dient JBL als Labor, in dem in vielen Aquarien die Neuentwicklungen unter realen Bedingungen getestet werden. Sollten hauseigene Messgeräte nicht ausreichen, kooperiert JBL mit führenden wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen in Europa, um genaueste Ergebnisse zu erhalten.

🌡️🐠 JBL Aquarium Thermometer DigiScan Alarm 🚨Introducing our stick on digital aquarium thermometer, complete with warnin...

🌡️🐠 JBL Aquarium Thermometer DigiScan Alarm 🚨

Introducing our stick on digital aquarium thermometer, complete with warning alarm. The thermometer is easily attached to the outside of the aquarium by pressing the adhesive strips against the clean glass. The 4-piece Velcro sticker can be removed easily at any time if needed.

The water temperature is now transmitted very precisely to the sensor on the back of the thermometer through the glass. The display will flash to alert owners when the water temperature is below 18°C or above 28°C.

Take a peek: https://bit.ly/4fMA7gX

🌎🐠 myJBL Blog: How can I tell if it’s male or female? 👩‍❤️‍👨Sexing Corydoras catfish is relatively easy. In adult fish, ...

🌎🐠 myJBL Blog: How can I tell if it’s male or female? 👩‍❤️‍👨

Sexing Corydoras catfish is relatively easy. In adult fish, females can be noticeably larger and broader than males. But this is much more difficult to spot in young fish!

You can find more about Corydoras catfish here: https://bit.ly/49IC50k

🌊🔌   Aquarium: Reducing energy bills 👛Before making a purchase, it is crucial to take a look at the energy consumption. ...

🌊🔌 Aquarium: Reducing energy bills 👛

Before making a purchase, it is crucial to take a look at the energy consumption. And since aquarium filters run day and night, a lower wattage makes a *big* difference.

Equipment wattages can vary a lot. For a 300 litre aquarium, there are popular manufacturers whose recommended model consumes 24W, whereas the JBL CristalProfi e902 consumes only 11W!

For equipment that needs to run 24 hours a day, those differences can really add up. Choose wisely and your hobby will cost less than you expect.

You can find out more about energy saving measures here: https://bit.ly/3JoNQOL

🪱😋 Introducing JBL PRONOVO FEX 🪱🐠🥫 Freeze dried tubifex cubes in a handy tub - no fridge or freezer required!👌 The ideal...

🪱😋 Introducing JBL PRONOVO FEX 🪱🐠

🥫 Freeze dried tubifex cubes in a handy tub - no fridge or freezer required!

👌 The ideal food supplement or treat for all freshwater fish, crabs, crayfish, shrimps and axolotol.

💪 Tubifex are energy-rich and help to strengthen the immune system of fish.

Get the full info and find your nearest stockist here 👉 https://bit.ly/3HP8lBV

🪴🌱 myJBL Blog: Why do plants grow better with CO2? 🫧💭The discussion over whether planted aquariums work without CO2 is a...

🪴🌱 myJBL Blog: Why do plants grow better with CO2? 🫧💭

The discussion over whether planted aquariums work without CO2 is as old as the modern aquarium itself. One thing is for certain, aquatic plants do absolutely needcarbon for their growth.

Of course, aquascapes can work without CO2 injection, but the plants look much less vibrant in comparison and have weaker growth. Many plant species cannot be grown at all, limiting the available choice of plants as a consequence. Carpeting and red leafed plants are hardly ever achievable without CO2 🥀🍂.

We explain more: https://bit.ly/3KrBbuG

🎆🥳 New Year's Contest 2025: Take part now to win! 🥳🎆 JBL wishes you a Happy New Year and a great start to 2025! So that ...

🎆🥳 New Year's Contest 2025: Take part now to win! 🥳🎆

JBL wishes you a Happy New Year and a great start to 2025! So that you don't have to worry about water quality this year, you have the chance to win a unique chance comprehensive product pack worth more than €200!

