Connemarapony Vereinigung e.V. German Connemara Pony Association

Connemarapony Vereinigung e.V. German Connemara Pony Association Wir sind Ihr Ansprechpartner in allen Fragen rund um das Connemara Pony in Zucht,Sport und Freizeit.

Neues aus Clifden

Neues aus Clifden

Agreed Statement - 15th January 2025

***Full steam ahead for the Connemara Pony Show (Clifden) 2025 after a joint agreement.***

In its centenary year, the annual Connemara Pony Show at Clifden is now set for its most exciting event ever. Over the past few months, detailed discussions have been ongoing between the Connemara Pony Breeders’ Society and a newly formed and independent Show Management entity on a potential path forward for the much loved Connemara Pony Show at Clifden. On the 12th of January, an agreement in principle was reached between both entities on how the Show (and related events) will be run and supported for an initial period of 3 years, starting in 2025.
At the recent AGM of the Connemara Pony Breeders’ Society, a proposal from the new entity for the transition and management of the Clifden show was outlined by the CPBS Executive Committee to the CPBS membership. The proposal was adopted by the membership and thereafter ratified by the newly elected CPBS Council.

The new independent show entity, known as ‘Connemara Pony Show - Clifden’ has a board of trustees composed of representatives from Connemara Chamber of Commerce, equine representatives, local political representatives, and community leaders. The Trustees, together with a dedicated wider team will assume full management and running of the show going forward.

“The Show, by adopting a more localised approach to its management, emphasises the importance of collaboration between both Cumann Lucht Capaillíní Chonamara and the greater Connamara Community. This partnership is pivotal in delivering a successful show in its centenary year. The CPBS acknowledges the Connemara Pony Show at Clifden as Ireland’s premier Connemara Pony event. We are confident that this new agreement will not only honour the legacy of this iconic event but also ensure its continuation as a cornerstone of not only Connemara but also Irish equine culture for many years to come.”

Daragh Ó Tuairisg - President - Connemara Pony Breeders’ Society

“Tá Coiste Taispeántas na Capallíní- Clochán 2025 ag súil le taispeántas den chéad scoth a reáchtáil i mí Lúnasa agus muid ag ceiliúradh 100 bliain den seó capaillíní sa Chlochán. Following successful discussions with the CPBS, our dedicated regional committee now look forward to delivering the famed Connemara Pony Show at Clifden for the benefit of the Connemara Pony community and wider region.”

Mary Coyne - Chairperson - Connemara Pony Show, Clifden Committee

This is agreed joint statement by:
Daragh Ó Tuairisg - President
On behalf of Connemara Pony Breeders’ Society

Mary Coyne - Chairperson
On behalf of Connemara Pony Show, Clifden Committee
Connemara Pony Show - Clifden
19th to 22nd August 2025
Queries to: [email protected]

ACHTUNG!!! Ab dem 01.01.2025 Änderung bei den Eintragungsmodalitäten für Connemarahengste. Auch Hengstbuch II Hengste mü...

ACHTUNG!!! Ab dem 01.01.2025 Änderung bei den Eintragungsmodalitäten für Connemarahengste. Auch Hengstbuch II Hengste müssen in Zukunft auf einer regulären Körveranstaltung vorgestellt werden. Ansonsten ist auch eine Eintragung in HB II nicht mehr möglich.

Information für die Rasse Connemara Pony:

Ab dem 01. Januar 2025 ist eine Anspassung an die Vorgaben des Mutterzuchtbuches in Kraft getreten.
Eine Eintragung von Hengsten in das Hengstbuch II ist ab dem Zuchtjahr 2025 nur noch möglich, wennn der betreffende Hengst auf einer offiziellen Körveranstaltung vorgestellt und bewertet wurde. Sollte die erforderliche Mindestnote für ein positives Körurteil und einer damit verbundenen Hengstbuch I-Eintragung nicht erreicht werden, wird der Hengst ins Hengstbuch II eingetragen. Es gelten die regulären Köranforderungen der Verbände.

Ulla Connolly (ZfdP-Rassesprecherin Connemara Pony)


Am 01. und 02. Februar 2025 findet die ZfdP-Winterkörung in Darmstadt-Kranichstein statt. Anmeldeschluss ist der 20. Januar 2025. Anmeldeunterlagen und Info

International Connemara Pony show. 20 + 21 September 2025 Germany Wickrath castle. Dont miss the date!

International Connemara Pony show. 20 + 21 September 2025 Germany Wickrath castle. Dont miss the date!


Ridden by Paul Lenihan, Park Cherry(5422) b.1971 by Marble out of the Carna Dun mare Dizzy (3892) being presented with the 1979 Champion Ridden Connemara Pony of the Year by Elizabeth Petch.
The Reserve Champion was Ashfield Bobby Sparrow and in third place was Currycahill Katie.
The following year Cherry won the All Ire. Chmp. Working Hunter Pony at Millstreet during the European Chmp. She also won the Royal Dublin Society W.H. Chmp. at Ballsbridge in 1980 as well as numerous other prizes all over Ireland in the early eighties. This brilliant and very special mare hunted with the Waterford hounds for five seasons.

Drei Connemarafohlen in der TOP Ten des Bayrischen Verbandes. Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

Drei Connemarafohlen in der TOP Ten des Bayrischen Verbandes.

Herzlichen Glückwunsch!


Lockinge Frederick,b.1988, by Atlantic Swirl X Faddiley Flora was bred by Hester Knight but spent most of his life with Diana and John Staveley where he sired beautiful ponies such as Eastlands Burnibrae , E. Harleybrae and many others. His outstanding pedigree include two superb mares in Callowfeenish Dolly 2nd and Grey Dawn Lassie.
A Happy 2025 from Tom, Macdara and Brian at Ashbrook.


Am 8.3.25 findet die nächste Körung des VPPH in Darmstadt Kranichstein statt.

Im April dann die DSP Körung für die PKS Rassen in Moritzburg.

Es besteht am 11.1.25 zwischen 13 Uhr und 14.30 Uhr die Möglichkeit zur Hengstvorbesichtigung. (35274 Kirchhain)
Wer diesen Termin wahrnehmen möchte, sollte sich bis spätestens Donnerstag den 9.1.25 in der Geschäftsstelle des VPPH angemeldet haben, per Mail oder telefonisch.


OberdorfStr. 8
Rod An Der Weil


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