Clickertraining für Pferde

Clickertraining für Pferde Hier erfahrt Ihr Neues über Clickertraining und Pferdeausbildung und könnt Euch mit anderen Clicke Training, Coaching, Online Kurs, Bücher und DVDs.

Dein deutschsprachiger Zugang zu Alexandra Kurlands Clickertraining.

We are going somewhere 💪

We are going somewhere 💪

Danke Kathrin Kienapfel et al. for adding  good evidence against the use of hyperflexion. I am glad it’s published in a ...

Danke Kathrin Kienapfel et al. for adding good evidence against the use of hyperflexion. I am glad it’s published in a prestigious journal. Hopefully it constributes to a change.

From the abstract:
“The analysis revealed that a significant majority of the articles (75% of n = 36; Z = 3.00; P>|Z|=0.0027) expressed concerns about the welfare of horsesworking in this posture. Parameters such as dressage training level, prior experience, duration,and method of achieving the hyperflexed posture did not influence welfare concern conclusionssignificantly (P > 0.1). Therefore, it appears that the practice impairs welfare regardless of how itis imposed. A concurrent assessment of the weight of evidence for performance benefits showedinconclusive results: approximately one-quarter of the studies showed benefits and one-quarterdetrimental effects, while the largest proportion (44%) showed no significant effect on performance.On balance, it appears that the costs associated with hyperflexed HNPs exceed potential benefits.”

The article reports a meta-analysis of 58 peer-reviewed studies investigating on dorsoventral hyperflexion of the neck in horses, a practice under substantial public and scientific scrutiny for the past two decades. The following databases were last searched on 28.05.2023: CAB, Google Scholar, Web o...


The English version of Anja’s online course on classical in-hand work is available now. I recommend it wholeheartedly. You can teach these lessons to your horse in different ways but it’s important to understand why you want to teach what and which criteria you select to get the benefits of the exercise.

I have to post the screenshot. It’s just too pretty not to. This year we made a lot of progress. Not all moments are gre...

I have to post the screenshot. It’s just too pretty not to.
This year we made a lot of progress. Not all moments are great. Sometimes, when something moves suspiciously in the bushes (such as Tino, our resident deer 🦌), I spend the entire lesson getting her to relax which she always does in the end. Also on this day, Tino made an appearance but since Graya had an equine friend in the arena, she remained calm and focused. When she is relaxed, we have the best rides. Relaxation and performance go together. Yes, you can force a stressed and tense horse into a half pass (some riders can, I can’t) but where is the joy in that? And it’s so harmful. On the other hand, you can flow effortlessly when there is relaxation and fluidity that is the result of a body that is aligned and letting go tension. Those short moments are blissful 🩷🦄

Fresh out of the pressWhite paper: Good welfare for Equids

Fresh out of the press

White paper: Good welfare for Equids

There are over 7 million horses, donkeys, and mules in Europe, playing roles in agriculture, tourism, sports, and leisure. How these animals are classified, whether as working or companion animals, impacts the protection they receive. This can lead to gaps in laws that leave their welfare unprotecte...

My highlight every summer 🤩

My highlight every summer 🤩

***Save the date***

The 12th international Workshop "Get the spirit" with Anja Beran takes place from 4th to 9th August 2025.
All this lovely faces hope we meet again on Gut Rosenhof!
The registration is open now - please just send an email to [email protected]

Here‘s an overlay from the video to compare the different height of head neck carriage and how much you can influence by...

Here‘s an overlay from the video to compare the different height of head neck carriage and how much you can influence by feeding position.

Slowly but surely ….we are getting somewhere! Super Blondie 💪

Slowly but surely ….we are getting somewhere! Super Blondie 💪

Little Blondie growing up 🩷🦄

Little Blondie growing up 🩷🦄

Malou training week 4. Building the saddle.Checking if she is ok with the girth.No problem 👌

Malou training week 4. Building the saddle.
Checking if she is ok with the girth.
No problem 👌


Malou 3 weeks
I am testing Alex Kurland’s Mounting Block lesson.
The aim for Malou is riding but before even thinking about that, we need to make sure that she is confident with a rider on a mounting block, next to her side and higher up than normal. We want her to approach this rider, align herself to the mounting block and eventually bringing the saddle to the rider.
In this session, I am asking whether she can yield her hips, shift her weight back and bring herself forward next to me on the mounting block.
She is still a little nervous in the strange environment. The other horses are in the forest next to the arena and comfort her a little.
She is handling it quite well, I am pleased. She also gets better with the mat.
Malou is owned by Gymnastricks and trained in collaboration with Giulia Gaibazzi, Equitazione in armonia

After 10 years of Feldenkrais lessons and 1000s of hours watching Anja Beran ride, I finally see an improvement in my se...