Simply answer the question by 31.01.2025 to be in with a chance of taking home the main prize.

Good luck! Enter now: https://bit.ly/3ZWq3w5

🐟☔  Teich - Teilwasserwechsel☔🐟Im Normalfall wechseln Sie in Ihrem Teich kein Wasser. Der Regen füllt Wasser nach oder i...

🐟☔ Teich - Teilwasserwechsel☔🐟

Im Normalfall wechseln Sie in Ihrem Teich kein Wasser. Der Regen füllt Wasser nach oder in Trockenzeiten füllen Sie aus der Leitung Wasser wieder auf. Das ist zwar nicht ideal, weil Regenwasser Ihr Wasser immer weicher und damit mineralärmer macht, aber es ist die Realität. Das Auffüllen von verdunstetem Teichwasser hat aber auch so seine Tücken: Aus Ihrem Teich verdunstet nur reines Wasser (also H2O) – die Mineralien bleiben im Teich zurück und Ihr Wasser wird mineralreicher (härter). Wenn Sie nun regelmäßig Leitungswasser oder Brunnenwasser mit einer Härte X nachfüllen, addiert sich diese Härte zu der vorhandenen Härte des Teichwassers. Zu hartes Wasser wiederum mögen weder Fische noch Pflanzen. Daher ist es sinnvoller, einen Teil des Wassers auszutauschen, statt immer nachzufüllen.

Hier erfährst du mehr: https://www.jbl.de/de/themenwelt-teich-reinigung/section/131

🌱🦐 myJBL Blog: Are aquarium fertilisers with trace elements dangerous for shrimp? 😱🚨 Often, the alarm bells ring for shr...

🌱🦐 myJBL Blog: Are aquarium fertilisers with trace elements dangerous for shrimp? 😱

🚨 Often, the alarm bells ring for shrimp lovers when discovering that aquarium fertilisers contain copper.

But we are here to dispel the myths and provide some key background knowledge 🦸‍♀️😮‍💨.

🧪 Copper is an essential trace element not just for plants, but for animals too. Shrimp and other decapods utilise copper-containing proteins, called hemocyanins, for the essential transport of oxygen within the animal. Without it, the animals would die or would not exist at all!

But where do the rumors come from? Find out here: https://bit.ly/3AQzuyt

💧🧽 Top tip: JBL PROCLEAN AQUA Glass cleaner ✨Safe for fish. Spray directly onto the glass or cloth and wipe off. It even...

💧🧽 Top tip: JBL PROCLEAN AQUA Glass cleaner ✨

Safe for fish. Spray directly onto the glass or cloth and wipe off. It even removes limescale! 💪

Take a peek: https://bit.ly/3fdk12h

Photo credit:

😍⚙️ Is it possible for a CO2 regulator to be beautiful?! 🥹Our upgraded JBL PROFLORA CO2 REGULATOR BASIC is much more tha...

😍⚙️ Is it possible for a CO2 regulator to be beautiful?! 🥹

Our upgraded JBL PROFLORA CO2 REGULATOR BASIC is much more than just a cosmetic makeover! The new pressure reducer is precision milled from anodized aluminum, making it much lighter than other pressure reducers and it won't rust either. You can also adjust the CO2 supply even more precisely with the extra fine needle valve.

Full product info available here: https://bit.ly/3nyByZ7

🌍🐟 myJBL Blog: Colorful Lake Tanganyikan Cichlids - Julies 🐟🌍 Julies, such as Julidochromis marlieri, inhabit rocky regi...

🌍🐟 myJBL Blog: Colorful Lake Tanganyikan Cichlids - Julies 🐟🌍

Julies, such as Julidochromis marlieri, inhabit rocky regions near the shore. They are carnivorous and aggressive by nature. Tanks needs to be well structured, with many caves and hiding places to reduce aggression. With an adult length of 15 cm, aquariums should be at least 120cm long. Julidochromis may be kept in pairs or in groups of five plus, with more females than males. Since they are cave breeders, they choose to spawn between stones and under rock caves. If the aquarium is large enough, they can be kept with other similar large cichlids from Lake Tanganyika.

