We are looking for passionate riders!
Do you have experience working with young horses and a passion for riding? Do you love riding and jumping young horses? Then you are exactly who we are looking for!
Become part of our amazing international team! In 2025, we even expanded our trainer team to provide even better support to our riders. At Gestüt Lewitz, you will work closely with a team that supports each other and grows together.
Gestüt Lewitz offers you the unique opportunity to develop as a dedicated and professional rider. You will ride and train high-quality young horses – stallions, mares, and geldings aged 3 to 5 years. A varied and exciting role awaits you.
Our professional office team is ready to take care of all bureaucratic hurdles and assist you with your applications. With our support, you can focus entirely on your career as a rider.
Interested? Then please send us your resume, videos of you riding, and your phone number by email to:
[email protected]
We look forward to getting to know you!
Liebe Freunde des Gestüts Lewitz,
ein aufregendes Jahr liegt hinter uns, und wir möchten die Gelegenheit nutzen, von Herzen Danke zu sagen. Danke an unsere Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter für ihren unermüdlichen Einsatz, an unsere Kundinnen und Kunden für ihr Vertrauen und an unsere Partner für die zuverlässige Zusammenarbeit. Gemeinsam haben wir das Jahr 2024 zu einem erfolgreichen gemacht!
Für das neue Jahr 2025 wünschen wir euch Gesundheit, Glück und viele schöne Momente. Möge es ein Jahr voller Chancen und Erfolge werden!
Frohes neues Jahr und alles Gute wünscht
euer Team vom Gestüt Lewitz 🎉🐎
🎄 Weihnachtsgrüße vom Gestüt Lewitz 🎄
Ein herzliches Dankeschön an unser großartiges Team, das dieses Jahr wieder alles für unsere Pferde und unser Gestüt gegeben hat. Eure Hingabe und Liebe zur Arbeit sind unvergleichlich und machen den Unterschied – für jedes einzelne Pferd und für uns alle. ❤️
Wir wünschen euch und euren Familien ein frohes Weihnachtsfest, besinnliche Feiertage und ein paar ruhige, wohlverdiente Tage! 🎅✨
Euer Gestüt Lewitz
#Dankbarkeit #FroheWeihnachten #GestütLewitz
Merry christmas from Team PS! 🎄
A great thank you to our incredible team, partners and customers! Wishing you all a joyous Christmas season! ✨
#schockemoehlelewitzhorses #fromthefirstvisiontotheperfectmatch
🎅 **Festliche Grüße vom Gestüt Lewitz** 🎅
Im Namen des gesamten Gestüt Lewitz wünschen wir unseren geschätzten Mitarbeitern, treuen Kunden und zuverlässigen Lieferanten einen wunderschönen Heiligen Abend! 🎄✨
Vielen Dank für eure Unterstützung, euer Vertrauen und euren unermüdlichen Einsatz in diesem Jahr. Gemeinsam haben wir Großartiges erreicht! ❤️
Genießt die festliche Zeit mit euren Liebsten und lasst es euch gut gehen. Frohe Weihnachten! 🌟
#GestütLewitz #HeiligerAbend #dankbarkeit
🎅 **Festive Greetings from Gestüt Lewitz** 🎅
On behalf of everyone at Gestüt Lewitz, we wish our dedicated employees, loyal customers, and trusted partners a wonderful Christmas Eve! 🎄✨
Thank you for your support, trust, and tireless efforts throughout the year. Together, we’ve achieved great things! ❤️
Enjoy the festive season with your loved ones, and have a very Merry Christmas! 🌟
#GestütLewitz #ChristmasEve #Gratitude
**🌟 Lewitz Stud is seeking Grooms – Join Our Global Team! 🐴**
Are you passionate about young horses and looking to advance your career in the equine industry? Join young talents from around the world and seize great career opportunities at Europe's largest breeding farm. We offer a professional work environment, regulated work hours, and fair pay.
**Experienced Equine Radiologist Needed at Lewitz Stud**
Europe's premier horse breeding stud is seeking a skilled Radiologist to enhance our clinic team. Join us for excellent conditions and a passionate, international environment.
We are looking for enthusiastic riders who have experience with young horses and a passion for riding. If you enjoy riding and jumping young horses, you are in the right place with us!
You will be part of a great international team that works closely together and supports each other.
Gestüt Lewitz offers you the opportunity to progress as a professional and dedicated rider and to ride and train young high-quality horses.
We have a variety of young horses - stallions, mares, and geldings aged 3 to 5 years old. So, you can expect a diverse and exciting task.
If you are interested in this position, please send us your resume, videos of you riding, and your phone number by email.
[email protected]
We look forward to meeting you!
We are looking for enthusiastic riders who have experience with young horses and a passion for riding. If you enjoy training and breaking in young horses, you are in the right place with us!
You will be part of a great international team that works closely together and supports each other. Gestüt Lewitz offers you the opportunity to progress as a professional and dedicated rider and to ride and train young high-quality horses.
We have a variety of young horses - stallions, mares, and geldings aged 3 to 5 years old. So, you can expect a diverse and exciting task.
If you are interested in this position, please send us your resume, videos of you riding, and your phone number by email.
We look forward to meeting you!
🇩🇪 Das Gestüt Lewitz, die weltweit größte Zuchtstätte für Sportpferde, sucht weitere Hufschmiedehelfer (m/w/d). Nutze diese Gelegenheit zur Weiterentwicklung und zum Aufstieg bis hin zum Schmied in einem professionellen Arbeitsumfeld mit geregelten Arbeitszeiten und fairer Bezahlung.
🇬🇧 Lewitz Stud, the world's largest breeding center for sport horses, is seeking additional farrier assistants (m/w/d).
Seize the opportunity for development and advancement to a farrier in a professional work environment with regular hours and fair pay.