After 10 years of Feldenkrais lessons and 1000s of hours watching Anja Beran ride, I finally see an improvement in my seat 💪. Never stop dreaming 🦄

I can relate

I can relate

Au Portugal avec Nuno Oliveira (Dressage Magazine, août 1974)
′′ Pourquoi ne pas participer aux compétitions officielles ?"
Nuno : - ′′ La compétition ne m'intéresse pas. D ' une part, il détruit l'esprit du cheval en le mécanisant à l'extrême. Je suis intéressé pour essayer de comprendre le caractère du cheval, voir l'évolution de son comportement, créer quelque chose avec lui, et ces choses ne peuvent pas être jugées en ponctuation, parfois quand je suis avec un cheval, j'ai l'impression de ne rien savoir en matière d'équitation, que j'ai besoin de tout redécouvrir, et c'est ce qui est excitant. Dans la compétition internationale de dressage quand je vois les chevaux récitant leur leçon si parfaitement qu'ils ressemblent à des machines sans âme... ′′

When a horse arrives in a new environment you have to give time to settle in before even thinking about serious training...

When a horse arrives in a new environment you have to give time to settle in before even thinking about serious training. My friend has developed over the years a stress free introduction of new horses into a group. Malou spent the first few days near the other two geldings without direct contact. Then she introduced the boys to her one by one. With this system it generally takes 2 weeks to introduce a new horse into a group. This needs to be taken into account when you decide to send your horse in training at another place. We see the benefits because Malou is relaxed even though it is a strange environment and new horses. The training progresses well (also thanks to great preparation by Malou’s owner .hundefitness 🩷

Since May we have this beautiful 4 year old Quarter Horse mare with us. Loved, trained and owned by .hundefitness. It’s ...

Since May we have this beautiful 4 year old Quarter Horse mare with us. Loved, trained and owned by .hundefitness. It’s a great honor and privilege to receive a young horse in training especially from a professional clicker trainer who brought her beloved horse all the way across the alps. My friend and I are working collaboratively towards starting Malou under saddle this summer. We are confident to progress smoothly because Malou has received excellent foundation training, is confident and sweet and it will be very difficult for us to give her back to her mom at the end of summer❤️


Hind leg lifts to a target
Graya tends to drag her hind legs. They often lag behind, not carrying her weight and causing her back to drop. This is partly due to her hock arthrosis. Keeping her hocks bendable and strong is vital for her soundness in the long term.
I am using the pool noodle as a target for the hind legs. Initially, I would start with only one leg, e.g. ask for the right hind leg. When that works for both legs separately, I can ask for two legs consecutively (left, right, c/t).
With increasing speed, I will get a little hop from one leg to the other. This then develops into piaffe-like steps.

If you have introduced the pool noodle to teach Spanish walk, I advise using a different target for the hind legs to avoid confusion. I am teaching Spanish walk out of front leg lifts and forward. The leg lifts develop out of tactile cues from my hand shaping weight shifts, and only after that do I add a cue for forward. This creates a beautiful lift upward before the step as the horse learns to balance first before adding movement.

I got the chance to talk about Blondie’s cribbing study with Sarah Nickels. There are so many aspects to explore and I t...

I got the chance to talk about Blondie’s cribbing study with Sarah Nickels. There are so many aspects to explore and I think I only touched the surface as I am still exploring the consequences of the results. And it’s not only horses, of course. So many behaviors are explained putting some “blame” on the animal, pathologies of some kind. But when we look at it from a learning perspective, the whole story appears in a different light and opportunities open up.




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Clickertraining für Pferde

Clickertraining ist so viel mehr als ein Markersignal zu verwenden für Verhalten, die dir gefallen. Es ist eine Lebensphilosophie wie wir mit unseren Pferde, Tieren und Mitmenschen umgehen. Wir beginnen vielmehr nur die guten Eigenschaften und Verhalten zu sehen und sehen immer Fortschritte, weil wir gelernt haben auf die Details zu achten. Das macht uns geduldig und optimistisch.

Alles was ich über Clickertraining gelernt habe, habe ich Alexandra Kurland zu verdanken. Sie ist eine unglaublich positive, offene und großzügige Person. Ihre Arbeit machte mir die Klassische Dressur, meine große Liebe für die Arbeit mit Pferden, zugänglich. Dank Alexandra konnte ich verstehen und teilweise erleben, was Anja Beran so beeindruckend vormacht mit ihrer Pferdeausbildung. Von Alexandra und Anja zu lernen und dieses Wissen weiterzugeben ist Sinn meiner Online Präsenz als Pferdetrainerin. Die Kombination von Clickertraining und der Klassischen Dressur basierend auf neuen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen und dem alten und bewährten Wissen der Pferdeausbildung, die dem Wohl des Pferdes dient, nicht dem Gewinnen von Rosetten und Medaillen.

Mehr Informationen gibt es auf meiner Webseite und auf Instagram

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