More about the fish from Lake Tanganyika here: https://bit.ly/404DyLe

🎬🍿 Watch: JBL PROCLEAN AQUA IN-OUT 💦👀✅ Complete set for partial water changes and substrate cleans✅ Suitable for all aqu...


✅ Complete set for partial water changes and substrate cleans

✅ Suitable for all aquariums of 30 - 70cm deep

❌ No buckets required

✅ Refill your aquarium straight from the tap

See it in action and discover just how quick and easy water changes can be! Work smarter this year: https://bit.ly/3zgcXdC

🌎😻 myJBL Blog: Corydoras catfish and their remarkable breathing abilities 🫧Any keeper of Corydoras catfish will have spo...

🌎😻 myJBL Blog: Corydoras catfish and their remarkable breathing abilities 🫧

Any keeper of Corydoras catfish will have spotted their fish swimming to the surface and seemingly taking a gulp of air on occasion. This is because they are able to absorb oxygen not only through the gills but also through the intestine. This makes it possible that Corydoras catfish are quite capable of surviving with the limited oxygen in still waters.

You can find more about Corydoras catfish here: https://bit.ly/49IC50k

⚠☔ myJBL Blog:  Heavy rain – watch your water values!👩‍🏫 Heavy rainfall can cause more problems than just an overflowing...

⚠☔ myJBL Blog: Heavy rain – watch your water values!

👩‍🏫 Heavy rainfall can cause more problems than just an overflowing pond.

⛈ Rain water is soft and will dilute the mineral content in your pond. The carbonate hardness drops and the pH value becomes unstable.

😥 In the worst case a sudden drop in acidity can occur, which will be fatal for your fish.

🧪 Test your water and take action if needed: stabilise the pH value and raise the KH with JBL StabiloPond Basis.

Full product info here: https://bit.ly/3rYQu4z

Continue reading on the Blog: https://bit.ly/3rXOedC

😲📣 Calling all community tank owners! 🍛JBL PRONOVO BEL FLAKES M takes into account various types of nutrition and offers...

😲📣 Calling all community tank owners! 🍛

JBL PRONOVO BEL FLAKES M takes into account various types of nutrition and offers your fish a wide variety of ingredients for a natural, healthy diet. The perfect food for all omnivorous and community fish 🙌.

What to know more? https://bit.ly/3UzfOuk 👀

🐍🐢🐸 Is your terrarium installed in the best place? 🤔 With a few exceptions, any spot within a house can potentially be s...

🐍🐢🐸 Is your terrarium installed in the best place? 🤔

With a few exceptions, any spot within a house can potentially be suitable for your terrariums. However, there are a few things to be mindful of before you make your final choice:

🌃 Ensure that your chosen room will cool down at night over summer, especially if you're planning on keeping temperature sensitive species.

☀️ And even sunny days in winter can cause vivariums to overheat, so ensure that they are kept out of direct sunlight.

😍 Don't forget to choose a position where you can both comfortably observe your animals and maintain the enclosure regularly without straining your body or risk damaging any equipment.

🦎 Head to the for full details 👉 https://bit.ly/3uUVQ08

🧹🌀 JBL PROCLEAN AQUA EX 10-35 🐠 🧼▶ Full product info: https://bit.ly/3ujUpXV💪 The small but mighty gravel vacuum cleaner...


▶ Full product info: https://bit.ly/3ujUpXV

💪 The small but mighty gravel vacuum cleaner for nano aquariums.

With one end of the hose in the bucket, manually start the syphon from the aquarium, then push the gravel cleaner into the aquarium substrate. The suction pulls dirt and debris up and out of the gravel!

View the complete Aqua Ex gravel cleaning range for all aquarium sizes here: https://bit.ly/38YiJF3 💦


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